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:If getKey(42) //press store:ClrHome //duh:Disp "Saving...",i //imaginary i:GetCalc("appvPIC",768)->A //appvar PIC created (768 bytes, for a picture) and stored in pointer A:Copy(L6,A,768) //copies L6 (buffer) into appvar (pointer A):Archive "appvPIC" //this is optional, won't delete in ram clears:End
:ClrDraw:GetCalc("appvPIC",Y0) //recalls pic from archive and stored in Y0:For(r1,0,767) //loops through all bytes in pic:{Y0+r1}->{L6+r1} //copies byte into L6 (buffer):End:DispGraph
:ClrDraw:GetCalc("appvPIC",Y0) //recalls pic from archive and stored in Y0:Copy(Y0,L6,768) //copies it into L6 (buffer):DispGraph