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Bonjour,ce serait bien effectivement que un concours se fasse sous ce langage, mais il n'est pas encore prêt.Il faudrait notamment que je programme d'abord la gestion des fichiers pour g85(sinon on ne peut pas sauvegarder).Il faudrait aussi que la documentation soit aussi en anglais (cela fait des mois que je n'ai aucune nouvelle des traducteurs)Si quelqu'un programmait un éditeur on-calc spécial pour le lua, cela boosterais le langage.Quant aux nombreux bugs, ils risquent de rester présent pour encore très longtemps... car je suis vraiment débordé.Pour programmer efficacement, j'ai besoin de 2 heures avant d'être vraiment efficace... et souvent il faut plus d'une heure pour résoudre un/des bugs bien cachés.Je ne sais pas quand je pourras programmer la gestion des fichiers, je vais faire mon possible ces vacances.
QuoteHi, It would effectively be nice if a contest was organized under the LuaFX language, but the language is not ready yet.First of all, I would need to program the g85 file management (else we cannot save).Also the language documentation would need to be in English (It has been months since I had news from the translators).If someone would make an on-calc Lua editor, it would definitively boost the language popularity.As for the many bugs, they risk not getting fixed anytime soon, because I'm really busy.To program efficiently, I need 2 hours before I'm really into it... and often we need more than an hour to solve one or many hidden bugs.I don't know when I'll be able to program file management, I'll try my best during vacations.If you're motivated to contribute to this promising community language, contact me via PM and I'll give you Veb's e-mail.Thanks for reading this.
Hi, It would effectively be nice if a contest was organized under the LuaFX language, but the language is not ready yet.First of all, I would need to program the g85 file management (else we cannot save).Also the language documentation would need to be in English (It has been months since I had news from the translators).If someone would make an on-calc Lua editor, it would definitively boost the language popularity.As for the many bugs, they risk not getting fixed anytime soon, because I'm really busy.To program efficiently, I need 2 hours before I'm really into it... and often we need more than an hour to solve one or many hidden bugs.I don't know when I'll be able to program file management, I'll try my best during vacations.
QuoteQuoteHi, It would really be nice if a contest were organized for the LuaFX language, but the language isn't ready yet.First of all, I would need to program the g85 file management system (otherwise we wouldn't be able to save).Also the language documentation would also need to be available in English (It has been months since I've had news from the translators).If someone could make an on-calc Lua editor, it would definitively boost the language's popularity.As for the many bugs, they aren't likely to get fixed anytime soon, because I'm really busy.To program efficiently, I need 2 hours before I'm really into it... and often it takes more than an hour to solve the one or many hidden bugs.I don't know when I'll be able to program the file management system, I'll try my best during vacations.If you're motivated to contribute to this promising community language, contact me via PM and I'll give you Veb's e-mail.Thanks for reading. Malheureusement, n'étant plus dans la programmation depuis fort longtemps et n'étant plus assez actif sur les topics à ce sujet, je ne pourrai pas vraiment aider.
QuoteHi, It would really be nice if a contest were organized for the LuaFX language, but the language isn't ready yet.First of all, I would need to program the g85 file management system (otherwise we wouldn't be able to save).Also the language documentation would also need to be available in English (It has been months since I've had news from the translators).If someone could make an on-calc Lua editor, it would definitively boost the language's popularity.As for the many bugs, they aren't likely to get fixed anytime soon, because I'm really busy.To program efficiently, I need 2 hours before I'm really into it... and often it takes more than an hour to solve the one or many hidden bugs.I don't know when I'll be able to program the file management system, I'll try my best during vacations.If you're motivated to contribute to this promising community language, contact me via PM and I'll give you Veb's e-mail.Thanks for reading.
Hi, It would really be nice if a contest were organized for the LuaFX language, but the language isn't ready yet.First of all, I would need to program the g85 file management system (otherwise we wouldn't be able to save).Also the language documentation would also need to be available in English (It has been months since I've had news from the translators).If someone could make an on-calc Lua editor, it would definitively boost the language's popularity.As for the many bugs, they aren't likely to get fixed anytime soon, because I'm really busy.To program efficiently, I need 2 hours before I'm really into it... and often it takes more than an hour to solve the one or many hidden bugs.I don't know when I'll be able to program the file management system, I'll try my best during vacations.