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=================================================================== c009 ====== CELTIC III PICARC EXTENDED COMMAND SET=============================================================================== uses the identity() token ====================================================================================| Code/Name | Command Description-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|00 | identity(0,"DATABASENAME",function,db_arg1,db_arg2)| | | DBQUERY1 | A nifty little function that allows many kinds of| | operations to take place with the PicArc database.| | The db_argument will vary depending on what you| | are going to do, but not by that much. Just read below.| | | | If function = ...| | | | 0 = Format this database. Just like anything that says| | "FORMAT", you lose all preexisting data if that| | file happens to already exist. This is not an undoable| | action, so take care. If the file does not already| | exist, it is created and then formatted. After you| | use this command, you will be able to work around| | with the file as a PicArc database. No arguments needed| | | | 1 = Append a picture file. db_arg1 will be the pic number| | you want to refer to. For Pic1, argument will be| | 1, for Pic9, it'll be 9. For Pic0, it'll be 10. Keep| | in mind that this command only appends Pic files. No| | insertion is available, so be careful on the order of| | Pic files you append.| | | | 2 = Delete an entry. Starting at db_arg1 = 0, this command| | removes the specified entry off of the database. This| | command is NOT undoable, so exercise extreme caution.| | | | 3 = Retrieves the number of entries in the database.| | | | 4 = Works just like function 1, except that this command| | will attempt to compress the pic. It automatically| | chooses the method of best compression so you'll always| | get the smallest entry that the application is capable| | of making, but using this command may be a little| | slower than its counterpart. All the other commands| | transparently decompresses compressed entries without| | much of a speed loss.| | | | 5 = Copies the entry denoted by db_arg1 to the graph| | buffer with the logic indicated by db_arg2.| | 0: REPLACE, no screen update.| | 1: AND, no screen update.| | 2: OR, no screen update.| | 3: XOR, no screen update.| | 4: REPLACE, the screen is updated.| | 5: AND, the screen is updated.| | 6: OR, the screen is updated.| | 7: XOR, the screen is updated.| | | | 6 = Copies an entry from the database as denoted by| | db_arg1 (starting at zero) to a Pic file as denoted by| | db_arg2. For example. to copy entry 6 of the database| | "FOO" to Pic1, do the following:| | identity(1,"FOO",6,6,1)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|01 | identity(1,pic_number,function,[arg_1,arg_2...])| | | TOGGLEPIC | This command takes Pic X (Pic0 = 10) and performs an action| | designated by a function number. If arg_1 = ...| | | | 0 = Copies Pic file to the graph buffer using logic method.| | arg_1 specifies the Pic file| | arg_2 specifies the logic code. The supported codes are| | | | 0: REPLACE, no screen update.| | 1: AND, no screen update.| | 2: OR, no screen update.| | 3: XOR, no screen update.| | 4: REPLACE, the screen is updated.| | 5: AND, the screen is updated.| | 6: OR, the screen is updated.| | 7: XOR, the screen is updated.| | | | 1 = Creates a new pic file using the contents of the| | graph buffer. Any preexisting picture will be replaced.| | 2 = Swaps a pic file between archive and RAM. If it is now| | in RAM, the output is 0, else it is some other number.| | 3 = Deletes a picture. This is not an undoable action,| | so be cautious while using this function.| | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------|02 | identity(2,"GROUPFILENAME")| | | GETPICGROUP | Outputs a list containing all the names of the pic files| | in the TI-OS group file. Each name is denoted by a number.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|03 | identity(3,"GROUPFILENAME",pic_name_in_group)| | | EXTPICGROUP | Copies a pic by name from the group and puts it into a pic| | file of its corresponding number. Any preexisting pic files| | are overwritten.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|04 | identity(4,"BINSTR",xPos,yPos,Width,Height,StartX,EndX,| | SStartY,SEndY,Pic#,Logic,TileSize,Update_LCD,2ByteMode)| STRINGTILE | | | See xLIB command "DrawTileMap" for information regarding| | the inputs. The only difference is that "Matrix_name" is| | replaced with "BINARYSTRING". For this, you supply a hex| | string converted to binary with the HEXTOBIN command.| | The Height and Width property of the command is used to| | provide a two-dimensional matrix feel to an inherently one-| | dimensional structure that is a string.| | | | If 2ByteMode is set to something other than 0, then the| | input string is considered words instead of bytes. This| | allows the user to use 4 hex ditgits (two bytes) per tile| | so up to 65536 different tiles can be accessed using this| | command.| | | | All other arguments function as they do with the xLIB| | command.| | | | As a developer, you should develop your tilemaps in hex| | and then use the HEXTOBIN command to convert it to the| | format required by this command. To edit this tilemap, you| | should use the EDIT1BYTE command while this tilemap is in| | its binary format.| | | | Note that any missing arguments will default to the value| | of zero (0) instead of 32 as in xLIB.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|05 | identity(5,"HEXSTRING",x,y,w,h,logic,flip,update_lcd)| | | PUTSPRITE | Works just like the xLIB command real(1,...) except that | | the Pic and the coordinates on that Pic file are not| | defined.| | | | Instead, a string consisting of hex digits is used to| | define the sprite as inline data. For example, if you| | wanted to draw a black 8*8 block at the top-left corner of| | the screen with XOR logic and drawn immediately...| | | | identity(5,"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",0,0,1,8,3,0,1)| | | | Useful for those that want to display sprites without the| | use of bulky image files.| | | | For large sprites, each byte goes LEFT first, then DOWN,| | so specifying "80FF0180000180000180FF01" would relate to| | such a perfect box 3 bytes wide and 4 pixels down.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Note that any missing arguments will default to the value| | of zero (0) instead of 32 as in xLIB.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|06 | identity(6,shift_number_of_times,direction,screen_update)| | | SHIFTSCREEN | Shifts the image on the graphbuffer a number of times in| | a direction indicated below.| | | | left : 1| | right : 2| | up : 4| | up-left : 5| | up-right : 6| | down : 8| | down-left : 9| | down-right : 10| | | | If screen_update is zero, the screen will not update.| | Otherwise, it will update.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|07 | identity(7,x_left,y_top,x_right,y_bottom,display_method)| | | DRAWBOX | Draws a box which corners are (x_left,Y_top) and| | (x_right,y_bottom) using a specified display method.| | | | Since this display method code is not complete, let's say| | that it is xLIB-compatible with the drawshape command,| | minus three. Add 128 to this number and the screen will| | also be updated.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|08 | identity(8,"HEXSTRING",Right,Down,LOGIC,UpdateLCD)| | | FILLMAP | A command that fills the screen with the same 8 x 8 tiles| | as defined by 16 hex digits. Along with the right and| | down shift arguments, this command makes scrolling| | backgrounds far easier.| | | | The hexstring, as said before, is 16 digits long, 8 pairs| | which makes up an 8 by 8 pixel tile.| | | | The right and down arguments determine how many pixels| | the filled map should be shifted. You can either choose| | not to shift or shift in either direction up to 8 pixels.| | Since the routine does mod 8, you can actually have these| | numbers increment and decrement bounded by -65565 to 65535| | so you should not actually have to test for bounds save for| | those already mentioned.| | | | LOGIC applies a method used to write the tiles to the| | buffer. 0=overwrite ; 1=AND ; 2=OR ; 3=XOR| | | | If UpdateLCD is anything other than zero, the screen is| | updated with whatever was just written to the buffer.| | | | Additional note: The bounds are actually -99999 and 99999| | and it'll still function properly due to how the custom| | float to integer routine works. This "bug" is not likely| | to be fixed. It's not hurting anything. It's safe. No one| | is gonna wait at a menu for as long as it takes to cycle| | through the routine *that* many times.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|09 | identity(9,x,y,w,h,Dir,Type,Repeat,LCD_update)| | ***NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET***| BOXSHIFT | This command shifts or rotates within a box-shaped area on| | the screen (and may be the whole screen if you want).| | | | x = top-left corner x, 0 thru 11. (each 8 pixels is a byte)| | y = top-left corner y, 0 thru 63.| | w = width of box object, 1 thru 12. Specifies byte widths.| | h = height of box object, 1 thru 64| | | | Dir : Each will have a basic direction followed by| | what you must add to it in order to perform| | a different type of shift.| | left = 1| | right = 2| | up = 4| | up-left = 5| | up-right = 6| | down = 8| | down-left = 9| | down-right = 10| | | | Type: Determines what type of shifting is to take place| | 0 = Keep bit being shifted in| | 1 = Shift in a black bit (for black backgrounds)| | 2 = Shift in a white bit (for white backgrounds)| | 3 = Let bit that shifts out reappar on other side| | (for scrolling backgrounds)| | | | Repeat: A number that repeats the shift operation as | | many times as specified. Cannot be zero.| | | | LCD_update: If it is a number other than zero, the screen| | is updated with the results.| | | | Notes: The routine does not perform clipping. All| | coordinates and dimensions must remain onscreen.| | | | Tips: If you don't update the LCD, this command is real| | useful for dynamically editing tilemaps by loading| | them to the buffer, using this command to edit them,| | then store them back to the pic file, all without the| | buffer ever being updated. The procedure is fast| | enough to be dismissed as a slight slowdown due to| | the BASIC parser.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|10 | identity(10,flag,[x,y],"TEXT")| | | DRAWTEXT | Draws text to the graph screen with the coordinates x,y| | using the small font. The screen is NOT updated. If you| | wanted to updated it, you should've used the Text() command| | instead.| | | | If you omit the x,y coords, the text is drawn to the last| | coordinate the previous DRAWTEXT command ended up. Does not| | line-wrap. It's your duty to do that yourself.| | | | If you don't want the text to be modified in any way, set| | flag to zero. If you want to modify, you should do addition| | to the value using these numbers:| | | | +1 = Draw using large font.| | +2 = Erase 1 row of pixels below the small font base| | +4 = Invert text| | +8 = Hex string is used in place of text to use font map.| | If you know the character's hex value, you can use it.| | Advantage: Get chars you can't access any other way.| | +16= Update screen anyway. Just a throwback.| | | | Example: I want to use the large font AND invert text| | at x=4 and y=8 using "THIS IS TEXT" as text.| | identity(10,0+1+4,4,8,"THIS IS TEXT")| | - or -| | identity(10,5,4,8,"THIS IS TEXT")| | [ note that the flags have been condensed ]| | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------