Author Topic: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)  (Read 16888 times)

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Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2011, 06:38:44 pm »
What happened was I had an error handler that made sure the X and Y coordinate never went off screen, but I forgot to check the width+x and height+y :D

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Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2011, 08:04:13 pm »
I realised a while ago, that BatLib always made real outputs in multiples of 2 digits (so sometimes there would be a leading 0), but I didn't realise that the calc would see 0100=100 as false. Since adding in the ReCode log(Text( function, I simply rewrote the code a little and now the outputs are not multiples of two digits. Also, I noticed in my latest demo release that a mysterious last digit was being read and output, so I fixed that (it was outputting that the number was one digit longer than it actually was). In the next release, those bugs won't be there :)

Also, BatLib will automatically run in 15MHz mode if it can. This means ReCode now starts in 15MHz mode if it can. Should I make ReCode start at 6MHz instead?

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Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2011, 01:03:16 am »
I managed to fix dim(54 so that it isn't buggy when reading the last database entry (or last line in a program). Pretty much, here is what dim(54 does...

Because it is easier to understand, I will use the example of reading a line in a program. Newlines are the token 3Fh or 63 in decimal. Setting the line byte as 63 will thus let you read lines in a program. If you try to read line 1, you will get the first line, 2 reads the second, et cetera. Before, since it wasn't exactly designed to read lines in programs, it needed a line token at the end of the file. Also, there was no protection against reading past the file.

Now, the command is fixed up so that if you try to read past the file, you get the last line and you do not need to waste a byte by putting a line token at the end.

In case anybody is curious:
41 is the space token (so you can read between spaces). This is useful if you need to separate words in a sentence ^-^
63 is the newline token. Useful for reading lines in a program
88 is the token for X which is useful for equations, maybe

For others, you can use dim(66, to get the value for a token

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Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2011, 05:58:00 pm »
Um, I found a bug with RecallPic in ReCode. The problem? Instead of typing in 78 (ld a,b) I typed 18 which caused everything to mess up x.x Just goes to show how 1 byte can cause a crash XD So, anywho, here is the fixed version...