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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #255 on: June 29, 2011, 04:48:26 pm »
What? Yet ANOTHER shooter?

Just saw those screenies... That is one sweet titlescreen! And those characters, too. Awesome font.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #256 on: July 09, 2011, 03:51:50 am »
Recreating the status bar is going to take... quite a while. To give the basic rundown of what is holding me up on that, I'm just gonna say that the entire status bar is directly drawn to the LCD; it's not buffered anywhere. And while I'm drawing it to the LCD, I'm using some of the spare cycles to perform these tasks:

* Character sprite rendering (done)
* Character / enemy bullet collision detection
* Character movement (done)
* Anything else I can think of stuffing inside the LCD's wait states while handling the elements I need to draw to the screen, really.

It's using these spare cycles that's eating up all my time, but I really want this thing to work right the first time around.

I would copy and paste the stuff found in the old iteration, but there's just stuff I simply won't or can't (without some effort) copy. If you took a good look at the code found in _drawlcd.z80 in the S2 folder of my old project (released as open source in this post) starting at around line 202, you'll sort of understand why I don't want to mess with it.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 05:28:14 pm by Iambian »
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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #257 on: August 12, 2011, 01:52:29 pm »
Added in the score counter as long as an (unused at the moment) kills counter. The player is able to move around on the field. There is a single black line in the middle of the field to serve as a test for collision detection, which works, but I have not yet removed that.

Also, the score display will display in hexadecimal (zero-padded to maintain length) if set from the menu options. This was originally designed to help me debug the game since the score counter is a perfect way to output values as the game runs. It's also a good way for the user to see through the cheap methods that I'll employ to make the score counter count upward at regular intervals.

Next on the todo list: Resource allocation for additional menus and backgrounds. Also have to do some sort of scripting and I've also got to reconstruct the bullet engine.

In the following screenshot, the scoring, hex mode, and movement is demonstrated. The score panel is not actually tied to the score, but is instead tied to the some of the internal game timer. This "some" part is seen clearly when the score is viewed under hex mode.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #258 on: August 12, 2011, 02:08:58 pm »
Yay for progress!

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #259 on: August 12, 2011, 02:45:40 pm »
Progress!! Yay
This used to contain a signature.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #260 on: September 20, 2011, 03:59:01 am »
To make a long story short, I spent all this time slacking off, working on a Celtic 2 rewrite, fighting with Vista until I decided it's time for Win7, pining over the loss of Celtic II due to missing the file while backing up, and reading the Temeraire series. If you haven't read that series, you ought to. Nothing's more awesome than re-envisioning the Napoleonic wars with dragons, but don't blame me if you start slacking on your projects because you're reading such awesome (okay, you *can* but only if you get the following line and find it hilarious: "Temerer! Cow?") But now that I'm done with the 6th book with the next one not due to be released for almost another year, I'm back to working on CaDan.

Save for a few things that I'm probably not going to miss until I cross that bridge, the side bar is just about done, so I'm off to deal with the bullet engine. Everything except for the line routine (since it's pretty much self-contained) has to be written from scratch since I'm going to use a different coordinate scheme to move and render the bullets. I am doing it this way so I can have myself the option of allowing bullets to properly clip, which solves a problem with respect to using bullets larger than 2x2 squares. This will also allow me to have bullets originate and fly off-screen and at my option, still allow bullets to bounce off the sides of the screen. I also plan on having varying velocities for bullets (not by much but still present) so you can fire off stuff at different speeds. Previously, there was only full speed and half speed (which was never really used). The whole velocity thing is only going to be done if I have enough clock cycles left over to do something like that. While I'm making these upgrades to the bullet system, I also plan on filling out the various bullet types, so you will have a bit more variety than the one pixel and 2x2 pixel blocks. I might also go with some graphical frills like having a bullet creation animation. That would be cool.

Certain details have yet to be worked out, but that's pretty much the plan of attack. The next screen shot I will post (which may take a while) is going to demonstrate what the new bullet engine can do. Since scripting won't be available yet, the patterns you see will be hardcoded into the engine for testing purposes.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #261 on: September 20, 2011, 03:15:41 pm »
wheeeee fun fun

best of luck feel free to rant to me when ever or pop ideas off me i may not have the best ones back but i can try to make some sanity of some of them :P (while going insane to try to implement some of my own....)

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #262 on: September 23, 2011, 11:13:10 pm »
Nowhere near done with the bullet engine. Instead, I'm working on the script system. Just enough so that I can get use it to run full tests on the bullet engine that I'm gonna be making. I have a specification of what I want of it so far, but at the moment, I suppose I could poll the people here to see if there's anything I might be missing with respect to the general purpose commands. Yes, the stage itself can shoot at you. And yes, this is what I'm going to be doing to test out the bullet engine. Bullets flying in from NOWHERE! Mwahahaha*COUGH*... Yeah...

Code: [Select]
Script system outline:

Internal notes:
Warning: Do not use the following for names of a script system command
"db", "dw", "end", "org", "byte", "word", "fill", "block", "addinstr",
"echo", "error", "list", "nolist", "equ", "show", "option", "seek"
These are reserved by SPASM

Naming conventions:
 rx = virtual register 0-7
 nn = 1 byte value
 ww = 2 byte value
 b  = Some value between 0-7
 s  = Some value between 0-15
Some names will have a more descriptive label for its use. If one is used,
read the description to determine the data's size.

- NORMAL EVERYDAY USE --------------------------------------------------------
000             | No operation. The script system halts on encountering this.
 NOP            | Used for filler or something.
001-008         | LOAD(rx,nn)
 LOAD           | Stores a constant (1 byte) into a register.
 2 bytes        |
009-016         | ADD(rx,nn)
 ADD            | Adds a constant (1 byte) with a register, then stores the
 2 bytes        | results back to the register. Affects zero and carry flags.
                | There's no subtract operand for this mode. Use a negative
                | constant for doing that. There is no add with carry.
017-024         | CLEAR(rx)
 CLEAR          | Sets a register to zero.
 1 byte         |
025-032         | AND(rx,nn)
 AND            | Do a bitwise AND operation between a register and a constant
 2 bytes        | and store the result back into the register.
                | Affects the zero flag. Does not affect the carry flag.
033-040         | XOR(rx,nn)
 XOR            | Do a bitwise XOR operation between a register and a constant
 2 bytes        | and store the result back into the register.
                | Affects the zero flag. Does not affect the carry flag.
041-048         | OR(rx,nn)
 OR             | Do a bitwise OR operation between a register and a constant
 2 bytes        | and store the result back into the register.
                | Affects the zero flag. Does not affect the carry flag.
049-056         | CPL(rx)
 CPL            | Inverts all bits in a register.
 1 byte         | Affects the zero flag.
                | If you want to do NEG instead, just CPL, then INC it.
057-064         | WAIT(rx)
 WAIT           | Makes the script system wait for the number of game cycles
 1 byte         | that is stored in a register. Remember that 24 cycles is
                | about one second's worth of time in normal gameplay mode.
                | You should be setting that register to some known value
                | before using this instruction. Feeding in 0 is using 256.
065-072         | CMP(rx,nn)
 CMP            | Performs subtraction between a register and a constant in
 2 bytes        | the form: register-constant. The result is NOT stored back,
                | but instead, used to affect the zero and carry flags.     
                | Good for use with conditional jumps.
073-080         | TEST(rx,nn)
 TEST           | Performs a bitwise AND operation between a register and a
 2 bytes        | constant, but does NOT store the results back to the
                | register. Instead, it's used to affect the zero flag.
                | Used when you need to figure out which bits are set in a
                | register, perhaps for conditional jumps?
081-088         | TRACK(rx)
 TRACK          | Output-only. Sets the given register to an angle that would,
 1 byte         | when used with the SHOOT command, fire a bullet directly
                | toward the player.
089-096         | SHOOT(rx)
 SHOOT          | Fires a shot at the angle given in a register. 'nuff said.
 1 byte         |
097-104         | SETSTATS(rx,nn)
 SETSTATS       | Stores rx to an external variable. If you need to define
 2 bytes        | your own variables, look in the code developer's guide for
                | more information.
105-112         | GETSTATS(rx,nn)
 GETSTATS       | Retrieves rx from an external variable. Again, if you need
 2 bytes        | to define your own variables, look in the code developer's
                | guide for more information.
113-120         | MULT(rx,nn)
 MULT           | Multiplies a register by a constant, then stores the least
 2 bytes        | significant byte (LSB) of the result back into the register.
                | NOTE: If it's possible, try to use the rotate/shift
                |       commands if you're dividing or multiplying by
                |       multiples of 2. It's much friendlier that way.
                | The most significant byte (MSB) is stored in "sta.overflow"
                | be accessed by the getstats command. Flags are affected as
                | follows: Carry is set if the MSB is not zero. Zero is set if
                | the result in the LSB was zero (even if the whole isn't)
121-128         | DIVIDE(rx,nn)
 DIVIDE         | Dividend (rx) / Divisor (nn) -> Quotient to (rx)
 2 bytes        | This is a slow operation. See if you can't use right shifts
                | instead.
                | The remainder is stored in "sta.overflow", which is accessed
                | via getstats command. Flags are affected as follows:
                | Carry is set if there is a remainder. Zero is set if the
                | quotient is zero (does not check remainder).
129-136         | INC(rx)
 INC            | Increments rx by one. Same as ADD(rx,1) but much faster and
 1 byte         | uses less memory. Affects only the zero flag, to remain
                | consistent with how the Z80 does things.
137-144         | DEC(rx)
 DEC            | Decrements rx by one. Same as ADD(rx,-1) but much faster and
 1 byte         | uses less memory. Affects only the zero flag, to remain
                | consistent with how the Z80 does things.
145-152         | DJNZ(rx,label)
 DJNZ           | Automatically decrements the given register and takes the
 2 bytes        | specified relative jump while the register does not become
                | zero that cycle. Just like Z80's djnz instruction, except
                | you can use any register.
153             | MOVE(rxa,rxb)
 MOVE           | Copies the contents of register B over to register A.
 2 bytes        | Register A is overwritten with B and B stays the same.
154             | SWAP(rxa,rxb)
 SWAP           | The values in register A and register B are swapped.
 2 bytes        | Nothing is destroyed in this operation.
155             | ADDRX(rxa,rxb)
 ADDRX          | Adds register A and register B, then stores the result
 2 bytes        | back into register A. Affects only the carry flag.
156             | SUBRX(rxa,rxb)
 SUBRX          | Subtracts register B from register A in the form of
 2 bytes        | rxa-rxb, then stores the result back into register A.
                | Affects
157             | ROTR(rx,b) / ROTL(rx,b)
 ROTR/ROTL      | Rotates a given register a number of bits right or left
 2 bytes        | (respectively). All bits that leave one side of the register
                | Immediately appears on the other side of the register.
                | Flags are NOT affected.
                | INTERNAL NOTE: Distinguishing between ROTR and ROTL is done
                |                with bit 7 of the data byte. (1=ROTL)
158             | SHIFTR(rx,b) / SHIFTL(rx,b)
 SHIFTR/SHIFTL  | Shifts a given register a number of bits right or left
 2 bytes        | (respectively. All bits that leave are gone forever. Bits
                | shifted in will always be zero.
| Flags are NOT affected.
                | INTERNAL NOTE: Distinguishing between ROTR and ROTL is done
                |                with bit 7 of the data byte. (1=SHIFTL)
159             | MULTRX(rxa,rxb)
 MULTRX         | Multiplies register A with register B, then stores the
 2 bytes        | LSB of the result back to register A.
160             | DIVIDERX(rxa,rxb)
 DIVIDERX       | Divides register A with register B in the form of rxa/rxb,
 2 bytes        | then stores the quotient to register A.
161             | ANDRX(rxa,rxb)
 ANDRX          | Performs the bitwise AND function between register A and
 2 bytes        | register B, then stores the result to register A. Affects
                | the zero flag.
162             | ORRX(rxa,rxb)
 ORRX           | Performs the bitwise OR function between register A and
 2 bytes        | register B, then stores the result to register A. Affects
                | the zero flag.
163             | XORX(rxa,rxb)
 XORRX          | Performs the bitwise XOR function between register A and
 2 bytes        | register B, then stores the result to register A. Affects
                | the zero flag.
164             | CMPRX(rxa,rxb)
 CMPRX          | Performs virtual subtraction between register A and register
 2 bytes        | B. Does NOT store the result anywhere, but the carry and
                | zero flags are affected as though subtraction took place.
                | Useful for testing conditions.
165             | TEXTRX(rxa,rxb)
 TESTRX         | Performs a virtual AND function between register A and
 2 bytes        | register B. Does NOT store the result anywhere, but the
                | zero flag is affected as though an AND function was done.
                | Useful for testing bits to see if they're set.
166             | JUMPNC(label) [+ or - 127 bytes in either direction]
 JUMPNC         | Sets the script's execution pointer to wherever you defined
 2 bytes        | the label only if the result of flag altering command prior
                | to this instruction stayed between 0 and 255 (carry flag
                | reset)
167             | JUMPC(label) [+ or - 127 bytes in either direction]
 JUMPC          | Sets the script's execution pointer to wherever you defined
 2 bytes        | the label only if the result of flag altering command prior
                | to this instruction crossed zero. (Carry flag set)
168             | JUMPNZ(label) [+ or - 127 bytes in either direction]
 JUMPNZ         | Sets the script's execution pointer to wherever you defined
 2 bytes        | the label only if the result of flag altering command prior
                | to this instruction was NOT zero. (Zero flag reset)
169             | JUMPZ(label) [+ or - 127 bytes in either direction]
 JUMPZ          | Sets the script's execution pointer to wherever you defined
 2 bytes        | the label only if the result of flag altering command prior
                | to this instruction was zero. (Zero flag set)
170             | JUMP(label) [+ or - 127 bytes in either direction]
 JUMP           | Unconditionally sets the script's execution pointer to
 2 bytes        | wherever the label is defined. Just like Z80's JR.
171             | NEWPOSRT(rx_angle,rx_radius)
 NEWPOSRT       | Changes the firing position from the center of the enemy to
 3 bytes        | radius away from that center at some angle, both of which
                | are stored in registers. ANGLE is between 0 and 255, and
                | RADIUS can be anything, just note that 90 is the length of
                | the longest possible line on the screen. Keep that in mind
                | so you don't clip.
                | NOTE: Position is reset to center after a pause, or another
                |       use of the NEWPOSRT command.
172             | NEWPOSXY(rx_x,rx_y)
 NEWPOSXY       | Changes the firing position from the center of the enemy to
 3 bytes        | some offset X,Y away from the enemy. You MUST understand
                | that Y is reversed (positive values move down, negative
                | moves upward). To obtain negative values of a certain number
                | you should CPL/INC it. Or store a negative number to the
                | register to begin with. The screen is 64 by 64 pixels.
                | NOTE: Position is reset to center after a pause, or another
                |       use of the NEWPOSRT command.
173             | USESPRITE(rx_resourceID,rx_locationID)
 SETSPRITE      | Sets a sprite found in resourceID to an active enemy sprite
 3 bytes        | found in locationID. resourceID refers to a place on the
                | current script's resource table, which should be set at
                | "codegen"-time. locationID refers to a number 0-3, which
                | refers to which sprite slot to use (there are four).
174             | JUMPTABLE(rx_offset,nn_table_length) \.db label1,label2,...
 JUMPTABLE      | Allows you branch to different routines depending on what
 3+n bytes      | is in a register. You MUST put the table immediately after
                | this instruction. Example:
                | LOAD(r1,0)      ;sets r1 to zero
                | JUMPTABLE(r1,4) ;r1 is the offset, 4 is the number of labels
                | .db Label_0     ;<-- Will be chosen, since it's the 0th one.
                | .db Label_1     ;Next label. If r1=1, then this is taken.
                | .db Label_2     ;Same, except if r1=2...
                | .db Label_3     ;And again... If r1=3...
                | Note: If r1 is a value outside the bounds, the table is
                |       skipped over and code beneath is will run.
                | Note: The labels are relative addresses, + or - 127 bytes
                |       in either direction. This makes it prohibitive to use
                |       very large tables. If you need to make tables that
                |       large, use jump nodes as intermediaries.
                |                 If you try to make it larger anyway, garden
                |                 gnomes will (likely) invade your home.
                | A typical use for this routine is retrieving the built-in
                | difficulty level, and then branching to different attacks
                | based on the difficulty, so one script does many things.
                | See how *you* can abuse this sucker. I won't be stopping you
175             | CALL(ww_relativelabel)
 CALL           | Lets you run a subroutine so you can save precious space by
 3 bytes        | not having to replicate redudnant code. The spacing for this
                | label is double-wide, so it can reach anywhere you need it
                | Endless loops and never getting back to the main code will
                | result. It's safe this time around to do a PAUSE or a WAIT
                | while you're in a subroutine, however. It's safe this time
                | around to do a PAUSE/WAIT combination while in a subroutine.
176             | RETURN   
 RETURN         | Exits a subroutine. Don't try to use this if you're not in
 1 byte         | a subroutine. Main script code all have exit points, and
                | using this command is NOT one of them. You might end up
                | crashing your calc or something.
177             | XYTORT(rxa_x,rxb_y,rxc_r,rxd_t)
 XYTORT         | Takes of the x,y coordinates found in registers A and B
 3 bytes        | (respectively), then uses the position given by the center
                | of the enemy in use (or whereever newposxy/newposrt has
                | changed it to) to output a distance and an angle in
                | registers C and D, respectively.
178             | RTTOXY(rxa_r,rxb_t,rxc_x,rxd_y)
 RTTOXY         | Similar to above, except it takes a distance and an angle,
 3 bytes        | then converts it to its corresponding x,y coordinates,
                | outputting to registers C and D, respectively.
                | The starting position is the center of the enemy in use or
                | wherever you changed it to via newposxy/newposrt.
179             | GETPLAYERXY(rxa_x,rxb_y)
 GETPLAYERXY    | Outputs the player's X,Y coordinates to registers A and B,
 2 bytes        | respectively. If you only need an angle, you should be using
                | the TRACK command instead. Much faster that way.
A Cherry-Flavored Iambian draws near... what do you do? ...

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #263 on: September 23, 2011, 11:15:54 pm »
I'm glad you're still around and working on this. Even though I don,t check the forums as much anymore I'm still looking forward for this.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #264 on: September 24, 2011, 11:33:38 am »
CaDaN TWTG (to win THE GAME)
This used to contain a signature.

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #265 on: September 29, 2011, 10:56:05 pm »
Current progress:

Made sure that most of the basic script commands work. So much FAIL happened that night when I started testing those commands, I was ranting and raving on an IRC channel someplace either on Omnimaga or Cemetech about how almost every command I tested failed. Hell, getting TO the script system was failing HARD. It got better.

I just started running tests on the bullet engine's integrity. So far, it does not crash when faced with a clean formatted table, which was a breath of fresh air given the recent history of failure. So maybe I'll have something to show for all of it sometime tomorrow or the day after. It'll look amazingly like the very first screenshot of the project so many years back, but the point is that things are going to get better from here on out (hopefully). Maybe instead simple downward moving bullets, I might just go ahead and demonstrate some script system niceness to make it look somewhat better. With circle patterns. There's things I can probably do with it. That was really the reason why I wanted to get the script system out of the way before I worked more on the bullet engine. I wanted to make sure it looked nice, but really, I just wanted to make sure that I have no dead test code sitting around like I did with the old CaDan.
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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #266 on: September 29, 2011, 11:02:38 pm »
Awesome!  I'm glad you're making progress.  Keep it up. :D

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #267 on: October 04, 2011, 12:35:00 pm »
I wanted to make sure it looked nice, but really, I just wanted to make sure that I have no dead test code sitting around like I did with the old CaDan.

yeah that was annoying lol made some things go wonky >.<

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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #268 on: October 16, 2011, 09:07:23 pm »
Bullet table problem fixed (FBT-related). Wrote up a test script below, and below that blob of code is a screenshot of the result. Remember that these bullets only move down.

Code: [Select]
 .load(r1,128) ;starting angle
 .load(r2,6) ;starting variable radius
 .load(r4,5) ;counter for increment
 .load(r5,1) ;toggle
 .load(r6,10) ;delay between cycles. Also hardcoded in routine
 .load(r0,2) \ .wait(r0)
 .newposrt(r1,r2) ;angle,radius
 .jumpnz(_)  ;cycle delay
 .addrx(r2,r5) ;changing radius

 bit fbt1full,(iy+stateflags)
 jr nz,SSSKIP
;Include and call ionRandom for varying bullet speeds when that test
;is about to be performed
 ld c,$20
 ld hl,freebullet1
 ld e,(hl)  ;1.READ
 inc (hl)   ;2.INC
 ld d,$8C
 ld a,(de)
 ld (ix+7),a
 jp p,$+7
 set fbt1full,(iy+stateflags)
 ld h,$88>>2
 add a,a
 ld L,a
 add hl,hl
 add hl,hl
 xor a
 ld (hl),CLSB(TestEBTShot)
 inc L
 ld (hl),CMSB(TestEBTShot)
 inc L
 ld (hl),c  ;acc/TTL
 inc L
 ld (hl),b  ;angle (allow to be uninitialized for now)
 inc L
 ld bc,(curpos) ;C=Y,B=X
 ld (hl),a      ;*.8 set to zero
 inc L
 ld (hl),c      ;8.* X position
 inc L
 ld (hl),a      ;*.8 also set to zero
 inc L
 ld (hl),b      ;8.* Y position. Finished writing
 jp r.runasm.ret
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Re: Yet another shooter
« Reply #269 on: October 17, 2011, 12:51:24 am »
Yay now i can start mucking around. and keep a change log of what is not working right in the current scriptsystem :P

for starters you documented or coded .newposxy (r.npxy in lib_script) and they are backwards x is y and y is x blah blah blah just pointing that out there :P