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#include <os.h>#include <SDL.h>#include "m7.h"void m7BuildLut(m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT]) { int screenRow; for (screenRow = 0; screenRow < M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++screenRow) { float cameraV = (((float)screenRow / (float)M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT) * 2.0F - 1.0F); float rayX = M7_VIEW_PLANE_H; float rayY = 1.0F; float rayZ = M7_VIEW_PLANE_V * cameraV; float intersectY = (M7_VIEW_HEIGHT / rayZ) * rayY; float intersectX = (M7_VIEW_HEIGHT / rayZ) * rayX; lut[screenRow].x = M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(intersectX); lut[screenRow].y = M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(intersectY); }}void m7LoadTex(Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE], ...) { va_list ap; int i, j, k; va_start(ap, tex); for (i = 0; i < M7_NUM_TEX; ++i) { SDL_Surface* surf = va_arg(ap, SDL_Surface*); for (j = 0; j < M7_TEX_SIZE; j++) for (k = 0; k < M7_TEX_SIZE; k++) tex[i][j][k] = nSDL_GetPixel(surf, k, j); } va_end(ap);}void m7Render(SDL_Surface *screen, m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT], Uint8 tilemap[M7_MAP_SIZE][M7_MAP_SIZE], Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE], m7Vec_t pos, Sint32 heading) { int screenX, screenY; for (screenY = (M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + 1; screenY < M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++screenY) { m7Vec_t map = lut[screenY]; m7Vec_t mapXStep = {-map.x / (M7_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), 0}; Sint32 sinHeading = m7SinLut(heading); Sint32 cosHeading = m7CosLut(heading); m7RotateVec(&map, sinHeading, cosHeading); m7RotateVec(&mapXStep, sinHeading, cosHeading); map.x += pos.x; map.y += pos.y; for (screenX = 0; screenX < M7_SCREEN_WIDTH; ++screenX) { Uint8 color = 0; if (map.x >= 0 && map.x < M7_INT_TO_FIX(M7_MAP_SIZE) && map.y >= 0 && map.y < M7_INT_TO_FIX(M7_MAP_SIZE)) color = tex[(int)tilemap[map.y >> M7_TEX_SIZE] [map.x >> M7_TEX_SIZE]] [(map.y & 0xFFFF) >> 12] [(map.x & 0xFFFF) >> 12]; map.x += mapXStep.x; map.y += mapXStep.y; M7_SET_PIXEL8(screenX, screenY, color); } } SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, M7_SCREEN_WIDTH, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2);}
#include <os.h>#include <SDL.h>#include "m7.h"void m7BuildLut(m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT]) { int screenRow; for (screenRow = 0; screenRow < M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++screenRow) { float cameraV = (((float)screenRow / (float)M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT) * 2.0F - 1.0F); float rayX = M7_VIEW_PLANE_H; float rayY = 1.0F; float rayZ = M7_VIEW_PLANE_V * cameraV; float intersectY = (M7_VIEW_HEIGHT / rayZ) * rayY; float intersectX = (M7_VIEW_HEIGHT / rayZ) * rayX; lut[screenRow].x = M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(intersectX); lut[screenRow].y = M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(intersectY); }}void m7LoadTex(Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE], ...) { va_list ap; int i, j, k; va_start(ap, tex); for (i = 0; i < M7_NUM_TEX; ++i) { SDL_Surface* surf = va_arg(ap, SDL_Surface*); for (j = 0; j < M7_TEX_SIZE; j++) for (k = 0; k < M7_TEX_SIZE; k++) tex[i][j][k] = nSDL_GetPixel(surf, k, j); } va_end(ap);}void m7LoadTexArray(Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE], SDL_Surface *src){ int i,j,k; for(i = 0; i < M7_NUM_TEX; i++) for(k = 0; k < M7_TEX_SIZE; k++) for(j = 0; j < M7_TEX_SIZE; j++) tex[i][k][j] = nSDL_GetPixel(src, j, i * M7_TEX_SIZE + k);}void m7Render(SDL_Surface *screen, m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT], Uint8 **tilemap, Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE], m7Vec_t pos, Sint32 heading, Uint8 mapWidth, Uint8 mapHeight) { int screenX, screenY; for (screenY = (M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + 1; screenY < M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++screenY) { m7Vec_t map = lut[screenY]; m7Vec_t mapXStep = {-map.x / (M7_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), 0}; Sint32 sinHeading = m7SinLut(heading); Sint32 cosHeading = m7CosLut(heading); m7RotateVec(&map, sinHeading, cosHeading); m7RotateVec(&mapXStep, sinHeading, cosHeading); map.x += pos.x; map.y += pos.y; for (screenX = 0; screenX < M7_SCREEN_WIDTH; ++screenX) { Uint8 color = 0; if (map.x >= 0 && map.x < M7_INT_TO_FIX(mapWidth) && map.y >= 0 && map.y < M7_INT_TO_FIX(mapHeight)) color = tex[(int)tilemap[map.y >> M7_TEX_SIZE] [map.x >> M7_TEX_SIZE]] [(map.y & 0xFFFF) >> 12] [(map.x & 0xFFFF) >> 12]; map.x += mapXStep.x; map.y += mapXStep.y; M7_SET_PIXEL8(screenX, screenY, color); } } SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, M7_SCREEN_WIDTH, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2);}
#include <os.h>#include <SDL/SDL.h>#include "m7.h"#include "gfx.h"SDL_Surface *screen;SDL_Surface *loadTex(unsigned short *data) { SDL_Surface *tex, *tmp; tmp = nSDL_LoadImage(data); tex = SDL_DisplayFormat(tmp); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); return tex;}int main(void) { m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT]; Uint8 tilemap[M7_MAP_SIZE][M7_MAP_SIZE]; Uint8 tex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE]; m7Vec_t pos = {M7_INT_TO_FIX(2), M7_INT_TO_FIX(4)}; Sint32 heading = 0; SDL_Surface *texMushroom, *texFB, *texCartman, *texYoshi; nSDL_Font *font; const SDL_VideoInfo *info; Uint32 curTime = 0; Uint32 oldTime = 0; int fps = 0; int num_frames = 0; int done = 0; int i, j; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(M7_SCREEN_WIDTH, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT, M7_BPP, SDL_SWSURFACE); font = nSDL_LoadFont(NSDL_FONT_TINYTYPE, 255, 255, 255); texMushroom = loadTex(ntiMushroom); texFB = loadTex(ntiFB); texCartman = loadTex(ntiCartman); texYoshi = loadTex(ntiYoshi); SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, 0); info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); nSDL_DrawString(screen, font, 0, 0, "M7 engine test\nnSDL %s\n%dx%d\n%d-bit/%d-bit", NSDL_VERSION, info->current_w, info->current_h, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, is_cx ? 16 : 4); SDL_Flip(screen); srand(42); for (i = 0; i < M7_MAP_SIZE; ++i) for (j = 0; j < M7_MAP_SIZE; ++j) tilemap[i][j] = rand() % 4; m7BuildLut(lut); m7LoadTex(tex, texMushroom, texFB, texCartman, texYoshi); while(!done) { m7Vec_t moveDist = {M7_INT_TO_FIX(0), M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(0.25)}; SDL_Rect fpsRect = {M7_SCREEN_WIDTH - 40, 0, 40, 8}; m7RotateVec(&moveDist, m7SinLut(heading), m7CosLut(heading)); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_8)) m7AddVec(&pos, &moveDist); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_2)) m7SubVec(&pos, &moveDist); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_6)) m7AddVec(&pos, m7RotateVec(&moveDist, M7_INT_TO_FIX(1), 0)); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_4)) m7SubVec(&pos, m7RotateVec(&moveDist, M7_INT_TO_FIX(1), 0)); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_9)) heading -= 0x400; if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_7)) heading += 0x400; if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ESC)) done = 1; m7Render(screen, lut, tilemap, tex, pos, heading); SDL_FillRect(screen, &fpsRect, 0); nSDL_DrawString(screen, font, fpsRect.x, fpsRect.y, "%d FPS", fps); SDL_UpdateRect(screen, fpsRect.x, fpsRect.y, fpsRect.w, fpsRect.h); curTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if(curTime - oldTime <= 993) /* Clock set to 993 Hz by nSDL */ ++num_frames; else { fps = num_frames; num_frames = 0; oldTime = curTime; } } SDL_FreeSurface(texYoshi); SDL_FreeSurface(texCartman); SDL_FreeSurface(texFB); SDL_FreeSurface(texMushroom); nSDL_FreeFont(font); SDL_Quit(); return 0;}
#include <os.h>#include <SDL.h>#include "m7.h"SDL_Surface *loadTex(unsigned short *data){ SDL_Surface *tex, *temp; temp = nSDL_LoadImage(data); tex = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); return tex;}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ // Mode7-relative variables m7Vec_t lut[M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT]; #include "muteCityTilemap.h" #include "muteCityTileset.h" #include "blueFalcon.h" Uint8 finalTex[M7_NUM_TEX][M7_TEX_SIZE][M7_TEX_SIZE]; m7Vec_t pos = {M7_INT_TO_FIX(1), M7_INT_TO_FIX(1)}; Sint32 heading = 0; SDL_Surface *screen, *shipSurface, *tiles; SDL_Rect shipRect, shipSrcRect; shipRect.x = 136; shipRect.y = 190; shipSrcRect.x = (shipSrcRect.y = 0); shipSrcRect.w = 48; shipSrcRect.h = 31; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); int speed = 0, rotationSpeed = 0; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(M7_SCREEN_WIDTH, M7_SCREEN_HEIGHT, M7_BPP, SDL_SWSURFACE); shipSurface = nSDL_LoadImage(blueFalconSprite); SDL_SetColorKey(shipSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(shipSurface->format, 0xff, 0, 0xff)); tiles = loadTex(muteCityTileset); m7BuildLut(lut); m7LoadTexArray(finalTex, tiles); while(1) { m7Vec_t moveDist = {M7_INT_TO_FIX(0), M7_FLOAT_TO_FIX(0.25)}; m7RotateVec(&moveDist, m7SinLut(heading), m7CosLut(heading)); if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ESC)) break; if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_DOWN)) m7SubVec(&pos, &moveDist); if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_LEFT)) { heading -= 0x400; shipSrcRect.y = 62; } if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_RIGHT)) { heading += 0x400; shipSrcRect.y = 31; } if(!isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_LEFT) && !isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_RIGHT)) shipSrcRect.y = 0; if(isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_UP)) m7AddVec(&pos, &moveDist); m7Render(screen, lut, muteCityTilemap, finalTex, pos, heading, 792, 366); } SDL_FreeSurface(tiles); SDL_FreeSurface(shipSurface); SDL_Quit(); return 0;}