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#include "ti.h"#include "ti83.h"main(){ printf("Hello World!nl"); printf("HELLO WORLD!"); printf("1234567890");}
Right here: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/91/9187.htmlUpdate on progress: I found utility that converts bin to 8xp, but when I execute Asm(prgmHELLO it gives me ERR:INVALIDso I guess I made some mistake in code, but I don't know what. That's why I'm asking for help here.
Function: puts(str)Parameters: char *str - string to display to screen.Returns: NothingInclude File: TI.HDescription: Displays the string 'str' at current cursor location and moves cursor to the end of the string
c:\tisdcc>tisdcc ti83p_asm hello.ctisdcctisdcc: sdcc -mz80 --no-std-crt0 --code-loc 0x9DA3 --data-loc 0x9872 -L c:\tisdcc\lib -I c:\tisdcc\include -DTI83P -Wlc:\tisdcc\startup\ti83p_asm.o ti83p.lib hello.c?ASlink-Error-<cannot open> : "c:\tisdcc\startup\ti83p_asm.rel"Error in sdcc
#include "ti83p.h"main(){ PutS("Hello World!"); return 0;}