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Casio Calculators
fx-9860G: C Addin & CASIO Basic programs works together
Rewriting formula's
Refreshed Casio GII models come with Prizm CPU
Interesting discoveries in the updater (fxASPI/OSpdateDLL)
Casio Prizm + microSD memory card
LuaFX Documentation
Prizm image compressing algorithm
Casio Archives
Prizm Getkey
LuaFX Shell-style interface
How to use the full screen ?
MOVED: GCC PrizmSDK v0.3!
Planète-Casio's Ludum Dare
Prizm C Q&A thread
9860G Slim Update Problems
Prizm developer code of ethics
LuaFX Question
Prizm goals
Display of some Casio calculators in detail
Drawstat Mario sprite moving at 1.5 FPS (pure-BASIC)
Testmode full setup
MOVED: OS 1.03 and PHYSIUM add-in
Real Casio e-mail or scam?
Interesting Graphscreen Pictures Created on the Prizm
Casio SDK
Prizm BASIC routines
problem with PxlTest
Anybody know of some Casio Prizm games I could try out?
On-calc C compiler for 9860
I got a fx-9860 slim
Casio-fx9060g slim error >.<
Casio Basic
Why not to ask for people to port games from the Prizm to the Nspire CX
[SDK] IsKey too slow...
Prizm File I/O Problems
How do 3d games work?
MLC on FX 1.0 PLUS
E-Math Suite
Any plans to contribute to the fx-9860 series?
SuperH Notepad++ extension
Indestructo Tank in CASIO Fx-9860G SD and other games
I got a Prizm :D
Grayscale and BFile
String support
Acces to characters
Casio Prizm Facebook Page
About 6 months since the PRIZM was released and not many threads?
MOVED: Khavi: Java on the Prizm
SuperH emulator
Why does the diagnostic menu popup say "factory use only"?