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try:Locate 4,4,"some text"0->KWhile K=0Getkey -> KIf K=79Then ClrTextWhileEnd
Locate 4,4,"some text"0->KWhile K=0Getkey -> KIf K=79Then ClrTextIfEndWhileEnd
"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
the ability to use HEX codes to generate icons. Especially the last function got me jealous of TI-calc owners
They are similar, but I really feel TI-BASIC is the better programming language because of the ability to wrap strings around the screen
... having the ability to check a certain part of a string (Casio-BASIC would need to extract the symbol from the string, store it into a seperate string and compare it with the comparison string
StrCmp(StrMid(Str #,<index>,<length>),"String")=0
There is an additional square bracket at the beginning that is necessary. In Jonius7's example it would start like [[0,0,0,1][0,0 ...Also, pokemonrules9 do you know about the variables theta and r? It took me a while to realize I could use them in programs and having those additional two can be useful.