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Code: [Select]Serial number : 755DW11MA022115Service ID : dpQGFKzxOS version : 01.02.0200OS time stamp : 2010.1122.2053BIOS time stamp : 2010.0916.0917Locate bug : PRESENT
Serial number : 755DW11MA022115Service ID : dpQGFKzxOS version : 01.02.0200OS time stamp : 2010.1122.2053BIOS time stamp : 2010.0916.0917Locate bug : PRESENT
If so then where did you get the service ID and time stamps from?
Serial number : 755AW0ZMA017594Service ID : 2sDQMK7VOS Version : 1.02.0200OS Time Stamp : 2010.1122.2053BIOS Time Stamp : 2010.0910.1720Locate Glitch : PRESENT
Service ID: 12NOKKDtOS version: 1.02.0200OS Time stamp/DateO: 2010.1122.2053BIOS Time stamp/DateA: 2010.0910.1720Locate bug: PRESENT
Also there are some weird test options there
service ID: khXQMK5xOS version: 1.02.2000OS timestamp: 2010.1122.2053BIOS timestamp: 2010.0910.1720bug: PRESENT D:
Quote from: m1ac4 on February 28, 2011, 02:48:12 pmIf so then where did you get the service ID and time stamps from?[/s]nvm, got it. I guess emphasize "keep the buttons held down until something happens" Press [OPTN]+[EXP]+[AC/ON] to turn on your calculator. Then press [F1] followed by [9].- The Service menu displays the service ID- The Version menu displays the OS version and the OS+BIOS time stamps (DateO+DateA)
Serial: 755aw14ma072301OS: 01.02.0200DateO: 2010.1122.2053DateA: 2010.0916.0917Service ID: DbBEELI9Has glitch.