Author Topic: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)  (Read 28026 times)

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Offline m1ac4

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2011, 09:51:03 am »
I tested and even with no color command I still got the glitch. This is not a color-related bug, but rather with non-ASCII tokens. I tried myself on my Prizm using OS 01.01.0200 and 01.02.0200.
Hmm, I only noticed it one time with one character.  Perhaps I didn't notice something...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 09:51:42 am by m1ac4 »

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« Reply #46 on: April 29, 2011, 02:15:17 am »
If you get the locate glitch you could manually change the non-ASCII tokens. The downside is that there are very many of them (in the maps, the sprites, the shop menu's, etc.) But what does the glitch do exactly? Does it fail to display the character? Does it give an error? Does it exit the program? And with which tokens does the glitch appear?
Veni, vidi, cecidi
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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2011, 03:01:53 am »
Yeah that's what I thought about doing. Basically the chars won't display at the right location, if at all:

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2011, 07:27:04 am »
Yes, then you would need to replace them with A-Z and 0-9 characters. Does the Prizm have characters of it's own that do work or is the glitch happening with every non-ASCII character, from the GII or not?
Veni, vidi, cecidi
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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.1)
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2011, 09:01:32 am »
I wasn't aware that the glitch worked that way, thanks Dj. If it starts displaying oddly at least I'll know it isn't the program. Hopefully, Casio will fix this soon. :)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 09:02:35 am by Art_of_camelot »

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2011, 04:09:06 am »
It's been a long time now and I'm very sorry for not informing you earlier but I'm putting the project on a halt for the moment. The end of the term is coming and it's bringing a lot of tests and projects I have to finish. Even after it's over the only thing coming in the next update will be rebalancing, more potions and generally optimizing the code by using List functions for the potion menu and the shop. To do this I'll have to do a lot of playthroughs myself since my two classmates who used to be my testers are really busy as well. Don't expect too much of the next update (when I finally get to finish it which will probably take a long time).
The only practical thing coming is that I'll add some code to the RESET program to include an option to keep your save data.
Veni, vidi, cecidi
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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2011, 02:59:25 am »
AH ok sorry to hear. I hope you don't quit afterward. :(

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2011, 07:16:28 am »
AH ok sorry to hear. I hope you don't quit afterward. :(

Youd don't have to worry about that; I'm already fine-tuning the monsters and the bosses. I also removed the Heal, Summon Knives and Tri-Attack spells and replaced them with the more powerful versions of the first three spells, Lightning, Explosion and Icicle. I've also severly reduced the amount of MP required to cast a spell. Actually, the entire process is turning out to be much easier than I'd expected at first! If I'm lucky I'll be able to upload the new version before summer vacation starts (but it could take much longer since I didn't start on optimizing the code yet so I don't know how long that's going to take).

So don't give up on this project yet! I'm still developing!
(Also, DJ, congratulations on +1000 post ratings!)
Veni, vidi, cecidi
(I came, I saw, I fell down dead)

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2011, 08:08:12 am »
Hi everybody, I'm back again!

I could take the entire post explaining why I was absent and apologizing for that but instead I'll share some new developments with you I'm sure you'll like. It'll suffice to say I was preoccupied with a holiday job, thinking over something new to implement and attempting to program those ideas.

After some failed attempts I became interested in the subject of Randomly Generated Mazes. At first I just started it as a seperate project, just for the fun and challenge of coding it but when I had a first, buggy and extremely slow version running I thought I could implement it into my big project!

The idea is that my program generates a random maze of 19x5 because to generate one correctly it needs to check the locations next to the 'current' cell (more about that later) which will result in an error if the current cell is at the edge of the screen. Also, a wall around the maze looks slicker and it drastically cuts down the generation time (by around 25%!).

Now for what the function of the maze in the program will be; it will kinda act like a dungeon. While walking around in it you can randomly encounter monsters and discover treasure. The first part won’t be difficult since the fighting program is completely separate from the main ‘map’ program. The second part will be incorporated like this; when the maze is generated 1/8 empty places will be replaced by breakable walls. These look the same as regular ones and mainly serve to make navigating through the maze harder. But it will also replace 1/40 empty spaces with a different kind of breakable wall; one that will yield treasure upon breaking it.

The maze generates like this; it will first generate a matrix of 7x21. The first number represents the amount of rows=the height, so to keep the visual look of the matrix similar to the look of the final product Y goes before X. The maze will then fill up completely with the value 1. 1 stands for a wall. The program will then assign location (2,2) in the matrix to the starting point and begin by setting it to 0, which is an empty space. Then it will randomly check whether a neighbor is not a 0 already and is not on the edge of the screen. It will then proceed to check whether or not the neighbors of that cell are 0 as well. If they are all still 1 as well it will set the cell to 0 and set the X and Y coordinates of that cell as the new standard X and Y values.

At this point it will repeat until it can’t go on in any direction. At this point it will retrieve data from two lists that have been storing the coordinates of each visited cell. It will mark the one before the one it is in as the current cell and start at the beginning of the whole process. An important note is that if it starts backtracking like this it will start overwriting parts of the two lists, starting one after the cell the new side-route originates from. This is to ensure it will also check the side route for possibilities to branch off again, and to make sure it’ll check the cell the branch started for the possibility of having yet another branch.

This entire system will ensure that there are no walls left the maze can still bend into without looping on itself. The downside is that it takes around 40~80 seconds to generate a complete maze. One of my idea’s is to terminate the program when the maze has 60 empty spaces which will cut off the lag at the end when it’s backtracking all the way back to the beginning but will also leave some unused wall segments.

And that’s about it! Let me know what you think of it, I’ll either post a demo of the maze generator over the course of the next week or upload the new version of the game with the random dungeons implemented!
Veni, vidi, cecidi
(I came, I saw, I fell down dead)

Offline m1ac4

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2011, 09:51:56 am »
First of all, welcome back!  (I was quite busy during the summer myself so I understand.)

This sounds like a really good idea and I look forward to trying it.  Calculator Basic is such a difficult language to deal with (for complicated things anyways), but it still has a lot of potential for things that one might not expect it to do.  Keep going at it.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:43:57 am by m1ac4 »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2011, 04:10:35 pm »
Welcome back you two. I am glad you didn't quit calcs or something. Also I'm glad this is still alive. I'm not as active anymore so I don,t check updates regularly but I still can't wait to see this finished.

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #56 on: September 06, 2011, 03:25:41 am »
Okay, I want to implement the dungeons now (I've got them working but I've got some slight adjustments to make to make it run smoother, such as eliminating the need of checking the square it just came from to reduce loading time by 25%) but I don't know how I should implement them. I've got various ideas:

1. Replace the multiple area's in each map with just a single dungeon. As you get in further worlds the dungeons will get bigger. As you progress through the dungeon the monsters will get stronger and at the end there will be the area's boss. Each time you reach the exit of a floor you can choose to progress or return to the map.
2. Make each area a seperate dungeon of either one or multiple floors. When you complete the final floor you can exit, so you can't quit halfway through as in the first one.
3. Make just the boss area a dungeon. Same rules apply as in 2 with the difference that you will have to beat the boss after you finish the final floor.
4. Implement dungeons in every map past the first one (right now that'd just be Ariant Desert) as an extra thing. You get rewards for beating it and there will be a special boss at the end different from the area boss.
5. Same as 4, but with reverse mode added; once you have completed the floor with the strongest monsters from the area the dungeon is in they appear again but one level higher, then the second strongest one level higher than that one, the third strongest one level higher than that one etc. So in the end you will fight the weakest monsters from that area at very high levels.
6. Don't add them at all
7. Any other idea you might have.

What do you guys think?
Veni, vidi, cecidi
(I came, I saw, I fell down dead)

Offline m1ac4

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #57 on: September 06, 2011, 07:31:36 am »
Even if you reduce the time it takes to generate one of these dungeons it will still take a (relatively) long time to generate them.  I would suggest that you do use these dungeons in your game, but don't place yourself in a position where you have to generate a lot of them as that will take a lot of time.  Idea #3 seems like a good idea for this situation. 

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2011, 11:58:32 am »
Wow, I only just stumbled on this. You should get a userbar so we can see how far you are on this at a glance

Cool RPG, keep it up!

Quote from: my dad
"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"

The Game V. 2.0

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Casio RPG: The age of Slime (beta 0.2)
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2011, 08:08:11 am »
More input on how the dungeons should look like would be appericiated! I'm currently doing a bit of fiddling around with the Casio SDK (aka C programming for the fx-9860GII). With more input and idea's I can do more work on the RPG!
Veni, vidi, cecidi
(I came, I saw, I fell down dead)