Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => Casio PRIZM => Topic started by: MPoupe on June 25, 2012, 03:56:17 am
I would like to introduce you my attempt to port Doom to Casio Prizm. Standard Doom requires about 8 MB RAM, so do not expect anything :-)
It is in a very early stage, slow and it will probably crash due to failed malloc.
arrows - movement
[alpha] - fire
[exe] - use (open the door,...)
[^] - iddqd + idkfa :-)
[F1] ~ [F5] - weapon select
[Menu] - exit (the calculator will be in somehow wrong state, if menu is not working, try to turn it off and on)
Hmm, I don't have a Prizm but I am pretty interested how it functions on this calculator.
I expect it to be pretty slow but maybe you or someone else could make a quick video. :)
It's so amazing !
It's a bit slowly :(
Looks cool ^^
I have posted a video of this in action in the latest Cemetech news article (, which also teases Graph3DP progress.
Cool :D
I have posted a video of this in action in the latest Cemetech news article (, which also teases Graph3DP progress.
Thanks for the video Kerm :)
I do not know how much better this can be programmed, but I have to say that benchmark-wise we now can see how much faster the Nspire really is.
EDIT: I just noticed this video: [ Invalid YouTube link ]!
It seems to be on a emulator or something and seem to run a bit faster.
I have posted a video of this in action in the latest Cemetech news article (, which also teases Graph3DP progress.
Thanks for the video Kerm :)
I do not know how much better this can be programmed, but I have to say that benchmark-wise we now can see how much faster the Nspire really is.
EDIT: I just noticed this video: [ Invalid YouTube link ]!
It seems to be on a emulator or something and seem to run a bit faster.
The emulator is slightly overclocked, and kerm's calc was not overclocked at all.
Oh wow that is awesome. I'm curious about how fast it will be able to get in future versions. I hope the limited RAM doesn't become too much of an issue. :)
Also hopefully the standard PRIZM calculator keypad makes the game easier to play than on a TI-Nspire <_< (clickpad/touchpad controls were annoying and the numpad, which was an alternative, was too far at the bottom of the calc)
Also hopefully the standard PRIZM calculator keypad makes the game easier to play than on a TI-Nspire <_< (clickpad/touchpad controls were annoying and the numpad, which was an alternative, was too far at the bottom of the calc)
It depends on how you play with it. Personally, I put my Nspire on a table and then, the touchpad is very easy to use. But I agree that if the calculator is not on a table, it is impossible. Keys are too centered to be easily accessible*.
But playing with a clickable touchpad allows to run normally and to run faster when clicking ;)
(* Is the correct word accessible or accessable ?)
(* Is the correct word accessible or accessable ?)
Anyway, this is a wonderful project!
looks awesome!
Is it for FX-CG20 only? I tried it on my FX-CG10 and I get "ERROR: File read error" and then it closes. :-\
looks awesome!
Is it for FX-CG20 only? I tried it on my FX-CG10 and I get "ERROR: File read error" and then it closes. :-\
Wow, really? haven't tried it on my prizm yet because casio still has it in repair. I wonder if it is just your calc or if file reading routine is different on the cg20?
Speed needs to be improved, but this is still wonderful! ;D Gonna try it soon.
I doubt it'S for cg20 only, because Kerm made a video of it and he lives in America.
I tried to decrease memory usage by direct usage of the flash. But it seems there are some times problems with accessing flash.
Exactly I got this error:
System ERROR
PC = 00305BA0
I think this should not happen, because A0000000 ~ A1FFFFFF is flash, so the pointer should be readable.
I attach cgdoom version with this problem, please test it if you want. But please expect crash.
It should crash in the very early moment while initialisation.
Please post here if you get different behaviour.
Edit: removed attachment, because it has already fixed bug
Is it possible that you accidentally wrote to flash? I imagine that would generate a system error.
Is it possible that you accidentally wrote to flash? I imagine that would generate a system error.
Yes, of course. In reality I do not know exactly, what is happening inside the code :-)
But I think problem is in reading (there is "ADDRESS (R)", I hope this means read error and I would get "ADDRESS (W)" on write error.)
By the way be careful when writing to Flash (or to not accidentally do it). On TI calcs, when doing so, it can permanently damage the calc if you overwrite the areas that lets you resend a new OS or boot the calc O.O
Another thing: Is CGDoom for a programming contest like the Omnimaga one?
By the way be careful when writing to Flash (or to not accidentally do it). On TI calcs, when doing so, it can permanently damage the calc if you overwrite the areas that lets you resend a new OS or boot the calc O.O
Another thing: Is CGDoom for a programming contest like the Omnimaga one?
It doesn't seem like it. He didn't mention it and has ignored my comment that one of the categories for this year's UCF contest is 3D.
Or maybe he didn't have any plan to enter it into a contest. But again it probably won't be finished in time, although a demo of such game is always welcome I guess if it has enough levels.
Or maybe he didn't have any plan to enter it into a contest. But again it probably won't be finished in time, although a demo of such game is always welcome I guess if it has enough levels.
Yeah, I am thinking that it will probably take ~4mo to get it to be stable and fast.
By the way be careful when writing to Flash (or to not accidentally do it). On TI calcs, when doing so, it can permanently damage the calc if you overwrite the areas that lets you resend a new OS or boot the calc O.O
Another thing: Is CGDoom for a programming contest like the Omnimaga one?
I hope simple memcpy(&flash, something, some value) cannot write to the flash. Because this is the only possibility how to accidentally write to flash in cgdoom.
About the contest - I do not think it is simply possible to finish cgdoom in any time. Have working (partially) first room is something very different to have working the whole doom.The original game doesn't allocate 6MB RAM for nothing. I simply have luck with the first room, because it is very simple (from point of view of the RAM requirement).
Also I do not program every weekend, there are months, when I do not find a time for programming (for Prizm).
I think the theoretical maximum may be to have working this free version of doom (I mean the attached 3 MB wad file). I could probably specialize the game to cooperate with this wad file (and not support any else).
BTW: is there somebody who wants cooperate cgdoom development ?
Ok I understand your concern. That said, a demo is possible for a contest, but if it's just the first level, it might lose a few points due to being too easy and short. And the contest ends in two weeks, so I guess time would definitively be an issue.
I personally cannot help, though, having quit programming and not knowing C. Hopefully someone here can help.
By the way, why are the HP/Ammo/armor digits white instead of red in every calc DOOM port? ???
I guess the CX really is faster than the Prizm in raw speed. That's too bad, but this is a great achievement anyway :) Can't wait to try this out!
I guess the CX really is faster than the Prizm in raw speed. That's too bad, but this is a great achievement anyway :) Can't wait to try this out!
I think the majority of the slowness of CGDoom is not slower CPU in Prizm, but low RAM. Doom (in general) uses big RAM buffer to load pieces of WAD and it tries to keep them here as cache. So if HW has enough RAM, it loads everything in the beginning and then it works with RAM only. CGDoom is not able to keep everything in RAM so it loads parts of WAD for each frame.
Imagine Windows 2000 on PC with 16 MB RAM (I have seen it once and it was worse than CGDoom :-) )
Yeah it reminds me when Omnimaga moved to this server and barely had any RAM. The database had to be loaded from the hard drive, which was much slower than from the RAM, causing the site to be incredibly slow. I guess it's the same for game-based softwares.
That said, CGDoom runs faster than Doom on my 2.9 GHz Windows XP machine O.O (if I run it without DOSbox on the latter)
That said, CGDoom runs faster than Doom on my 2.9 GHz Windows XP machine O.O (if I run it without DOSbox on the latter)
BTW: that would be also nice project. DOSBox on Prizm :-)
DOSBox is C++ and uses SDL. So first pSDL and a proper C++ toolchain is needed.
But I could be wrong ^^
Since DOSbox is an emulator, wouldn't it be incredibly slow though? Or would it be just fine for very old games from the '80s for example?
Ok I understand your concern. That said, a demo is possible for a contest, but if it's just the first level, it might lose a few points due to being too easy and short. And the contest ends in two weeks, so I guess time would definitively be an issue.
It does not end in 2 weeks! It ends in August.
BTW: that would be also nice project. DOSBox on Prizm :-)
Even better: make it bash.
Ok I understand your concern. That said, a demo is possible for a contest, but if it's just the first level, it might lose a few points due to being too easy and short. And the contest ends in two weeks, so I guess time would definitively be an issue.
It does not end in 2 weeks! It ends in August.
BTW: that would be also nice project. DOSBox on Prizm :-)
Even better: make it bash.
or csh
or bsh
or ssh
or... well, ANY sh type shell!
DOSBox would be sorta cool cuz we could play old games on it :)
Ok I understand your concern. That said, a demo is possible for a contest, but if it's just the first level, it might lose a few points due to being too easy and short. And the contest ends in two weeks, so I guess time would definitively be an issue.
It does not end in 2 weeks! It ends in August.
BTW: that would be also nice project. DOSBox on Prizm :-)
Even better: make it bash.
or csh
or bsh
or ssh
or... well, ANY sh type shell!
DOSBox would be sorta cool cuz we could play old games on it :)
ASHs to ASHs, DOS to DOS
Ok I understand your concern. That said, a demo is possible for a contest, but if it's just the first level, it might lose a few points due to being too easy and short. And the contest ends in two weeks, so I guess time would definitively be an issue.
It does not end in 2 weeks! It ends in August.
I meant the Omnimaga contest.
System ERROR
PC = 00305BA0
I did some deeper research and it seems it is write exception. The (R) probably means real address.
I updated my Prizm simulator to map simulated flash into the read only memory (by MapViewOfFile(hMap,FILE_MAP_READ,...);
so it throwed an exception on write. I fixed a small bug so then it worked in the simulator, but not in real HW. And I found the source:
typedef struct
const short width; // bounding box size
const short height;
const short leftoffset; // pixels to the left of origin
const short topoffset; // pixels below the origin
const int columnofs[8]; // only [width] used
// the [0] is &columnofs[width]
} patch_t;
// posts are runs of non masked source pixels
typedef struct
byte topdelta; // -1 is the last post in a column
byte length; // length data bytes follows
} post_t;
// column_t is a list of 0 or more post_t, (byte)-1 terminated
typedef post_t column_t;
//RANGECHECK undefined
#define SHORT(x) LTOH16(x) //swap bytes in word (on Prizm)
#define LONG(x) LTOH32(x) //swap bytes in dword (on Prizm)
#define SCREEN_COUNT 2
#define ASSERT(x)
#define SCREENWIDTH 320 //DOOM screen width
void V_DrawPatchX(int x,int y,int scrn,const patch_t* patch)
int count;
int col;
const column_t* column;
byte* desttop;
byte* dest;
const byte* source;
int w;
y -= SHORT(patch->topoffset);
x -= SHORT(patch->leftoffset);
if (x<0 ||x+SHORT(patch->width) >SCREENWIDTH || y<0 || y+SHORT(patch->height)>SCREENHEIGHT || (unsigned)scrn>4)
//printf("Patch at %d,%d exceeds LFB\n", x,y );
// No I_Error abort - what is up with TNT.WAD?
//printf("V_DrawPatch: bad patch (ignored)\n");
if (!scrn)
V_MarkRect (x, y, SHORT(patch->width), SHORT(patch->height));
col = 0;
desttop = screens[scrn]+y*SCREENWIDTH+x;
w = SHORT(patch->width);
for ( ; col<w ; x++, col++, desttop++)
column = (const column_t *)((const byte *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[col]));
// step through the posts in a column
while (column->topdelta != 0xff )
source = (const byte *)column + 3;
dest = desttop + column->topdelta*SCREENWIDTH;
count = column->length;
while (count--)
*dest = *source;
column = (const column_t *)( (const byte *)column + column->length + 4 );
extern int giMaxPatchInFlash;
void V_DrawPatch(int x,int y,int scrn,const patch_t* patch)
patch = (const patch_t*)VRAM;
The function V_DrawPatchX() is used to draw any entity to the screen buffer (simplest thing is a letter of message "Picked weapon", (called for each letter)). On windows it works (patch points to HW protected readonly memory), on Prizm it throws an access exception. If I copy the buffer to RAM (by wrapper) , then it works (on Prizm). So it seems the compiler generates some writes to read only pointer.
@Jim: According to Kerm C++ is already doable on the Prizm. pSDL probably needs to be developed further though.
@Jim: According to Kerm C++ is already doable on the Prizm. pSDL probably needs to be developed further though.
yes, C++ is doable. talk to SimonLothar or AHelper for more info
System ERROR
PC = 00305BA0
Damn stupid bug. Reading word from A1524CCD ;-)
Fix: read per bytes.
I slightly improved cgdoom.
Updated controls:
arrows - movement
[menu] - exit
[exit] - map on/off
[optn] - pause
[vars] - (hack) switch between smooth and fast movement
[F1]~[F6]+[Shift] - select weapon 1 ~ 7
[Exe] - use (open door, use switch)
[ 0 ] - step left
[.] - step right
[->] - idclip
[^] - iddqd + idkfa
[alpha] - fire
[F<->D] - show free memory in the pool
[ + ] - larger screen
[-] - smaller screen
New features:
- use directly flash memory when possible (saved ~ 150 KB in the first room of the attached wad).
This doesn't work for areas which are in 2 different areas (file fragmentation). So less fragments -> better.
- show only each second frame (smooth mode) or each fourth frame (fast mode), switch by [vars]
It seems playable when in smooth mode and overclocked to 87 MHz (94 MHz doesn't work for me)
- other wad files may work (I tried full wad from Doom I and Doom II on simulator - worked; another wads (Heretic, Hexen and TNT do NOT work).
If you want to use it, try it in simulator first.
- support for composite textures was limited to 8KB to save RAM. It seems 8 KB is enough for switches (they use composite textures). Larger composite textures are cripled - see an image.
Notes for simulator:
- simulator is much faster than calculator, because your PC is much faster. Run it on as slow PC as possible :-)
- on first run it creates flash.bin file to simulate flash for direct access. Can be safely removed later (will recreate).
- Important: delete flash.bin if you change doom.wad file !
- multiple keys at a time (currently I use GetKeyPRGM)
- do not use VRAM (do we have some demo code talking directly with LCD registers for MiniSDK ?) Use VRAM as RAM.
- Find each usable byte of RAM (do we have any detailed map of memory ?) and use it.
Currently I use (except globals & stack):system stack, heap,save VRAM buffer
- other wad files may work (I tried full wad from Doom I and Doom II on simulator - worked; another wads (Heretic, Hexen and TNT do NOT work).
Hi MPoupe.
I don't know which wads you've used, nor which Doom engine you are porting.
nDoom is a port of the original Doom I / Doom II engine.
Hexen and Heretic games are using a modified version of the original Doom engine, and their wads are incompatible with nDoom.
(in Hexen and Heretic, you have an item menu and you can fly for example...)
You can find a total conversion of the Heretic game compatible with the original Doom engine here:
All consequent wads which have worked with nDoom (and so are compatible with the original Doom engine) are available here:
Hope it helps.
Looks nice, great pic! :)
Nice updates MPoupe :), Keep it up! Also glad you added frame skipping. It can help sometimes and we don't necessarily need max FPS considering Doom on the SNES ran at like 8 FPS :P
I trying this new version :D !
94 MHz seems to work fine for me, the framerate is pretty decent :D
Very good job ;)
...Hexen and Heretic games are using a modified version of the original Doom engine, and their wads are incompatible with nDoom....
Actually I ported the nDoom, but I tested the non-converted wad files. This is the reason why it didn't work.
Thank you for explaining.
94 MHz seems to work fine for me, the framerate is pretty decent :D
94 MHz for me too, but y can't go faster...
94MHz is the fastest 'safe' overclock of the Prizm at the moment. This is actually pretty decent.
looks awesome!
Is it for FX-CG20 only? I tried it on my FX-CG10 and I get "ERROR: File read error" and then it closes. :-\
i'm still getting the same error as parser here.
I have a FX-CG10 and it works fine.
Did you guys transferred the doom.wad file with the program?
i did, at least.
EDIT: strike that, i just went to check, and it looks like it was a "prizm not playing nicely with linux" issue. i told my file manager to cut and paste both the g3a and the wad into the filesystem, and both were deleted from the original folder, but only the g3a was on the calculator when i checked just now.
I finally got around to downloading and trying this, and wow, so much fun :D I agree, the new speed is decent. And DOOM really looks great on the Prizm's color screen.
I just tried it after overclocking my calc and the speed is quite good. Awesome job so far. :)
I thought CGDOOM over clocked it for you... If not, I'm still playing the game slower than I should be XD
I thought CGDOOM over clocked it for you... If not, I'm still playing the game slower than I should be XD
No CGDoom doesn't overclock anything.
I don't like when games overclocks the calc for you, because on exit they leave the calc in that state, which gets annoying when you have to set it back to 58 MHz everytime afterward.
Nope, Ranibow Dash Attack overclocks the Prizm then sets it back to normal (at least from what I understood).
In multiple occasions, I had one PRIZM game in particular overclock the calc, but fail to set the speed back to its original state upon exit. I don't remember what I ran that did that, though, and if it happens 100% of the time.
I thought CGDOOM over clocked it for you... If not, I'm still playing the game slower than I should be XD
No CGDoom doesn't overclock anything.
Funny, I didn't think the speed was bad at all, especially in fast (rough) rendering mode. Either some other program's already left my Prizm in overclock (unlikely, since I don't have any other recent Prizm games on it), or I've just played too many TI-BASIC games to notice lol
There's a fast rendering mode? ???
I should read readmes and release posts more carefully <_<
I didn't read any readmes myself <_< I just pressed random buttons until something happened. I think the render speed toggle is either sin or cos, not sure which. It'll give you a message.
I didn't read any readmes myself <_< I just pressed random buttons until something happened. I think the render speed toggle is either sin or cos, not sure which. It'll give you a message.
To save your time:
arrows - movement
[menu] - exit
[exit] - map on/off
[optn] - pause
[vars] - (hack) switch between smooth and fast movement
[F1]~[F6]+[Shift] - select weapon 1 ~ 7
[Exe] - use (open door, use switch)
[ 0 ] - step left
[.] - step right
[->] - idclip
[^] - iddqd + idkfa
[alpha] - fire
[F<->D] - show free memory in the pool
[ + ] - larger screen
[-] - smaller screen
Deep THought the controls were in another post before actually. That's where I actually got them :D
Also I didn't notice that Doom II can be ran too now! O.O
Yeah, you can replace the doom.wad with a Doom II wad, that's kinda nice. Are you planning to do a file selector? (But I doubt you can fit a lot of WADs in 16MB. I think TI-Planet managed to fit the entire collection on the TI-Nspire 32MB models by removing the sound data though.)
Bug report: Sometimes, black rectangles appear behind the HUD numbers.
I had the same problem. Also I managed to crash the game and it said something about a bad Zmalloc (but I used noclip to go outside the map, so it was pretty legit).
Bug report: Sometimes, black rectangles appear behind the HUD numbers.
This appears when you make screen smaller / larger (by [-] / [ + ] buttons). Or is another case ?
I had the same problem. Also I managed to crash the game and it said something about a bad Zmalloc (but I used noclip to go outside the map, so it was pretty legit).
I do not understand. If you use no clip, clipping (by walls) is disabled. Malloc can fail in any case. These 2 are completely independent things.
Zmalloc == malloc on heap owned by doom (= memory management handled by doom)
BTW: bug in this forum, if you remove spaces from string "[ + ]", you get this: "
Is it not the BBCode for a list macro?
Is it not the BBCode for a list macro?
Probably, I do not know. I use plain text.
I like the convertor at old casiocalc, where e.g. [F1] was converted to an image of the F1 button of the calculator.
They do that on TI-Planet too, they have tons of smileys corresponding to each key of the various TI calcs. Also for [+] you have to surround it with [nobbc][/nobbc].
Yeah the black background thing happened when resizing the screen.
Yeah the black background thing happened when resizing the screen.
I will fix it by removing screen resizing as it is worthless. :-)
Ok. Well personally I didn't see much speed difference anyway when resizing it down slightly, and when too small it's hard to see anything anyway.
In the meantime, could you change the text from white to red like in the original game?
In the meantime, could you change the text from white to red like in the original game?
No, the text color is stored in the wad file.
See the images - 3xdoom.gif shows cgdoom simulator with small (shareware) doom.wad, full version doom.wad and doom2.wad.
White numbers are only in the shareware version.
zdoom.png - the same shareware doom.wad in zdoom. Alos white numbers.
BTW:you can see the hack with composite textures (pillars)
Sources of CGDoom are here:
Oh I see now. I thought the white numbers were due to a bug present in both the PRIZM and TI-Nspire ports of Doom.
Please add a MENU option to this game. I NEEED to save. :banghead:
Also, add in-game overclock option so I don't manually have to go to the pover app to manually overclock every time I run this game (runs GREAT at 94.3 MHz) :hyper:
also add clear ram button, to stop crashes
heya welcome here. Be sure you post in the "Introduce Yourself" section.
Also, double posting is not recommended in this forum. If you have to add something to your post, use the "edit" button ;)
Looking good so far! If I only had a Casio...:P
Please add a MENU option to this game. I NEEED to save. :banghead:
Also, add in-game overclock option so I don't manually have to go to the pover app to manually overclock every time I run this game (runs GREAT at 94.3 MHz) :hyper:
Hi and welcome to the forums. Actually the game is still under developpement, but I agree a menu would be nice.
Looking good so far! If I only had a Casio...:P
Eh, I believe you have a nspire. So you can play doom already. :)
Looking good so far! If I only had a Casio...:P
Eh, I believe you have a nspire. So you can play doom already. :)
I think he means that he wants to play in color
I have a CX CAS so mine's in color ;) But the Casio calculators are pretty cool. Their watches however, they're flippin' amazing.
Please add a MENU option to this game. I NEEED to save. :banghead:
you can create menu yourself, I released source code so you can continue where I ended ;-)
Also, add in-game overclock option so I don't manually have to go to the pover app to manually overclock every time I run this game (runs GREAT at 94.3 MHz) :hyper:
NO. Because somebody's calculator will go only to 87 MHz (mine) and somebody else will want to go up to 94 MHz. So I will not overclock automatically.
also add clear ram button, to stop crashes
I need to solve this clean way. Not just reset the calculator.
You stopped working on the game? O.O
You stopped working on the game? O.O
No, I am just not full time Casio hacker :-)
Currently I switched to fxTerm, but I will return to CGdoom early, I have some ideas I would like to try:-)
Hi, I just got my fx-CG 20 and I wanted to try this game, but it always shows me an error read file... it seems the .wad file just gets moved to another folder. Can anyone help me?
Hi, I just got my fx-CG 20 and I wanted to try this game, but it always shows me an error read file... it seems the .wad file just gets moved to another folder. Can anyone help me?
How did you upload files to your calculator ? I use USB in mass storage emulation (so PS sees the calculator as a 16 MB disk) and it worked always fine.
I just plugged the USB cable in the PC and pressed F1 in the calculator, which is for USB mass storage. I dragged it in directly from the .zip file, does it have any significance?
I just plugged the USB cable in the PC and pressed F1 in the calculator, which is for USB mass storage. I dragged it in directly from the .zip file, does it have any significance?
I think it should be OK. Be sure the files are in the root of the calculator drive.
Oh, I thought I had to put it on the @MainMem folder.
Now it works, thank you so much!
Are you going to fix the crashing? It seems like this project is DEAD.
Are you going to fix the crashing? It seems like this project is DEAD.
I do. Currently I do the research - where to find the needed RAM. I have some ideas,e.g. use IL memory and MERAM. I need as detailed map of memory as possible,
Currently I know these memory areas (VRAM excluded)
0x880A2AD5..0x880CB2D5:SaveVRAMBuffer 165888 bytes, unaligned address
0x880F0000..0x8815FFFF: system stack (512 kB)
0x88160000..0x881DFFFF: add-in stack (512 kB),
0x881E0000..0x881FFFFF: heap. (128 kB)
0xE5200000..IL memory - 16k of on-chip memory
0xE8080000..MERAM - 128k of on-chip memory
Do you have more details ?
For some reasons the game never crashed my calc. However a new set of decent alkaline batteries last about 30 minutes when playing the game at 94.3 MHz XD
I haven't seen anything from this forum recently, I hope this Doom thing gets some fixes later on. DJ_O , you probably have the Casio fx-CG20, not the fx-CG10, so that's probably why it's not crashing. The game gets past level 1 and occasionally 2 but crashes always at the end door of level 2. This game is not much fun without more than 2 levels. It's cool you got it working at all, but could you (or someone else) please continue the project. please make the AC/ON save the game so when the game crashes, there's a save.
Nah I got the FX-cg10, but it's a very early model. I never got to level 2 though because Level 1 in this version of Doom is way too hard :P (I die in 3 hits)
Whenever I finish the first level, it says "Error: Z malloc" and I cannot exit without pressing the reset button.
Hmm.. I wonder why it's crashing. ??? It would be nice to see this in a more completed state. :)
Well, saying that the last reply was more 2 months ago. I think that this really dead after all. :'(
I hope the project is hibernated only.
I hope the project is hibernated only.
Do you plan to take it up again, or are you hoping that someone else will?
I hope I will continue with development in near future, but currently my job saturates me :-(
BTW: do you want to help me ?
BTW: do you want to help me ?
Lol, not at this point. I don't know enough C.
I was just asking because I was wondering. ;)
How do we change the difficulty settings by the way? Because this version of Doom is incredibly hard (I die in 3 hits O.O)
How do we change the difficulty settings by the way? Because this version of Doom is incredibly hard (I die in 3 hits O.O)
The difficulty is hardcoded in this version. But the source code is available :-)
Ah ok I see, I thought I might have missed a key or something to access the menu. I know on the SNES the game started immediately as well with no menu, but you could access it afterward by pressing start, from what I remember.
Actually you can switch between default difficulty 3 and super easy difficulty -1 by button [^]. ;-)
Oh ok I didn't know about that. Thanks :)
I finally recompiled CGDoom by PrizmSDK 0.3. I used software support for 64 integers, so I removed my very slow routines for multiply and divide for 64 bits. Other sources untouched. So it might be little faster.
Test it if you want.:-)
Great! I think it is a little faster, but I can't tell. Also, did you use this ( build of 0.4 stuff?
Btw, are you planning on doing anything else for the Prizm (perhaps something like a gameboy emu :P)? Most, if not all, of your Prizm projects are really cool and fun to use. :D
Nice, I shall try it soon.
Great! I think it is a little faster, but I can't tell. Also, did you use this ( build of 0.4 stuff?
Btw, are you planning on doing anything else for the Prizm (perhaps something like a gameboy emu :P)? Most, if not all, of your Prizm projects are really cool and fun to use. :D
No, it is clean SDK 0.3. It was a test how it works. Until now I always used Simon's miniSDK.
It seems now I have more free time than in the past (I changed my job), so I hope I will be able to develop something for Prizm.
First I want to continue on the old projects (CGDoom, fxTerm), then I have some ideas. But no, I will not write gameboy emu :-)
Can't wait to see more of your projects. Make sure to let us know about them when you have updates! :)