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#include <fxcg/display.h>#include <fxcg/keyboard.h>void plot(int x0, int y0, int color) { char* VRAM = (char*)0xA8000000; VRAM += 2*(y0*LCD_WIDTH_PX + x0); *(VRAM++) = (color&0x0000FF00)>>8; *(VRAM++) = (color&0x000000FF); return;}int main() { Bdisp_AllCr_VRAM(); Bdisp_EnableColor(1); double CxMin=-2.0; double CyMax=1.5; double delta=3.0/192; double Zy2,Zx2,Zy,Zx,Cx,Cy; int x,y,iter,a,itermax=50; Cx=CxMin; for(x=0;x<384;x++) { Cy=CyMax; for(y=0;y<192;y++) { Zx=Cx; Zy=Cy; Zx2=Cx*Cx; Zy2=Cy*Cy; for(iter=0;iter<itermax && ((Zx2+Zy2)<=4);iter++) { Zy=2*Zx*Zy +Cy; Zx=Zx2-Zy2 +Cx; Zx2=Zx*Zx; Zy2=Zy*Zy; } a=iter-itermax; a=2048*(a%32) + 32*(a % 64) + (a % 32); plot(x,y+32,a); Cy-=delta; } Cx+=delta; Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); } int key; while(1) GetKey(&key); return 0;}
"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
It took 46 seconds at 94.3MHz, but about 75 seconds at normal speed.
#include <display_syscalls.h>#include <keyboard_syscalls.h>#include <keyboard.hpp>#include <color.h>#include <display.h>//display is 384x216typedef unsigned char uint8_t;typedef unsigned short uint16_t;typedef unsigned int uint32_t;typedef int int32_t;typedef int fixed_t;static fixed_t divX;static fixed_t addX;static fixed_t divY;static fixed_t addY;static fixed_t stepX;static fixed_t stepY;#define preMan 13static fixed_t scaleM[4] = {-2<<preMan,1<<preMan,-1<<preMan,1<<preMan};const unsigned short* keyboard_register = (unsigned short*)0xA44B0000;unsigned short lastkey[8];unsigned short holdkey[8];void keyupdate(void) { memcpy(holdkey, lastkey, sizeof(unsigned short)*8); memcpy(lastkey, keyboard_register, sizeof(unsigned short)*8);}int keydownlast(int basic_keycode){ int row, col, word, bit; row = basic_keycode%10; col = basic_keycode/10-1; word = row>>1; bit = col + 8*(row&1); return (0 != (lastkey[word] & 1<<bit)); }int keydownhold(int basic_keycode){ int row, col, word, bit; row = basic_keycode%10; col = basic_keycode/10-1; word = row>>1; bit = col + 8*(row&1); return (0 != (holdkey[word] & 1<<bit)); }inline fixed_t abs(fixed_t val){ if (val < 0) val*=-1; return val;}inline void plotMan(fixed_t x,fixed_t y,uint16_t col){ uint16_t * vramAd=(uint16_t *)0xA8000000; x+=addX; x=x*384/divX; y+=addY; y=y*216/divY; vramAd+=(y*384)+x; *vramAd=col;}inline fixed_t square(fixed_t x){ return x*x;}void setScale(fixed_t * scale){//format minx maxx miny maxy divX=abs(scale[0]-scale[1]); divY=abs(scale[2]-scale[3]); addX=scale[0]*-1; addY=scale[2]*-1; stepX=divX/384; stepY=divY/216;}uint16_t ManIt(fixed_t c_r,fixed_t c_i,uint16_t maxit){//manIt stands for mandelbrot iteration what did you think it stood for? //c_r = scaled x coordinate of pixel (must be scaled to lie somewhere in the mandelbrot X scale (-2.5, 1) //c_i = scaled y coordinate of pixel (must be scaled to lie somewhere in the mandelbrot Y scale (-1, 1) // squre optimaztion code below orgionally from http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/faster-fractals-through-algebra/ //early bailout code from http://locklessinc.com/articles/mandelbrot/ //changed by me to use fixed point math fixed_t ckr,cki; unsigned p=0,ptot=8; fixed_t z_r = c_r; fixed_t z_i = c_i; fixed_t zrsqr = (z_r * z_r)>>preMan; fixed_t zisqr = (z_i * z_i)>>preMan; //int zrsqr,zisqr; do{ ckr = z_r; cki = z_i; ptot += ptot; if (ptot > maxit) ptot = maxit; for (; p < ptot;++p){ z_i =(square(z_r+z_i)>>preMan)-zrsqr-zisqr; z_i += c_i; z_r = zrsqr-zisqr+c_r; zrsqr = (z_r*z_r)>>preMan; zisqr = (z_i*z_i)>>preMan; if ((zrsqr + zisqr) > (4<<preMan)) return p*0xFFFF/maxit; if ((z_r == ckr) && (z_i == cki)) return 0xFFFF; } } while (ptot != maxit); //plotMan(x0,y0,(uint32_t)iteration*(uint32_t)0xFFFF/(uint32_t)maxit); //return (uint32_t)p*(uint32_t)0xFFFF/(uint32_t)maxit; return 0xFFFF;}void mandel(uint16_t maxit){ fixed_t x,y; uint16_t xx; uint16_t * vramAd=(uint16_t *)0xA8000000; for (y=scaleM[2];y<scaleM[3];y+=stepY){ xx=0; for (x=scaleM[0];x<scaleM[1];x+=stepX){ if (xx > 400) return; *vramAd++=ManIt(x,y,maxit); xx++; } vramAd+=384-xx; } Bdisp_PutDisp_DD();}void mandel4(uint16_t maxit){ static uint16_t temp[100]; fixed_t x,y; uint16_t xx; uint8_t yy,z; uint16_t * vramAd=(uint16_t *)0xA8000000; for (y=scaleM[2];y<scaleM[3];y+=stepY*4){ xx=0; for (x=scaleM[0];x<scaleM[1];x+=stepX*4){ if (xx > 96) return; temp[xx]=ManIt(x,y,maxit); xx++; } for (yy=0;yy<4;++yy){ for (x=0;x<96;++x){ *vramAd++=temp[x]; *vramAd++=temp[x]; *vramAd++=temp[x]; *vramAd++=temp[x]; } } // vramAd+=384-xx; // vramAd+=384*15; } Bdisp_PutDisp_DD();}/*int PRGM_GetKey(void){ unsigned char buffer[12]; PRGM_GetKey_OS( buffer ); return ( buffer[1] & 0x0F ) * 10 + ( ( buffer[2] & 0xF0 ) >> 4 );}*/void main(void) { Bdisp_EnableColor(1); Bdisp_AllClr_VRAM(); setScale(scaleM); uint16_t z=31; mandel(z); uint8_t redraw=1; //uint16_t z=28;//good values for z 28 31 36 41 42 31 is my favoirte so far do{ keyupdate(); if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_F1) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_F1)){ z=0xFFFF; redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_F2) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_F2)){ z=31; redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_1) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_1)){ z--; redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_2) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_2)){ z++; redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_SHIFT) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_SHIFT)){ scaleM[0]+=256; scaleM[1]-=256; scaleM[2]+=144; scaleM[3]-=144; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_ALPHA) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_ALPHA)){ scaleM[0]-=256; scaleM[1]+=256; scaleM[2]-=144; scaleM[3]+=144; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_UP) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_UP)){ scaleM[2]-=144; scaleM[3]-=144; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_DOWN) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_DOWN)) { scaleM[2]+=144; scaleM[3]+=144; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_LEFT) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_LEFT)){ scaleM[0]-=256; scaleM[1]-=256; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_RIGHT) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_RIGHT)){ scaleM[0]+=256; scaleM[1]+=256; setScale(scaleM); redraw=2; } if (redraw == 1){ mandel(z); redraw=0; } else if (redraw == 2){ mandel4(z); redraw=1; } } while (!(keydownlast(KEY_PRGM_EXIT) && keydownhold(KEY_PRGM_EXIT))); //MsgBoxPop(); return;}