I am not sure if it was discussed before, but it is possible to write basic program in Base-N mode (so the basic language is much more limited, but allowing logical operations with bits) and then convert it to standard program type (without add-in help).
1. create base-N program (and type all base-N tokens here, like neg,not,xor,xnor,hex,bin,...)
2. go to main menu and select the item allowing to communicate with ea-200 (or ea-100) peripherals (not remember the exact name). There is a sub-menu with program convertor changing COM speed to 38400 bps. Run this conversion on the basic program created in step 1.
3. check this basic program. It will contain commands to open and close COM port and also all previous content. But it is in comp mode:-). So you can use clipboard and test the Base-N tokens in comp mode. Many of the commands do not work, but some (like and/or/xor,...) do
I tested it on fx 9860G SD and fx cg 20 so I think it will probably work on all fx 9860G types and fx cg 10 too.