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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2014, 02:44:57 am »
Thanks for clarifying your post and sorry if I sounded rude. It's just that in the past, what Art_of_camelot mentionned in his 2nd post was rampant in the TI community from 1999 to 2003, so much that almost anything BASIC-related would turn into a flame fest instigated by a select few ASM elitists. This has been much less common in recent years (the most recent case was from an user that appears to be banned from both Cemetech and Omnimaga since months ago, but it was directed towards Axe Parser, not TI-BASIC), but it still occasionally happens and Omni always tried to keep it away from its forums (in fact it was like the very reason why Omni was created). The issue, however, was not always people being offensive, but rather totally uncaring about the fact not everyone has the same learning skills for everything, which, back then, seemed pretty typical from hardcore programmers. And I personally am very vocal about it.

Regarding TI-83+ ASM, the issue that made it hard for people to learn it is because the best tutorial available is not written with visual people in mind so if you only work with real life program examples (eg a mini game) then you were screwed, and alternatives were often incomplete or even less clear to visual people. Hot Dog's tutorial and Axe helped, although some people still have serious trouble getting the grasp of anything low level.

In my case, though, I think it's more a case of minimal asperger symptoms that kicked in and rendered futile the 3 failed attempts at learning ASM, the one at learning web dev through a multimedia major (which I ultimately dropped out from) and the one at figuring out some supposedly very easy Axe Parser material. I have the same problem when learning to use different music creation softwares and getting used to real life habit changes.

Anyway no hard feelings held, just a misunderstood and I'm glad you are more open-minded than I initially thought.

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2014, 10:59:55 am »
Yes now I see where the Omni part of the forum name came from. As for my questioning of what is so good about Basic it was more of me just trying to understand why people use it and I am glad you took the time to explain why. As for me saying that I would not use it for anything serious I was referring specifically to Casio BASIC which as you mentioned is too slow. I am still considering implementing an Axe JIT or interpreter for the Casio prizm. I would not flame someone for writing in a different language. Recently I am taking an interest in python. I understand that I will not get the same performance as I would get in C but it seems nice for getting things done quickly. I do think that different languages have different purposes but if it works for your purposes then there is nothing wrong with using it.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 11:05:59 am by ProgrammerNerd »

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2014, 12:06:00 pm »
Actually the name is a different story, since Omni was started 2.5 years before its website opened and before I discovered the existence of an online calculator community. :P I was very into Final Fantasy VII and the Omnislash skill and the word magic inspired the name. I guess it kinda fits, though :P

On the topic of Casio Basic, I am curious how many years it would take to draw a Mandelbrot? :P That said, I saw cool Basic games before, although many are cg20-only, not cg10.

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2014, 05:50:34 am »
I just got my Prizm back after over a year and this is the first thing i put on there! It looks great, i especially like watching how the pattern changes from one iteration to another. Thanks for sharing it! Also, thanks for sharing the source. I really should get around to learning C one of these days, though personally i find ASM simpler :P

I also agree that in general when people say they are unable to learn something it's not usually a matter of ability. People who learn the quickest just know the best shortcuts and easiest methods ;)

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2014, 02:25:02 am »
Why did you lose your Prizm for a year? Did you lend it to somebody for school or did you lose it somewhere? ANyway glad you got it back. It would be nice to see you do some PRIZM stuff in the future (maybe port some of your older 83+ games?) :)

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2014, 09:13:02 pm »
It got left at the school i was going to in China since i couldn't get a visa to go back and just today one of my friends mailed it back to me, so i got my Prizm and NSpires back :)

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2014, 11:35:51 pm »
Ah I see now. I forgot about that China trip >.<. At least you got them back that's what counts.

Offline ProgrammerNerd

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2014, 11:42:29 pm »
chickendude Glad to hear that you enjoyed using my program and got your calculators back. When a calculator that I own leaves my sight when it should not, I get paranoid, someone else having it for a year would be terrible but you got it back and at least you knew them.

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Re: Casio prizm Mandelbrot explorer
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2014, 12:22:35 am »
Yeah I used to do that a lot when I programmed them a lot. I don't do so as much anymore since the last 5 years since I mostly use Z80 calcs and got like three compatible models handy, but I would still get scared if I was working on a program then lost the calc on which it's on and had forgotten to back it up. >.<