Author Topic: fx-CG10 g3p demo (Illusiat remake?)  (Read 2980 times)

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fx-CG10 g3p demo (Illusiat remake?)
« on: August 03, 2014, 03:53:50 am »

This video demonstrates what could eventually become a Casio fx-CG10 BASIC remake of Illusiat Original and Illusiat 81, utilizing SourceCoder's new ability to create custom g3p pics for North American models. It only cycles through the 16 possible dungeon rooms right now (the three battle and title screens are missing), but since a game using them would be heavily based on the original Illusiat from 2001 and the TI-81 remake, you move from one room to another instantly from a single arrow key press rather than tile by tile, in order to keep on-screen drawing to minimum.

On the fx-CG10 and fx-CG20, RecallPict doesn't erase anything on the screen other than the last recalled pic, so text in the HUD remains intact. This is why the HUD will be pretty much identical between battles and overworld. The original game had no menu nor NPC convos. The TI-81 remake also lacked NPC convos (they could probably be shown on a different screen, though. Of course, outside battle F1 and F2 would not work.

Also, in the first Illusiat game there is only 1 type of monster and bosses looked identical to it (although monsters varied in HP/STR/EXP), so in a PRIZM remake I would probably only need 2 or 3 battle pics.

I tried to reduce the pictures quality to reduce file size, since this much pre-rendered material takes A LOT of Flash memory (close to 180 KB right now). Of course, I could always provide 3-bit versions of the pics above as well, which would take even less space.

Anyway, this is one reason why I thought it would be nice if custom g3p pics would be made cg10-compatible rather than cg20-only. Another reason is that there are several cg20-only BASIC games already available that would be nice to be ported to the cg10.

Don't get your hopes up for a PRIZM remake of Illusiat 81, but Kerm and others who worked on deciphering the g3p format made this much easier so it has more chances to happen than in the last 3 years or so. :)

inb4 comments about how text takes 6 times longer to render than a 65536-color pic)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 04:02:52 am by DJ Omnimaga »