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I am one of the Prizm hackers who had been expressing concerns on #cemetech. I've been in various contact with Casio marketing and engineering personnel over the past year or so, and they have made it clear that they're currently turning a blind eye to mature, responsible third-party hacking. Officially, they're supposed to both not support it and potentially disallow it, but that hinges on how we behave. [...]We do not want to drive Casio into the same cat-and-mouse game the Nspire developers have to work around.
AAACBDAF90889A8D _xFF_yFF_yFF..FE_a_a_a_a.._b_c_c 00000000_._._d_d_x : file type- .g3a=0xD3; .g3e=0xB6; .g3p/b=0x82; .g3m=0x8A_y : unknown- if (.g3a) then 0xFE else 0xEF.. : check bytes- upper=LSB_of_a+0xBF- lower=LSB_of_a+0x48_. : CP check bytes- rightmost=if (Casio Provided) then LSB_of_a+0x85 else LSB_of_a+0x17- leftmost=(checksum of LSW_of_a) + ...-- if (Casio Provided) then (.g3p/b=0x9B; .g3e=0xCF) ...-- else (.g3p/b=0x09; .g3e=0x3D; .g3m=0x11)_a : inverted file size_b : unknown- if (.g3m) then 0x01 else 0x00- could be related to _d_c : unknown- if (!.g3a) then 0x0000- seems to be unrelated to _a_d : inverted element count- if (!.g3m) then 0x0000
AAACBDAF90889A8D 82FFEFFFEFFF..FE_a_a_a_a..000000 00000000_._.00004350_b_b_b_b_c_c _c_c_c0000000000_d_d_d_d0000_e_e _f_f_f_f0000000000000000000000_g 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000_h00000000000000_i 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 _b_b_b_b_j_j_j_j??_k_l_l_m_m???? ????????_n_n_n_n_o_o???????????? ????????????????Main header:.. : check bytes (see 'General header format')_. : CP check bytes (see 'General header format')_a : inverted file sizeSub header:_b : if "CP" then 0x00010000 else 0x30313030_c : if "CP" then 0x00 else 0x4C79373535_d : file_size - 0x20_e : if "CP" then (0x0001 or 0x0009) else (0x0A09 or 0x0009)_f : file_size - (0xB8 + _g + _i + _h)_g : if _e=0x0001 then 0x00 else 0x8C // length footer 1_h : if _e=0x0A09 then 0x2C else 0x00 // length footer 3_i : if _e=0x0A09 then 0x?? else 0x00 // length footer 2_j : file_size - (0xCC + _g + _i + _h)_k : if CAPTURE then 0x01 else 0x00_l : image_width_m : image_heigth_n : file_size - (0xD0 + _g + _i + _h)_o : type ID (see 'Sub formats' below)
AAACBDAF90889A8D 82FFEFFFEFFF..FE_a_a_a_a..000000 00000000_._.00004350_b_b_b_b_c_c _c_c_c0000000000_d_d_d_d0000_e_e 00000000_f_f_f_f0000000000000000 0000008C00000000000000000000002C 0000000000000000000000_z00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 _b_b_b_b_j_j_j_j_l_l_m_m???????? ????????_n_n_n_n _o_o???????????? ????????????????Main header:.. : check bytes (see 'General header format')_. : CP check bytes (see 'General header format')_a : inverted file sizeSub header:_b : if "CP" then 0x00010000 else 0x30313030_c : if "CP" then 0x00 else 0x4C79373535_d : file_size - 0x20_e : if "CP" then 0x0492 else 0x0092_f : file_size - (0xB8 + 0x8C + _z + 0x2C)_z : if "CP" then 0x10 else 0x00 // length footer 2_j : file_size - (0xCC + 0x8C + _z + 0x2C)_l : image_width_m : image_heigth_n : unknown length_o : type ID (see 'Sub formats' below)
I meant, what's the difference between .g3b and g3p files?
And how does this help?Will you now be able to put modified pics onto the prizm?
Won't that completely nullify the point of them making the CG-10?
So this will allow us to change the Prizm Startup screen and system screens?
So this will allow us to change the Prizm Startup screen and system screens?That sounds really cool, we could completely change what it says, or 'rearrange' pixels for efficiency.