Author Topic: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!  (Read 8493 times)

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Offline Toothless the Dragon

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CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:25:14 am »
CANCELED. We'll be sure to try this again next time! Thanks!

Hiya everyone!

TI-BASIC Developer is proud to present CalcCoders 2015, an event in where programmers from across the world compete against each other in a series of challenges. These may range from finding the simplest radical form to creating RPG and Arcade games, and everything else in-between. The winners of these challenges would then progress onto the Finals, where they all will come together and compete one last time against each other for the prize, a $20 Steam Gift Card!

All of the submissions will then be published to benefit the calculator community as a whole, sharing tips, tricks, algorithms, and more bringing about better, faster programs in the future. If you do not wish to have your submission published, you may message us to opt out, and we will respect your wishes.

For our judges, we have Michael2_3B and kaleb5005131, long-lasting and esteemed members of the TI-BASIC Developer community, as well as Silver Phantom, a Site Moderator and 3-year veteran of our forums. I am Toothless the Dragon, the Event Coordinator of CalcCoders, as well as a Site Moderator, and more than 1-year veteran of the community.

The rules of the contest are the following:

1. Your submission must be programmed in full TI-BASIC, unless stated otherwise for that particular challenge.
2. The majority of your submission must be your creation, and not plagiarized from others. Using snippets of code that the creator allows, the wiki, or forum posts is allowed.
3. All entries must be received by the deadline set by 11:59 PM PST. Any further submissions or edits will be dismissed.
4. A program may be edited and resubmitted multiple times before the deadline. The judges will review your latest submission.
5. Your submission must not have been created/worked on BEFORE the declaration of the challenge, as it would be unfair to the other users to submit a project with potentially much more spent time on it.
6. With each challenge may include specific rules. These rules MUST be followed along with the general rules above.

The event starts on June 8th, 2015, so check back here when it's up! The challenges will be posted in this thread, as well as its sister thread over at TI-BD here. To submit your program, email it to [email protected]

Finally, on behalf of the entire CalcCoders committee, thanks for reading, and happy coding! We hope you see ya here!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 12:47:36 am by Toothless the Dragon »

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 05:40:02 am »
Good that I don't seem to be able to find where you state when the event ends, heehee :P
Anyways, this sounds like a pretty awesome idea, if I get a good idea I might participate :3

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2015, 12:37:05 pm »

Also, check out my website
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Offline Toothless the Dragon

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2015, 01:28:07 pm »
Good that I don't seem to be able to find where you state when the event ends, heehee :P
Anyways, this sounds like a pretty awesome idea, if I get a good idea I might participate :3

That's exactly the point, we don't quite know when the event will end. xD We're gonna be running anywhere between 3 - 6 challenges, each 2 weeks long, then the Finals. Depending on how long summer lasts for people, I suppose we'll see. xP

Awesome pony btw though. :3 Is that your OC?

June 8st, 2015
Erm, grammar.

Whoopes, fixed. XD Thanks for that! We switched the start date from June 1st to June 8th, so oopes, an oversight on my part, sorry. >.<

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2015, 08:12:15 pm »
What is the platform restriction? Is NSpire Basic allowed?

Offline Toothless the Dragon

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2015, 12:19:13 pm »
Challenge #1: Choose Your Own Adventure Game!

Deadline: 6/22/15 @ 11:59 PM PST

Since the dawn of time, story-based video games have always been about choice, and there’s no genre that does it better Choose Your Own Adventure games. In a Choose Your Own Adventure Game, the reader (or player) assumes the role of the protagonist, where the rest of the narrative is written in a second-person point of view. This protagonist is often gender and race neutral, and age-wise can be anywhere between a small child and a young adult.

Your challenge is the following:
Create a Choose Your Own Adventure Game!

Choose Your Own Adventure Games are mainly characterized (identified) by their vast second-person point of view, with the only interaction being typing in actions or pressing numbers to pick an action. Your game may have more or less interaction if you’d like, but the general concept should be similar. Chances are, text will be your main medium, but images and cutscenes can be spliced in and more, the sky is the limit.

NOTE: This is NOT an RPG or a JRPG game. xP We're saving that for later.

It can have as many or as few endings as you like, but 2 is most likely the minimum amount (or else it would just be a novel). You will be judged on efficiency and data compression (if any), but most of all, the plot.

Just a tip:
Many great Choose Your Own Adventure Games start with a single setting or idea, such as under the sea or a cave that spans through time. The player’s choices have vast consequences, and can lead to death or worse. However, the greatest choices are those with no right or wrong choice, the moral dilemmas that cause us to stop and think, and later haunt us for the rest of our lives.

If you’d like some examples of good moral dilemmas, look it up on Google, or look up This War of Mine by 11bitstudios.

Until then, good luck, and happy coding!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 12:26:51 pm by Toothless the Dragon »

Offline Toothless the Dragon

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Re: CalcCoders 2015 — Hosted by TI-BASIC Developer!
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2015, 12:20:55 pm »
What is the platform restriction? Is NSpire Basic allowed?

Hmm... interesting. As long as we can run it, there shouldn't be any problem. ^.^ I have a TI-Nspire Touchpad (w/ 84+ Keypad), but if that can't run it, I'll see if some emulators online can. If so, then go on right ahead.