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Quote from: Sorunome on September 10, 2014, 04:54:28 amBrainfuck 31 bytes ^.^EDIT: PHP 35 bytes, 13 less than juju! I got 22 bytes, actually. And I beat willrandship in Perl as well (again, 22 bytes)
Brainfuck 31 bytes ^.^EDIT: PHP 35 bytes, 13 less than juju!
Quote from: Princetonlion.tibd on September 09, 2014, 06:26:28 pmEDIT: Did I do something wrong, because I'm not listed?I guess it's just that JWinslow was not here when you posted your score and will update his post when he's here Btw, for Axe entries, do we count the size of the source or the size of the compiled program ? I think I already asked but couldn't find the post where I did
EDIT: Did I do something wrong, because I'm not listed?
Quote from: Hayleia on September 10, 2014, 01:00:56 amQuote from: Princetonlion.tibd on September 09, 2014, 06:26:28 pmEDIT: Did I do something wrong, because I'm not listed?I guess it's just that JWinslow was not here when you posted your score and will update his post when he's here Btw, for Axe entries, do we count the size of the source or the size of the compiled program ? I think I already asked but couldn't find the post where I did I was thinking along the lines of "some calc tokens are not exactly ASCII..."imaginary var and piAnd he was
Quote from: Princetonlion.tibd on September 10, 2014, 06:21:26 pmQuote from: Hayleia on September 10, 2014, 01:00:56 amQuote from: Princetonlion.tibd on September 09, 2014, 06:26:28 pmEDIT: Did I do something wrong, because I'm not listed?I guess it's just that JWinslow was not here when you posted your score and will update his post when he's here Btw, for Axe entries, do we count the size of the source or the size of the compiled program ? I think I already asked but couldn't find the post where I did I was thinking along the lines of "some calc tokens are not exactly ASCII..."imaginary var and piAnd he was Well, just tell me the size of the program minus the size of an empty program with the same name. So if program "B" is 69 bytes, and an empty program named "B" is 28 bytes, tell me 69-28=41 bytes.
NEXT: Here
I sent you a PM for Whitespace and Brainf*ck entries!
All the future code golfs are mario games
I forgot to specify: Languages must contain numbers.
Actually that would be a nice 404 page for Omni. When a page can't be found, it would say Thank you for using Omnimaga, but the page you are trying to access is in another castle.