Author Topic: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas  (Read 7717 times)

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Offline Netham45

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OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:21:41 am »
Posting some thoughts I've been having about updating Omnom to be less resource intensive. Just throwing some of this stuff out there if anyone wants to comment.

Don't refresh every 5 seconds or so, but use long polling loop and just return a result when something is said(Would need some sort of client-side parser, but that could be really easy to

Basically, request update.php, update.php waits with server-side sleep()'s. When something is updated, it finishes update.php and returns the event, something like this:

the client-side parser would then split it based off of the :, and run Join('Netham45') which would update the textbox, which would print something like 'Netham45 has joined.' or something. Here is what I was thinking for those:

names,messages,modes,targets would be base64_encode'd
line would be the current line, a unique ID for the last line its gotten, for keeping track of where it should check server-side
Code: [Select]


line:quit:name:message *Merge quit and part?




line:mode:+ovib:Netham45 Netham45 *@*!*

I was also planning on storing however many lines I'm displaying in an array.

Code: [Select]
Lines = Array();
Lines[0] = "1:message:Netham45:NOM!";
Lines[1] = "2:kick:Netham45:Netbot45:(Netham45)";

var i = 1;
for (i;i<Lines.count();i++)
Lines[i-1] = Lines[i];
Lines[i] = message;

and to parse, something similar:

Code: (parserish thingey javascript-ish code) [Select]

for (i = 0;i<Lines.count();i++)

chatBox = "";
parts = message.split(":")
type = parts[1]
curLine = lines;
switch type
case "join":
chatBox = chatBox + join(parts[2]);break;
case "part":
chatBox = chatBox + part(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "quit":
chatBox = chatBox + quit(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "kick":
chatBox = chatBox + kick(parts[2],parts[3],parts[4]);break;
case "message":
chatBox = chatBox + message(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "action":
chatBox = chatBox + action(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "mode":
chatBox = chatBox + mode(parts[2],parts[3]);break;

return name + " has joined";
return name + " has left #Omnimaga (" + reason + ")";
return name + " has quit IRC (" + reason + ")";

Server-side, I plan on having an IRC bot that logs the last 1000 or so lines to a SQL table as they're said. Any more is worthless, half that would still be worthless. :P
irc_lines = (`line_number`k,ai,`name1`,`name2`,`message`)
Code: (pseudo) [Select]
curPos = sql_query("SELECT MAX(`line_number') FROM `irc_lines`");
sql_query("INSERT INTO `irc_lines` (`action`,`name1`,`name2`,`message`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",curPos,"Join","Netham45","0","0");
sql_query("INSERT INTO `irc_lines` (`action`,`name1`,`name2`,`message`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",curPos,"Kick","Netham45","Netbot45","Stop Lagging you stupid bot!");
sql_query("DELETE FROM `irc_lines` WHERE `line_number` < %s",curPos - 1000);
And to get it from the server, something like this:
Code: (more pseudo) [Select]
while (true)
stuffs = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT * FROM `irc_lines` WHERE 'line_number' > %s",reqLines));

for (i=0;i<count(stuffs);i++)
switch (stuffs['action'])
case "join:
echo stuffs['line_number'] . ':' . stuffs['action'] . ':' . stuffs['name1];
if (count(stuffs)) break;

Gimmeh ideas/suggestions.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 03:22:13 pm by Netham45 »
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Offline ZippyDee

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 01:25:28 am »
I think your "line:kick:kicker:kicked:message" example is missing the "kicked" part...

But I think that would be a great way to go. That would surely lighten the load on omnimaga.

Also, I think part/quit shouldn't be merged.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 01:26:46 am by ZippyDee »
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Offline Netham45

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 01:27:49 am »

Another thing I'd like to add is that this wouldn't replace the logs, those are best logged to a file as they currently are. This would, though, fix the multi-byte char problems for #omnimaga-fr too.

It'd also be easy to implement a jsonp feed so Eeems would stop raging. :P
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 01:28:30 am by Netham45 »
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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 01:29:12 am »
Of course, logs should definitely be stored normally. But fixing the char issue would be GREAT. :D
There's something about Tuesday...

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2011, 03:25:53 pm »
Hmm I don't understand that stuff much, but it's cool to see it will be updated. :D

As for logs does it means the old logs would no longer be available?

Offline Netham45

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2011, 04:33:55 pm »
The logs will still be available, but I won't be relying on them for OmnomIRC.

I got most of the client-side parser done, I believe. Just need to add a few things to make it tell between Omnom and Non-Omnom users, cookies, and such.

Code: [Select]
messageList = Array();
userList = Array();
curLine = 0;
messageBox = document.getElementById("MessageBox");
Lines = Array();
// Start Request Loop functions
function startLoop()
if (xmlhttp==null) {
alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX! Please update for OmnomIRC compatibility.");

function sendRequest()
url = "" + curLine;"GET",url,true);

function getIncomingLine()
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 || xmlhttp.readyState=="complete") {

function getAjaxObject()
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); //Decent Browsers
if (!xmlhttp || xmlhttp == undefined || xmlhttp == null) xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");  //IE7+
if (!xmlhttp || xmlhttp == undefined || xmlhttp == null) xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); //IE6-
return xmlhttp;

// End Request Loop functions

// Start Line adding functions
function addLineStart(message)
Lines[Lines.length] = message;

function addLine(message)
var i = 1;
for (i;i<Lines.length;i++)
Lines[i-1] = Lines[i];
Lines[i-1] = message;

function setCurLine(message)
curLine = message.split(":")[0];
// End Line Adding Functions

// Parser Start
function parseMessages()
text = "";
var i = 0;
for (i = 0;i<Lines.length;i++)
text = text + parse(Lines[i]);
messageBox.innerHTML = text;

function parse(message)
a = message;
parts = message.split(":");
type = parts[1];

for (i = 2;i < parts.length;i++)
parts[i] = atob(parts[i]); //De-base64 it. ***** WILL NOT WORK IN IE *****
switch (type)
case "join":
return  join(parts[2]);break;
case "part":
return  part(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "quit":
return  quit(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
case "kick":
return  kick(parts[2],parts[3],parts[4]);break;
case "message":
return  sendMessage(parts[2],parts[3],parts[4]);break;
case "action":
return  action(parts[2],parts[3],parts[4]);break;
case "mode":
return  mode(parts[2],parts[3]);break;
return "";

function join(name)
return name + " has joined #omnimaga" + "\n<br/>";
function part(name,reason)
return name + " has left #omnimaga (" + reason + ")" + "\n<br/>";
function quit(name,reason)
return name + " has quit IRC (" + reason + ")" + "\n<br/>";
function kick(kicker,kicked,reason)
return kicker + " has kicked " + kicked + " from #omnimaga (" + reason + ")" + "\n<br/>";
function sendMessage(name,message,isOmnom)
return "&lt;" + name + "&gt " + message + "\n<br/>";
function action(name,action)
return " * " + name + " " + action + "\n<br/>";
function mode(name,mode)
return name + " set #omnimaga mode " + mode + "\n<br/>";
// Parser End
function load()
var body= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var script= document.createElement('script');
script.type= 'text/javascript';
script.src= 'Load.php?count=17';
script.onload= function(){parseMessages();startLoop();};
window.onLoad = load();

Edit: I have a preview of it available at (Just spewing randomly generated data now)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 04:35:03 pm by Netham45 »
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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2011, 04:37:46 pm »
Ah ok, sounds cool. Good luck with this. :)

Offline Jim Bauwens

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2011, 04:57:46 pm »
Hmm, looks quite interesting.
If I'm not mistaken, the loop keeps a xmlhttprequest open until it timeouts, and then starts a new request (endless loop here) ?

Offline Netham45

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2011, 06:03:58 pm »
No, it keeps it open until my server responds. It shouldn't time out at all. I have a random-length sleep() on the script that's spewing data for testing.
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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2011, 06:05:58 pm »
Oh, ok. Ajax isn't my best subject :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2011, 06:18:52 pm »
By the way I noticed something with the links at the top: When clicking Francais or the logs, it does nothing, but the second time it works. ??? Somebody else reported that.

Offline Netham45

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2011, 08:34:50 pm »
IRC Bot! (Not quite done, as with everything else. Still need to track userlists, and add sending.)

Code: (IRC_Bot.php) [Select]
function sql_query()
global $sqlConnection;
$params = func_get_args();
$query = $params[0];
$args = Array();
for ($i=1;$i<count($params);$i++)
$args[$i-1] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($params[$i]),$sqlConnection));
$result = mysql_query(vsprintf($query,$args),$sqlConnection);
if (!$result)
die(mysql_error() . "Query: " . vsprintf($query,$args));
return $result;

function getMessage($parts,$start,$trim)
$message = substr($parts[$start++],1);
for ($i = $start; $i < count($parts);$i++)
$message = $message . " " . $parts[$i];

$message = trim($message);
return $message;

function parseMsg($allMessage)
global $socket,$hasIdent,$ident;
$lines = explode("\n",$allMessage);
foreach ($lines as $Message)
$parts = explode(" ",$Message);
$channel = strtolower($parts[2]);
if (strtolower($parts[0]) == "ping")
socket_write($socket,"PONG " . trim($parts[1]) . "\n");
case "privmsg":
$message = getMessage($parts,3,true);
if ($message == "!quit") socket_write($socket,"QUIT :Requested!\n");
if (preg_match("/ACTION (.*)/",$message,$messageA))
case "join":
case "part":
$message = getMessage($parts,3,true);
case "mode":
$message = getMessage($parts,3,false);
case "kick":
$message = getMessage($parts,4,true);
case "quit":
$message = getMessage($parts,2,true);
case "376":
socket_write($socket,"JOIN #omnimaga-test\n");

function addLine($name1,$name2,$type,$message,$channel)
global $socket;
$curPosArr = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT MAX('line_number') FROM `irc_lines`"));
$curPos =  $curPosArr[0]+ 1;
sql_query("INSERT INTO `irc_lines` (`name1`,`name2`,`message`,`type`,`channel`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",$name1,$name2,$message,$type,$channel);
sql_query("DELETE FROM `irc_lines` WHERE `line_number` < %s",$curPos - 1000);

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if (!socket_connect($socket,"",6667))
die("Could not connect. Error: " . socket_last_error());

$sqlConnection = mysql_connect("localhost","OmnomIRC","-snip-");
if (!$sqlConnection)
die("Could not connect to SQL DB.");
if (!mysql_select_db("omnomirc",$sqlConnection)) die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

$ident = "PASS none\nUSER OmnomIRC OmnomIRC OmnomIRC :OmnomIRC\nNICK Omnom_Dev\n";

while ($recBuf = socket_read($socket,1024))
echo $recBuf;

Edit: Here's what I got of my server-side update scripts too(I just need to add chan support to these, which is going to be easy.):

Code: (Load.php) [Select]
header('Content-type: text/javascript');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$curLine = $_GET['count'];
$sqlConnection = mysql_connect("localhost","OmnomIRC","-snip-");
if (!$sqlConnection)
die("Could not connect to SQL DB.");
if (!mysql_select_db("omnomirc",$sqlConnection)) die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
function sql_query()
global $sqlConnection;
$params = func_get_args();
$query = $params[0];
$args = Array();
for ($i=1;$i<count($params);$i++)
$args[$i-1] = mysql_real_escape_string($params[$i],$sqlConnection);
$result = mysql_query(vsprintf($query,$args),$sqlConnection);
if (!$result)
die(mysql_error() . "Query: " . vsprintf($query,$args));
return $result;
$curLineArr = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT MAX(`line_number`) FROM `irc_lines`"));
$curLine = $curLineArr[0] - $curLine;
$destLine = $curLineArr[0];
for ($curLine;$curLine <= $destLine;$curLine++)
$result = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT * FROM `irc_lines` WHERE `line_number` = %s",$curLine));
echo "addLineStart('";
switch (strtolower($result['type']))
case "message":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['message'])) . ':' . base64_encode("0");break;
case "action":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['message'])) . ':' . base64_encode("0");break;
case "join":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1']));break;
case "part":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "kick":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["name2"])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "quit":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "mode":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
echo "');\n";
Code: (update.php) [Select]
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$curLine = $_GET['lineNum'];
$sqlConnection = mysql_connect("localhost","OmnomIRC","-snip-");
if (!$sqlConnection)
die("Could not connect to SQL DB.");
if (!mysql_select_db("omnomirc",$sqlConnection)) die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
function sql_query()
global $sqlConnection;
$params = func_get_args();
$query = $params[0];
$args = Array();
for ($i=1;$i<count($params);$i++)
$args[$i-1] = mysql_real_escape_string($params[$i],$sqlConnection);
$result = mysql_query(vsprintf($query,$args),$sqlConnection);
if (!$result)
die(mysql_error() . "Query: " . vsprintf($query,$args));
return $result;
while (true)
$result = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT * FROM `irc_lines` WHERE `line_number` = %s",$curLine + 1));
if (!isset($result[0])) {sleep(1); continue;}
switch (strtolower($result['type']))
case "message":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['message'])) . ':' . base64_encode("0");break;
case "action":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['message'])) . ':' . base64_encode("0");break;
case "join":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1']));break;
case "part":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "kick":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["name2"])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "quit":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;
case "mode":
echo $result['line_number'] . ":" . $result['type'] . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result['name1'])) . ":" . base64_encode(htmlspecialchars($result["message"]));break;


Hmm, looks quite interesting.
If I'm not mistaken, the loop keeps a xmlhttprequest open until it timeouts, and then starts a new request (endless loop here) ?
No, it keeps it open until my server responds. It shouldn't time out at all. I have a random-length sleep() on the script that's spewing data for testing.

It does actually time out after 45 seconds, to prevent a large number of lingering PHP scripts running on my server.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 09:01:22 pm by Netham45 »
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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2011, 11:10:29 pm »
What is the bot? Is it just OmnomIRC?

Offline Netham45

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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2011, 11:12:14 pm »
Yea, it's going to replace the OmnomIRC bot in the chan.
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Re: OmnomIRC Dev Ideas
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2011, 11:13:26 pm »
By the way, did you make it so when a netsplit occurs, it automatically reconnects to another server?