Author Topic: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project  (Read 4881 times)

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[lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« on: July 25, 2013, 04:44:26 pm »
Well hey guys, i thought i might wanna make a topic about this project for if someone ever gets interested

so what i'm making is a binary puzzle game (look up: binary puzzle OR binairo)

so what i've got so far:

- premade levels -working
- number placement -working
- solution validator -working

planned features:
- main menu
- stage select (select size of puzzle (6*6 , 8*8 , ...))
- level select (select level of stage (probably 100 or more per stage))
- automatic level generator (if you don't have enough with premade levels)
- win/lose screen
- save progress

any more ideas? ;)

interested in a piece of code?

btw: rewriting my whole program now, for function ordening, for better track of vars, more comments in code, to include the screen states, to use the special 1-touch function instead of the CurrentTouch )which is always on the state of 'ended' after release of the finger, which could lead to some code being ran more than once
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 04:48:30 pm »
sounds good!
Also, some kind of points + highscroe list?

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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 04:52:32 pm »
Here are two more ideas:
- simple error indicators (that say when a row or column is definitely wrong, for example the no-3-in-a-row or the counting rules are broken)
- a tutorial mode, using next-step suggestions with explanation for why that step can be made (I know my own implementation of it doesn't do an especially good job at the explanation, but it's something, and at least it can get you unstuck)

The first one is trivial to implement, but might not be as useful.
The second is hard to implement, but useful, and when you've implemented it you can build level-select on top of it (by banning hard steps at low levels and by calculating how hard a puzzle is in total so you can "aim" for a certain range of hardness for each level)
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Offline stevon8ter

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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 04:53:18 pm »
sounds good!
Also, some kind of points + highscroe list?

well i might implement some time-based score... like some kind of 'best time'

btw this is what i do when i get bored and may not go on ipad:
(calculating and coding, on old pizza boxes xd)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 04:53:50 pm by stevon8ter »
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 04:56:29 pm »
Here are two more ideas:
- simple error indicators (that say when a row or column is definitely wrong, for example the no-3-in-a-row or the counting rules are broken)
- a tutorial mode, using next-step suggestions with explanation for why that step can be made (I know my own implementation of it doesn't do an especially good job at the explanation, but it's something, and at least it can get you unstuck)

The first one is trivial to implement, but might not be as useful.
The second is hard to implement, but useful, and when you've implemented it you can build level-select on top of it (by banning hard steps at low levels and by calculating how hard a puzzle is in total so you can "aim" for a certain range of hardness for each level)

about the error thing: yeah for 3 in a row thing i could indicate, but that's about it... like 2 identical rows... should i indicate them as well?

for the tut: i'll implement that one later, i'm gonna keep it in mind and code my app so that i can add it later on
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2013, 05:01:30 pm »
about the error thing: yeah for 3 in a row thing i could indicate, but that's about it... like 2 identical rows... should i indicate them as well?
Maybe, up to you, I chose to make the error indicators "stupid" so they wouldn't give you too much information but just help you along when you type a cell in wrong. Whether "identical rows" is stupid enough (in that sense) or not, I don't think there's an objective answer to that anyway. And of course making it indicate more complex errors is a valid choice as well.
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2013, 05:08:27 pm »
well i'm gonna see about that later ;) should i do it like this: if user has filled it in right, say it, or only tell them they won after pressing some validation button?
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Offline harold

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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2013, 05:17:16 pm »
I'd go for showing it automatically - the only good thing about a validation button that I can see is that if you planning to fill in a 1 but it should be a 0, then you click the cell and get a zero first and then you win unexpectedly (if you even use that way of doing input).
However, there is almost no chance of that happening. The last cell is always absolutely trivial to fill in, so the user won't wrongly believe it to be a 1.
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2013, 05:25:30 pm »
no, i'm doing it like this: 2 buttons, '1' and '0' and a 'square' around the selected cell

btw: just tested my own button class, and it works great :D
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Re: [lua] [ipad] binary puzzle project
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2013, 04:34:25 pm »

- start screen
- stage select (size of the puzzle)
- level select
- better level arrays
- automated check for loss/win when all cells are filled (will do nothing when loss, so you can keep thinking, will show win-screen when solved..)

to do:
- WIN screen
- ingame 'pause' menu
- add a timer to the game to show how long someone needed to solve the level
- storage of user data (such as showing which levels are already completed)
- automated puzzle generator for extra levels
- add more puzzles (currently only 3)

i know that not a lot of people are interested in this, but i'll keep this up to date

Screenies and videos will follow later, screenies maybe today, video tommorow
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Hi there, I'm the allmighty (read as: stupid, weak...) STEVON8TER