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PPTX converter
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:10:01 pm »
My clas has begged me to write an executable converter which they will place in the homework drive of my schools computers. My school will not allow us to install the compatibility pack and we are currently using Microsoft Office 2003. Could someone please help me in how to do this. I will do it in any compiled language i could possibly quickly learn enough of.(C++ preffered because of prior knowledge)
Thank you to anyone who might help
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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 12:31:05 pm »
Hmm, I know OOo supports .pptx and lets you convert back and forth. Try that?

Or Google Docs might work.

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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 12:48:25 pm »
Hmm, I know OOo supports .pptx and lets you convert back and forth. Try that?

Or Google Docs might work. Portable might also be a good idea, since it runs from a flash drive.

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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 12:53:29 pm »
I've used that before, and it's unfortunately slow (to start up) :( But I guess if your teachers don't want you installing stuff, that would work.

Offline ruler501

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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 10:38:36 pm »
Open Office portable is too large for my flash drive. I'm almost out of space.
they want me to write a small program. Does anyone know how to do this. How do they change from pptx and ppt? If i know that I should be able to figure out how to make it work
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PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 11:37:04 pm »
I don't think this would be a small program. By my best guess pptx is a compressed version of ppt. I had made two identical powerpoints and saved one as a ppt and the other as pptx. I then opened up the files in a hex editor. I was able to find the text from the ppt but not in the the pptx. The format seems very complex and I doubt microsoft would be willing to give out details on it.

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: PPTX converter
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 07:25:41 pm »
I don't think this would be a small program. By my best guess pptx is a compressed version of ppt. I had made two identical powerpoints and saved one as a ppt and the other as pptx. I then opened up the files in a hex editor. I was able to find the text from the ppt but not in the the pptx. The format seems very complex and I doubt microsoft would be willing to give out details on it.

OOo might though.