View full version: Computer Projects and Ideas
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  1. Plane deformation : the GLSL version
  2. [Cemetech Contest #9] Reuben Quest HD
  3. Omnimaga Pacman Repo
  4. Ludum Dare 29
  5. Supersonic Ball Android
  6. Bag (formerly Amethyst)
  7. The Fuxxy Adventures
  8. Open Book Ware: Collaborative Books - Open-Source Style!
  9. Quadratic Burd Solver
  10. hosting with streaming
  11. RunerBotPlaysPokemon
  12. MafiaBot - A IRC bot to play mafia
  13. A new scripting language for Linux
  14. Eeems' Node.js IRC Bot
  15. Illusiat 5
  16. DiSGame -- A Game for Windows, Linux, and Android
  17. Google Chrome extension: Send a SMS Text from your web browser!
  18. Can someone help me with this Google Chrome extension?
  19. Tooth and Cog: Online Strategy Game
  20. 60 lines Binary Puzzle in php and ncurses
  21. EFnet bot policies
  22. Deep Thought's IRC bots
  23. MaoBot
  24. how do i crack my wifi pass with wpa protection from cellphone
  25. nOmnomIRC - A command-line OmnomIRC client in php and ncurses
  26. AssaultCube Reloaded
  27. Currently Unnamed Game -- Android!
  28. PMusic - Procedural Music Generator
  29. remote control
  30. getting wifi nets android
  31. MOVED: Starblaze -A PlayStation Mobile Game
  32. [NXT] Angry Blockheads!-Tower Crushing w/Physics!
  33. Random Script Snippets
  34. Popover Web [OS X]
  35. Hellninjas Stuff n' Junk
  36. LibraNext Operating System: We need more people!
  37. Continued Fraction Math
  38. MC land - a little minecraft clone
  39. Licensing Question
  40. Phinder: yet another PHP/AJAX file manager
  41. Cubes on Steroids
  42. The Incredible Pixel (Nymless on your browser!)
  43. Something With Text - Computer Game in Processing
  44. My project: Phil
  45. ESCAPE: The Entity
  46. Raspberry Pi : What should I do with it ?
  47. Writing a compiler [tutorial]
  48. Original and unique idea's needed
  49. XKCD reader for Windows
  50. 1TB USB Stick