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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #105 on: March 08, 2012, 07:38:58 am »
Wow, I had glanced at this topic title a few times before, but now I come to look at it it is quite similar to TokenIDE. How could I have not come across this before?
Now downloaded it and trying, I am loving the Picture Editor!
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #106 on: March 08, 2012, 10:42:33 am »
@Hayleia: I've implemented it! If you set BexIDE as the default program to open .8xp files, they will open in BexIDE as well. If you want to open multiple files from outside of the program, you can select them from Window Explorer and drag them onto the BexIDE executable and they'll open. You can't just hit enter when you have them selected, though. I'm working on fixing that. After I fix the sprite editor to help kindermoumoute, I'll update the snapshot download :D
Drag and drop opens a new file in BexIDE.
Setting BexIDE as default program to open 8xp says "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application" (or something like that) when I try to open NAME.8xp.
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #107 on: March 08, 2012, 12:33:51 pm »
I don't have the same problem, I can set BexIDE as default program to open 8xp, but when I want to start a file it just launched as a new BexIDE program.
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #108 on: March 08, 2012, 05:28:37 pm »
@kindermoumoute: Wait, did it really go faster when you had the bitmap option selected? Also, as for actual bitmaps, yes I plan to add support for that. I don't think it would be 4-level grayscale, though. I would have a function to determine if a color was light or dark. If it was light that pixel would be white, and dark would be black. Would that work for what you wanted? (I'd imagine it's for that pixel-mapping program you're working on with Hayleia?) EDIT: Yeah, the problem with opening that you're having is what I noticed too. It works if you have it open already, though.

@Hayleia: I have a lot of school work I have to do tonight, probably tomorrow night, and most likely over the weekend. I'll check it out because I also noticed that it sometimes doesn't work when you double-click just one file. Um... Having an error like "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application" might mean that Windows did something wrong with setting some property. Try re-setting BexIDE to be the default program to open .8xp files.

EDIT: Thanks Jonius! :D
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 06:18:22 pm by BlakPilar »

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #109 on: March 08, 2012, 06:23:24 pm »
A suggestion I have would be to allow the user to make tabs appear in multiple rows, so for example if he's editing like 40 programs at once, he doesn't need to constantly scroll during minutes through the tabs to find a program. By the way nice progress so far. I kinda fell out of the loop over the past few months due to some circumnstances, so my apologies for not checking until now.

Also another suggestion: The ability to Find/Replace linebreaks. If, for example, I have an old program that has every line of code in one line (to save scrolling time on 2:GOTO) and I want to replace : characters with linebreaks. But again I guess maybe it would be best to just add an option to separate lines of code?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 06:27:34 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #110 on: March 08, 2012, 08:30:19 pm »
Alright, the multi-row thing isn't hard to do. It's literally just a property of the TabControl lol. But thanks!

As for the line breaks, I can do that, but I'd probably do it when I add auto-tabbing because I don't think either of the editors I'm looking at will do it for me when I open files, so I'm going to have to do that myself. When I do, I'll be checking for new lines and whatnot, so it won't be hard to establish if a colon is within a string or not.

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #111 on: March 08, 2012, 09:08:03 pm »
Ah I see. Would there be a way to just have an option that simply permanently converts the : lines of code separators by new lines? It doesn't need to parse : as linebreak in real-time during editing since that might be a bit annoying, but just converting them would be nice. And yeah of course it needs to make sure it's not part of a string.

Another idea I just got: A tool that grabs all the strings available in a project and let you edit them without having to find them. Once you click finish, it replaces the text in the program.

RPG Maker has such third-party tool available and it's used a lot by people who wants to translate games. Otherwise, when translating you always forget a few text because it's all spread accross the program most of the time.

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #112 on: March 08, 2012, 09:12:53 pm »
Well, technically I could do it by using a string split, but that would parse literally every colon, whether it was in a string or not. But I wouldn't do it in real-time, just when opening files (if the user wants).

As for the string manipulation, I suppose I could do that. It doesn't seem too hard while I'm thinking about it, seeing as quotes are used solely for strings.

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #113 on: March 09, 2012, 10:14:03 am »
Wait, did it really go faster when you had the bitmap option selected?
Yes, it goes really faster. Actually I can't up to 256*256 with sprite option selected.

If it was light that pixel would be white, and dark would be black. Would that work for what you wanted?
I don't ask anymore, none software do that for the moment.

(I'd imagine it's for that pixel-mapping program you're working on with Hayleia?)
yes, actually we're working on editor on-calc.

I though you could integrate bitmap editor with the same way than Pictures editor, because 256*256 is really big with sprite editor. *.*
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #114 on: March 09, 2012, 10:29:28 am »
@Hayleia: I have a lot of school work I have to do tonight, probably tomorrow night, and most likely over the weekend. I'll check it out because I also noticed that it sometimes doesn't work when you double-click just one file. Um... Having an error like "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application" might mean that Windows did something wrong with setting some property. Try re-setting BexIDE to be the default program to open .8xp files.
Yes, I gues that Windows failed a lot. When I first try to use it here is what first happens:
I clicked "open with", "choose in list", "browse", selected BexIDE, it appeared in the list, "always use this program", "ok", then nothing happened ???
I clicked "open with", "choose in list", "browse", selected BexIDE, it didn't even appear in the list ??? ???
Then, I smartly thought (:P) "why not setting a shortcut as program to launch .8xp" and it said "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application". Now, the shortcut doesn't appear in the list either D:

* Hayleia creates a new shortcut
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 10:29:55 am by Hayleia »
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #115 on: March 09, 2012, 12:45:29 pm »
I tested Ctrl+F : "Find word" don't work and "replace word" make me crashed. D:
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #116 on: March 09, 2012, 09:10:04 pm »
feature request: ability to modify greyscale sprites?
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Offline BlakPilar

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #117 on: March 10, 2012, 09:11:15 am »
I though you could integrate bitmap editor with the same way than Pictures editor, because 256*256 is really big with sprite editor. *.*

I can't really integrate them together, but I can use a picture-box as the base like I did for the picture editor so it won't be so buggy/laggy (which I'm probably going to end up doing when I get time).

@Hayleia: I have a lot of school work I have to do tonight, probably tomorrow night, and most likely over the weekend. I'll check it out because I also noticed that it sometimes doesn't work when you double-click just one file. Um... Having an error like "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application" might mean that Windows did something wrong with setting some property. Try re-setting BexIDE to be the default program to open .8xp files.
Yes, I gues that Windows failed a lot. When I first try to use it here is what first happens:
I clicked "open with", "choose in list", "browse", selected BexIDE, it appeared in the list, "always use this program", "ok", then nothing happened ???
I clicked "open with", "choose in list", "browse", selected BexIDE, it didn't even appear in the list ??? ???
Then, I smartly thought (:P) "why not setting a shortcut as program to launch .8xp" and it said "NAME.8xp is not a valid Win32 application". Now, the shortcut doesn't appear in the list either D:

* Hayleia creates a new shortcut

I've been working on this and it's quite tricky the way that .NET makes you do it (at least the "easiest" way, which I don't think is compatible with Mono, unless it has support for the Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices namespace...)
* BlakPilar calls on alberthrocks
It worked at first from a way that somebody showed me on MSDN, but now it doesn't...

feature request: ability to modify greyscale sprites?

I shall see what I can do! I might just throw that in there when I make the new sprite editor.

I tested Ctrl+F : "Find word" don't work and "replace word" make me crashed. D:

Can you copy and paste what the error message said? The details part?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 11:58:02 am by BlakPilar »

Offline kindermoumoute

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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #118 on: March 10, 2012, 10:55:49 am »
"Find world" don't scroll to show the word, and I don't know why it crashed to replace words... it was just displaying "not responding". :/
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Re: BexIDE -- An Axe/(Extended) BASIC Mini-IDE
« Reply #119 on: March 10, 2012, 11:08:14 am »
Oh yeah. I know it doesn't scroll. That's more of a problem on the editor's side. I'm not exactly worried about that part though because I'm more than likely going to be changing the editor I'm using. But for the replacing I'm not sure... I used the replace method from the ICSharpCode forums that one of the people working on the project posted. Oh well though. If I used the editor I used for 1.0, then there won't be a problem (but we might lose the ability to search across tabs).