Author Topic: Piworld PC Updates  (Read 9899 times)

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Offline miotatsu

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Piworld PC Updates
« on: July 08, 2010, 02:51:07 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #1========================

Total Progress: [..........] (<10%)
Screenshot/Demo: n/a
Things finished: n/a
Things being worked on:
Due to not being done with the progress tracker, I will post updates on it instead of piworld until it is complete.
   ===SAO Progress Tracker Progress Update #1===
   - Total Progress: [++++++++..] (>80%)
   - Screenshot/Demo: The spritesheet. (attached)
   - Things finished: GUI, most of the internal functionality
   - Things being worked on:
   - I am splitting the source into multiple files. I am also adding support for Text with SDL_TTF.
   - SPOILER!: n/a
SPOILER!: You can get a sneak peak at potential piworld music if you can play ogg files at:
(dead link)
also note that I am behind in adding some tracks.
If you would like to contribute a song that you have written, please send me the file in wav or ogg format
along with written permission for its free use in Piworld and any Piworld related content.
This however does not guarantee that your piece of music will be used. If your music is chosen your name will be
included in the credits and you may receive exclusive pre-release content as a reward!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 08:45:04 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2010, 05:47:00 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #2========================

Total Progress: [..........] (<10%)
Screenshot/Demo: (attached)
Things finished: n/a
Things being worked on:
I did not work on the progress tracker these last two days, instead I have been reviewing C++ and learning about proper coding style. I feel that I should really get to know the language better before I jump into full scale development of piworld. However, in the name of progress I will be continuing with development of the progress tracker now, once it is finished I will break my time into working on the piworld storyline, the map editor, and learning more about C++.
SPOILER!: Todays screenie will be a hand drawn rough draft of the piworld overworld. note that it is a poor quality scan so you may not be able to make everything out, but Its better than nothing!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 05:51:16 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 01:34:57 pm »
========================Piworld Progress Update #3========================

Total Progress: [..........] (<10%)
Screenshot/Demo: (attached)
Things finished: n/a
Things being worked on:
   ===SAO Progress Tracker Progress Update #2===
   - Total Progress: [++++++++..] (>80%)
   - Screenshot/Demo: n/a
   - Things finished: got a good set of fonts for the timer as well as any other text
   - Things being worked on:
   - I am still splitting the source into multiple files. I am also still adding support for Text with SDL_TTF.
   - SPOILER!: n/a
SPOILER!: Three new music/sound tracks have been added at:
(dead link)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 08:45:54 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 05:21:29 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #4========================
Total Progress: [..........] (<10%)
Screenshot/Demo: (attached)
Things finished: made a character sprite
Things being worked on:
still the timer
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 05:23:27 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 04:50:32 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #5========================
you may have noticed a slight lack in progress, this is because I was working towards getting my drivers
licence. Which I now have! also  I have been working on an idea of how I will do the state machine.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 04:51:01 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 03:39:51 pm »
========================Piworld Progress Update #6========================
Total Progress: [+.........] (>10%)
Screenshot/Demo: (attached)
Things finished: made new sprites
Things being worked on:
sprites, state machine, map data format, storyline
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 03:42:32 pm by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2010, 06:50:24 pm »
========================Piworld Progress Update #7========================
Total Progress: [+.........] (>15%)
Screenshot/Demo: (see avatar)
Things being worked on:
made new sprites, storyline slowly but steadily progressing

lately I have been lacking in writing progress updates, but progress has been happening none the less!
A piworld sprites poll was made and from it I developed a new main character sprite. This style of sprite will
be the basis for the rest of the piworld graphics. Also mionet has a completely new forum
(I switched from zetaboards to phpbb3) and the site has been giving a matching theme.
This marks a fairly big change for mionet as it moves away from being a site for randomness/spam and more
focused on game dev. Also school will be starting soon so I have been feeling rather pressed for time, and I
really am shooting for /at least/ finishing the storyline before summer vacation is over. I will begin posting
updates on the storyline as well here (in terms of how many pages completed). Once the storyline has been
finished I will continue building off of my older work to create a plan for the state machine, map file structure,
etc. After this is done I will create a map editor and begin creating the actual game content!

Pages complete: 35/88
Pages unfinished: 53/88

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2010, 02:08:13 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #8========================
Total Progress: [+.........] (>15%)
Screenshot/Demo: (see below)
Things being worked on:
made some cover art:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
(dead link)
Pages complete: 36/88
Pages unfinished: 52/88
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 08:43:15 am by miotatsu »

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2010, 07:06:20 pm »
========================Piworld Progress Update #9========================
Total Progress: [++........] (>20%)
Screenshot/Demo: n/a
Things being worked on:
I finished the storyline but some people are reading over it which is why there have been a lack of updates.
I have also started a "Piworld 2" storyline but that does NOT mean I will necessarily make it into a game some day.

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2011, 01:30:40 am »
========================Piworld Progress Update #10========================
Total Progress: [+++.......] (>35%)
Screenshot/Demo: n/a
Things being worked on:
Been a while since an update, but no piworld is not dead. Progress has increased slightly since last time,
but nothing too major. Currently it is on hold for a different smaller project, called meiro which is another
pc game I am working on. (no plans for a calc version as of now)
I do have the piworld storyline back and in regards to that aspect of piworld,
 it is still actively being developed when I am not working on meiro/busy/lazy.
hopefully there will be many more updates to come for this project over the summer (as well as the calc version!)

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 04:09:25 am »
Holy necropost batman!

j/k, I'm glad it's not dead.

Offline miotatsu

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2015, 08:38:58 am »
How's this for a necropost?  ;)
My interest in calculators faded away, and the game dev projects I tackled in my youth such as this were far beyond my capabilities.
It's been a long time since I've been around here, but Handmade Hero has inspired me to pick this project back up.
Right now this is all in pencil and paper planning stages, but consider this project alive again.

I'll probably make a new topic in a week or two if PC projects are still appropriate to post around here and assuming the board is still alive, but I couldn't resist posting here like a phoenix rising from the ashes  :P

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2015, 05:25:19 pm »
Oh wow, hi there! Long time no see! PC projects are still fine. Feel free to post a new topic, or continue this old one. :)

Offline Geekboy1011

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Re: Piworld PC Updates
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2015, 11:11:49 am »
Welcome back tatsu! And nice to see you working on this again. Like art said PC projects are most definetily still welcome here. That being said you can continue in this project or make a new one your choice. IF you choose to continue a new one make sure to poke a mod to lock this one tho! Again welcome back!