NOTE: I did not make this, but since the NSpire does not have gigabytes of memory, I though I would share it with you guysLuaSrcDietI found this project a while back (It's made by the author of ANoFrillsIntroToLua51VMInstructions.pdf), and I think it could be of use for NSpire Lua developers.
Basically, what it does is it removes as much unnecessary information as possible.
This means removing whitespace, comments, and renaming/reusing variables whenever possible.
I just used it again on a script of mine that was 38,513 bytes long.
It outputted a file 21,899 bytes long.
That's a
41% reductionEverything
should run the same. (Though if you have an error it might be harder to figure out which variable it was really from)
So if you're looking to save space in large projects of yours, you might want to give this a try