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« on: July 13, 2013, 09:29:55 pm »
I was recently at a robotics conference where every night a large group of students would play Mao(a card game) together. I've started to really like it so I decided to write an IRC bot to let me play it. It is currently running on efnet and OmniNET in #omnimaga-games and supports OmnomIRC also :D

It currently does just the basics required of a bot and should be ready for release

Here is what it currently does
Code: [Select]
Command List
!join for joining a game
!call <target> <rule> for calling someone on breaking a rule
 -wrong/bad card or out of turn gives someone their card back and gives them another card
 -wrong/bad call reverses the last call by target and gives them a card
!view pm's you with your current hand
!quit has you leave the current game
!play <number> of <suit> plays that card. It is case sensitive
!draw gives you a card
!start creates a new game
!order the order of players by join time
!count <target> tells you how many cards the player has left
!countAll tells you how many cards each person in the game has left
It will also shuffle in a new deck if it starts running out of cards so you can always continue play(hopefully)

Please join, play, have fun, and offer suggestions for further improvement and bug fixes.

code is hosted on github at

EDIT: Polished up first post
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 02:35:52 am by ruler501 »
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

Offline ruler501

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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 02:33:26 am »
MaoBot is now fully cross-network and Omnom compatible :D

Please come help test/play games. The code has also been put up on github for everyone to critique/admire(not gonna happen :P )
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 06:10:12 am »
I just looked it up and apparently the rules may not be told? Sounds hard.

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Offline ruler501

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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 06:22:39 am »
It can be hard. It requires some though to learn, but pretty much all the rules are extremely basic things.
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 12:34:23 pm »
I find Mao a fun game from time to time, but people I played it with tended to think of absurd rules that are beyond average guessing scale >_>

Some people need a high five in the face... with a chair.

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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 12:49:36 pm »
I find Mao a fun game from time to time, but people I played it with tended to think of absurd rules that are beyond average guessing scale >_>
One of my friends did that when he won, but he repealed that rule the next game.
Due to dissatisfaction, I will be inactive on Omnimaga until further notice. (?? THP hasn't been much success and there's also the CE. I might possibly be here for a while.)
If you want to implore me to come back, or otherwise contact me, I can be found on GitHub (bluebear94), Twitter (@melranosF_), Reddit (/u/Fluffy8x), or e-mail (if you know my address). As a last resort, send me a PM on Cemetech (bluebear94) or join Touhou Prono (don't be fooled by the name). I've also enabled notifications for PMs on Omnimaga, but I don't advise using that since I might be banned.
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Re: MaoBot
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 04:16:00 pm »
omnomirc pm parsing:

Also, check out my website
If OmnomIRC is screwed up, blame me!
Click here to give me an internet!