Dunno if anyone does speedcoding here, but I did some today, I had to make some sort of tic-tac-toe game in 3D in a time limit of 3 hours (minus the theorical exam, so about 2h30). The game include self-made 3D models, music and sounds effects (credit to respectively DJ Omnimaga and myself), a background (again, credits to DJ Omnimaga) and some coding. Lacked time to do something more fancy though, but I think it's pretty fancy already. And pretty optimized. (I saw fancier though.)
Download link, includes source code with Visual Studio 2010 project and binary you'll find in some bin folder, requires 7-zip, .NET Framework 4 and XNA Framework 4.
QWE 789
ASD or 456 (numpad, make sure Num Lock is on) : Input
ZXC 123
F5: Restart
Mouse: Fancy rotation
Scroll: Zoom