Today the team reached yet another milestone! We've now folded over 400 work units! At the rate we're going, we fold on average 13 to 14 work units a day. My friend GraveKeeper just joined the team recently, running an instance of folding on his server machine and his laptop. I want to see if the team can make the top 500 in the project. we are currently 11549 out of 209056 which puts us in the 94th percentile in the world. Which is pretty impressive on it's own, but I want to see if we can get the team into the competitive ranks at the top. For one if the team makes news anywhere it could spark more interest in the calculator community, and two, it's very important work.
If you've been following this project and you've got a computer that runs quite a bit, like a desktop that you leave on all the time, or a laptop that you use quite a bit, then please join the team! I can walk you through the installation of the program, and rest assured, it can be paused when you need your full processor time back.
To give you an example of the impressive performance of this project's client program, I run two different instances of the client on my laptop, and I can still play SKYRIM on high quality graphics settings. This is on a laptop that doesn't have a dedicated graphics card, it's an integrated chip on the processor.
That means that this client is only using the waiting cycles of my processor, not slowing down my performance at all. I have no problems with performance because of the client. No excuses guys!!! :p Let's make history! Send me a personal message if you need help with installing anything.
The team number is 213973
You need to input this team number and a username in the configuration of the client in order to be counted as part of the team.