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<?phpfunction uchr($u){return mb_convert_encoding('&#'.intval($u).';','UTF-8','HTML-ENTITIES');}$text = trim($argv[1],"\0..\x2f\x3a..\x40\x47..\x60\x67..\xff");if(strlen($text)%2==1)$text="0".$text;if(strlen($text)%4==2)$text.="00";$char = Array(uchr(0x2000),uchr(0x2597),uchr(0x2596),uchr(0x2584), uchr(0x259D),uchr(0x2590),uchr(0x259E),uchr(0x259F), uchr(0x2598),uchr(0x259A),uchr(0x258C),uchr(0x2599), uchr(0x2580),uchr(0x259C),uchr(0x259B),uchr(0x2588));for($i=0;$i<strlen($text);$i+=4){ $byte = hexdec(substr($text,$i,2)); $byte2 = hexdec(substr($text,$i+2,2)); echo $char[(($byte&192)>>4)|(($byte2&192)>>6)].$char[(($byte&48)>>2)|(($byte2&48)>>4)]; echo $char[($byte&12)|(($byte2&12)>>2)].$char[(($byte&3)<<2)|($byte2&3)]."\n";}
[julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚
<?phpob_start();echo $num="1"," ";$c=0;for($a=0;$a<$argv[1]-1;$a++){ $newnum=""; for($i=0;$i<strlen($num);$i++) { $c++; if($num[$i] != (isset($num[$i+1])?$num[$i+1]:"")) { $newnum .= $c.$num[$i]; $c=0; } } echo $num=$newnum," ";}$out = ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();echo str_replace(Array("1", "2", "3", " "),Array(chr(27)."[44m1", chr(27)."[42m2", chr(27)."[41m3", chr(27)."[0m "), chunk_split($out, trim(`tput cols`), chr(27)."[0m\n"));
...Input: An 8x8 Axe spriteOutput: The sprite drawn using 4x4 characters.Example:Code: [Select][julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚Why it's interesting: It uses bitwise operations! Also 4 pixels in a single character.EDIT: Ignore the & at line 2 it's supposed to be a &.
Quote from: Juju on April 26, 2013, 06:01:32 pm...Input: An 8x8 Axe spriteOutput: The sprite drawn using 4x4 characters.Example:Code: [Select][julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚Why it's interesting: It uses bitwise operations! Also 4 pixels in a single character.EDIT: Ignore the & at line 2 it's supposed to be a &.The 'sprite' doesn't look like a sprite to me. It just looks like 16 squares, in a square.
using System;namespace Fractal{ class MainClass { public static void TriLine(double distance, Turtle myTurtle) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; if (distance < 1) { myTurtle.Forward(distance); } else { TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle); myTurtle.Left (60); TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle); myTurtle.Right (120); TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle); myTurtle.Left (60); TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { Console.WriteLine ("Press any key to start"); Console.ReadLine (); Display myDisplay = new Display (); Turtle myTurtle = new Turtle (myDisplay); //myTurtle.HomeXPos = 10; myTurtle.HomeYPos = 10; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TriLine(300, myTurtle); myTurtle.Right(120); } myDisplay.UpdateDisplay (); } }}
using System;namespace Fractal{ public class Turtle { public double XPos {get; set;} public double YPos {get; set;} public double Angle {get; set;} public bool Pen {get; set;} public double HomeXPos {get; set;} public double HomeYPos {get; set;} private Display myDisplay; public Turtle(Display myDisplay) { XPos = 0; YPos = 0; Angle = 0; Pen = true; this.myDisplay = myDisplay; HomeXPos = myDisplay.Width / 2; HomeYPos = myDisplay.Height / 2; } public static double DegToRad(double deg) { return deg * Math.PI / 180; } public void Forward(double distance) { double oldX = XPos; double oldY = YPos; double angle = DegToRad(this.Angle); YPos = oldY + distance * Math.Cos(angle); XPos = oldX + distance * Math.Sin(angle); if (Pen) { myDisplay.DrawLine ( (int) Math.Round(HomeYPos + oldY), (int) Math.Round(HomeXPos + oldX), (int) Math.Round(HomeYPos + YPos), (int) Math.Round(HomeXPos + XPos) ); //m } } public void Left(double angleDelta) { Angle -= angleDelta; } public void Right(double angleDelta) { Angle += angleDelta; } public override string ToString () { return string.Format ("[Turtle: XPos={0}, YPos={1}, Angle={2}]", XPos, YPos, Angle); } }}
using System;namespace Fractal{ public class Display { public const string PIXEL_ON = "\u2588\u2588"; public const string PIXEL_OFF = " "; public const int PIXEL_CHARS = 2; public int Height { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } public bool[,] DisplayBuffer; public Display() { SetDisplay (); } public void SetDisplay () { Width = Console.BufferWidth / PIXEL_CHARS; Height = Console.BufferHeight - 2; DisplayBuffer = new bool[Height, Width]; for (int i = 0; i < DisplayBuffer.Length; i++) { DisplayBuffer [(int) i/Width, i%Width] = false; } } public void SetPixel (int y, int x, bool state) { if (x > 0 && y > 0 && x < Width && y < Height) DisplayBuffer [y, x] = state; } public void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int w = x2 - x1; int h = y2 - y1; int dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0 ; if (w<0) dx1 = -1 ; else if (w>0) dx1 = 1 ; if (h<0) dy1 = -1 ; else if (h>0) dy1 = 1 ; if (w<0) dx2 = -1 ; else if (w>0) dx2 = 1 ; int longest = Math.Abs(w) ; int shortest = Math.Abs(h) ; if (!(longest>shortest)) { longest = Math.Abs(h) ; shortest = Math.Abs(w) ; if (h<0) dy2 = -1 ; else if (h>0) dy2 = 1 ; dx2 = 0 ; } int numerator = longest >> 1; for (int i=0; i<=longest; i++) { SetPixel(x1 , y1, true) ; numerator += shortest ; if (!(numerator<longest)) { numerator -= longest ; x1 += dx1 ; y1 += dy1 ; } else { x1 += dx2 ; y1 += dy2 ; } } } public void UpdateDisplay() { Console.SetCursorPosition (0, 0); for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { string pixel = DisplayBuffer[y, x] ? PIXEL_ON : PIXEL_OFF; Console.Write (pixel); } Console.WriteLine (); } } }}