
General Discussion => Technology and Development => Computer Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: ruler501 on March 20, 2011, 07:01:34 pm

Title: Star Wars Mod
Post by: ruler501 on March 20, 2011, 07:01:34 pm
This is probably my greatest unfinished project ever. I have tried to work on this on and off for a year or more now. It is a full conversion mod of Firaxis Sid Meiers Civilization IV to a Star Wars theme. Me and the team that was working on it have managed to go pretty far already. what we have run up against now though is that we need graphics(3d models 2d buttons) and we have no one who is able to make them currently. We currently have remade the civilizations, redone most units, and have a brand new Tech Tree. I am currently working on religions and units. We just do not have enough people to possibly be able to work on everything that needs to get done

The forum for it on civfanatics is here:
Most of the threads there are highly outdated though

If anyone is willing to I could use some help with the C++ programming, graphics, and all around work. It would really help if You had Civ IV. My username on civfanatics is "civ editor11"

any help would be apreciated. I will post screenshots later
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 30, 2011, 02:22:25 am
Hmm interesting, although I couldn,t help since I don't play that game. Also I see TC01 is member of that forum too. :D
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: ruler501 on March 30, 2011, 08:29:27 am
yes TC01 used to be working on this project also
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: TC01 on April 05, 2011, 04:15:19 pm
Indeed, I am. :) (Maybe I should make a thread about my Civ 4 mods).

I worked a bit on this project a bit some time ago when I was first getting involved in Civ 4 modding (I wrote some Python scripts): all my other projects soon left me with no time to pursue that one.
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 06, 2011, 04:28:43 am
By the way nice to see you again TC01. Are you still into calc stuff?
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: TC01 on April 07, 2011, 05:15:41 pm
By the way nice to see you again TC01. Are you still into calc stuff?

Well, yes, it's just that I haven't done much calculator development lately, I've been spending my less-than-usual amounts of free time:

a. Playing Minecraft
b. Messing around with Android application development
c. Other random coding

As of yet that random coding has not included calculator stuff, though it probably will in the future.
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: tloz128 on April 07, 2011, 05:55:08 pm
By the way nice to see you again TC01. Are you still into calc stuff?

Well, yes, it's just that I haven't done much calculator development lately, I've been spending my less-than-usual amounts of free time:

a. Playing Minecraft
b. Messing around with Android application development
c. Other random coding

As of yet that random coding has not included calculator stuff, though it probably will in the future.
Dude, are you me? Because you perfectly described my life right there.
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: feerik on April 07, 2011, 06:37:08 pm
By the way nice to see you again TC01. Are you still into calc stuff?

Well, yes, it's just that I haven't done much calculator development lately, I've been spending my less-than-usual amounts of free time:

a. Playing Minecraft
b. Messing around with Android application development
c. Other random coding

As of yet that random coding has not included calculator stuff, though it probably will in the future.
Dude, are you me? Because you perfectly described my life right there.

really me my life is resumed by points a

Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 21, 2011, 07:36:55 pm
By the way nice to see you again TC01. Are you still into calc stuff?

Well, yes, it's just that I haven't done much calculator development lately, I've been spending my less-than-usual amounts of free time:

a. Playing Minecraft
b. Messing around with Android application development
c. Other random coding

As of yet that random coding has not included calculator stuff, though it probably will in the future.
Ah ok, well I hope even if you don't code calc stuff much I hope you still come around anyway. :D
Title: Re: Star Wars Mod
Post by: Jonius7 on October 09, 2012, 12:39:37 am
I've only just found this (necropost :P), I do have CivIV and played it quite a bit over the years, though I have little experience in making mods unfortunately. ruler501, if you are still there I might be able to help in some way (but then again I'm also short on time too :()