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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #300 on: January 10, 2011, 01:30:53 pm »
Yes. Besides, I hate ION. It cleared my RAM every time I tried it, and half the programs won't show up on DCS as ION programs. :P
I think Mirage run ARPGCS, but ARPGCS will crash pretty often on exit when using OS 1.14 or higher. Not a big loss, though, because only two or three ARPGCS are actually good and the best one is in French so most people here cannot play it.
That looks awesome! O.O
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 01:32:35 pm by DJ Omnimaga »


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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #301 on: January 10, 2011, 01:32:25 pm »
I downloaded a game called "Diablo II" and thought it was like, well, the real one.  Turns out it was a poorly done ARPGCS game that was incredibly hard but only lasted 5 minutes.

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #302 on: January 10, 2011, 01:37:21 pm »
Wow I didn't realize I missed 4 pages of new posts. I replied to a few posts but then I realized there were even more replies and updates. Nice job Ashbad on this game so far. Also I saw the screenshot with items and it's getting better and better.

As for ARPGCS the only ones I liked were Zelda: The Hero of Hyrule (see Omnimaga downloads section, under the defunct RPG section), which happens to be the french one. Most graphics are custom and it's pretty developed compared to others. The other ones would be Zelda Invasion, which looks similar but is shorter and story has nothing to do with Zelda since it involves aliens. Besides that there's Star Wars Part I, which had cool graphics and nice layout in general. I wish Part II was released...

Anyway keep up the good work on Trio and Niko. I forgot this was still in Axe actually. I guess it's a good idea if you can fit it in the memory because in ASM most people say it takes a larger amount of time to get anything done, although ASM is even less limited.

Good luck, and sorry for not posting much, I was pretty busy and tired D: (I think this month so far my total activity isn't even half of what I had at the same time last month)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 01:37:49 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #303 on: January 10, 2011, 02:31:56 pm »
Yes. Besides, I hate ION. It cleared my RAM every time I tried it, and half the programs won't show up on DCS as ION programs. :P
I think Mirage run ARPGCS, but ARPGCS will crash pretty often on exit when using OS 1.14 or higher. Not a big loss, though, because only two or three ARPGCS are actually good and the best one is in French so most people here cannot play it.
That looks awesome! O.O

Yeah DJ, that is awesome.

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #304 on: January 10, 2011, 05:03:08 pm »
I like it too. Also,
but I can guesss that I'm 75% done with coding already  8)
Dang, that's good progress!

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #305 on: January 11, 2011, 04:16:11 am »
Woah I didn't notice the 75% part, nice! Does it mean mostly the maps remain to be done now? That said, backup often, though, because I often see projects suffer data losses after a lot of progress is done X.x


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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #306 on: January 11, 2011, 01:33:43 pm »
Woah I didn't notice the 75% part, nice! Does it mean mostly the maps remain to be done now? That said, backup often, though, because I often see projects suffer data losses after a lot of progress is done X.x

yeah, I've been at more like 85% right now, just got the enemies to hurt you, but now i'[m making sword directions and sword detection boundaries to enable fast (but accurate) damage dealing. 

Plus, here's what I also did:

- I changed the "dots" that represent life points to a bar like magic bar, and it improved the speed by 5 FPS O.O

- I now have 3 different enemies, which go at different speeds:
   - Slime: moves 8 times slower than you, deals one damage, easy to hit.
   - Black Slime: moves 4 times slower than you, deals two damage, still pretty easy to hit
   - Super Slime: Moves about half your speed, Deals 3 or 4 damage, moar of a challenge to hit.

- Working on a moblin-esque enemy, and then maybe one like the roaming knights in Zelda I that can only be hit from the back.

- An experience system like Zelda 2 (the HUD looks almost JUST LIKE Zelda II's)

- Random, but also added a spike tile that deals 2 damage

- a pretty decent game over screen

...And that's about it.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 01:34:19 pm by Ashbad »

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #307 on: January 11, 2011, 02:28:55 pm »
Wow. But I wish there were more enemies. I have ten kinds. ^-^


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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #308 on: January 11, 2011, 03:48:14 pm »
well, the screen will support 3 at a time, but I plan on more than that for the whole bestiary ;)

Offline Munchor

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #309 on: January 11, 2011, 04:46:24 pm »
Ashbad, do you count FPS or do it by head? If you count, how?


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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #310 on: January 11, 2011, 04:51:54 pm »
I do it by seeing how far Trio can go within 1 second, and how far in 3 seconds.  In one second, he currently goes at around 5 8x8 tiles, and I can't really measure 3 seconds anymore, he goes too fast O.o

so he traveled exactly 40 pixels in 1 second, getting me 40 FPS.  And even though it seems fast, play it on-calc (on a calc with 15 mHz) it's truly 40 FPS.  But on a 6 mHz one, at least 15 FPS I would think, but the gray would look awful.  When I finish the grayscale version, I can quickly go back and make a ti83-BE version which would be mono, which could bring to to around 40 FPS again on 6mHz.

And if someone could please post while I upload TaNF, so I don't double post :P

BTW it can be random

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #311 on: January 11, 2011, 04:54:08 pm »
Woah I didn't notice the 75% part, nice! Does it mean mostly the maps remain to be done now? That said, backup often, though, because I often see projects suffer data losses after a lot of progress is done X.x

yeah, I've been at more like 85% right now, just got the enemies to hurt you, but now i'[m making sword directions and sword detection boundaries to enable fast (but accurate) damage dealing. 

Plus, here's what I also did:

- I changed the "dots" that represent life points to a bar like magic bar, and it improved the speed by 5 FPS O.O

- I now have 3 different enemies, which go at different speeds:
   - Slime: moves 8 times slower than you, deals one damage, easy to hit.
   - Black Slime: moves 4 times slower than you, deals two damage, still pretty easy to hit
   - Super Slime: Moves about half your speed, Deals 3 or 4 damage, moar of a challenge to hit.

- Working on a moblin-esque enemy, and then maybe one like the roaming knights in Zelda I that can only be hit from the back.

- An experience system like Zelda 2 (the HUD looks almost JUST LIKE Zelda II's)

- Random, but also added a spike tile that deals 2 damage

- a pretty decent game over screen

...And that's about it.
Nice, I personally liked Zelda II system, except the fact levels couldn't not go past 8 for each stats, making the final dungeon nearly impossible. X.x.

As for 40 FPS, I think you should make the character only move every 2 frame if that's the case, else moving 5 tiles per second might be a bit too fast to control D:. This isn't to mention on-calc it will be blurry so we will barely see the character when he moves. On the TI-Nspire it's even worse (GBC games had to be slowed down to 15 FPS to be playable)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 04:55:48 pm by DJ Omnimaga »


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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #312 on: January 11, 2011, 04:56:53 pm »
yeah, that final dungeon was pretty... fun. :P

I hated how you had to beat thunderbird THEN shadowlink after it, and even on maxed out levels they are as hard as... actually I can't think of a harder boss sequence. :)

Mine will probably support health/magic to 256, and strength to at least 16.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 05:24:04 pm by Ashbad »

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #313 on: January 11, 2011, 05:37:53 pm »
TaNF app:

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Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« Reply #314 on: January 11, 2011, 06:16:47 pm »
yeah, that final dungeon was pretty... fun. :P

I hated how you had to beat thunderbird THEN shadowlink after it, and even on maxed out levels they are as hard as... actually I can't think of a harder boss sequence. :)

Mine will probably support health/magic to 256, and strength to at least 16.
Apparently Romancing Saga 3 final boss is incredibly hard too. One hard boss would also be Illusiat 11 optional boss in the last chapter, but that's not a final boss or sequence, so yeah. :P

TaNF app:
Nice, I see you got it compiled before me lol (I had to go eat). Did he give you permission to post it in public yet, though? Maybe he wanted to post it himself?