
General Discussion => Technology and Development => Computer Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 03:59:33 am

Title: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 03:59:33 am
As much as I love programming on a TI calculator, I do not believe that my skill level is adequate enough for my ambitions. In essence, there is so much I want to do but so little I really can do on a z80 hybrid BASIC platform. As such, I've decided to port the Yumé series over to the PC and continue it as a PC game series. Note, however, that I will still be releasing the TI-84 Yumé and finishing and releashing the TI-84 Yumé 2. I just won't be making any further Yumé games (or perhaps games in general, who knows?) on the calculator.

Anywho, on to the meat and potatoes!

Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
The Eternal Dreams is divided into 3 chapters, the first two of which being rebuilds of Yumé and Yumé 2: Rika's Story and the last being Yumé 3: Finality. The chapters are simply titled "Nanami", "Rika", and "Finality".

The alpha title screen:

One of Nanami's 12 current alpha sprites:

Still need to add detail to Nanami's outfit and create "felled" sprites.

Slated Features
 - Anytime Saving: Due to the expansiveness of the game, you will be able to save your progress at anytime and resume exactly where you left off.
 - Expanded Map: The explorable portion of the Dream World in the Nanami Chapter will be larger than it is in the original. The explorable portion of the Dream World in the Rika Chapter will remain the same but will also include the areas from Nanami Chapter. Finality will be confined to its own relatively large map (moving on from Chapter 2 to 3 is a PoNR [Point of No Return]).
 - Expanded Gameplay: Nanami Chapter will be longer and include more items and events
 - More Easter Eggs

Game Summary
Nanami Chapter introduces the Dream World and its mechanics. As with the original Yumé 1, there won't be much in terms of plot development.
Rika Chapter delves into the actual plot and begins to unravel the mystery of what exactly the Dream World is.
Finality is the climax of the plot and the solution of the mystery.

The Dream World
"I was drawn into a world so strange... a world devoid of life... every moment I feel weaker as if my soul is being slowly devoured...." - Nanami

The Dream World is a strange land that exists outside of reality. Devoid of animal life, it is a very desolate land. Mysteriously, an unseen force drains away the life energy of those caught in the Dream World's grasp. It is possible to escape from the realm, but whether or not you do depends solely on your wits and skill (and a few other factors).
Your character's life energy is literally slowly drained away every moment. However, you will be able to restore it in small amounts. At this point in time, I'm debating between two methods. Feel free to vote on them:

Survival/"Classic" - As with the original TI-83+ games, there are respawning "Life Energy" orbs scattered throughout the Dream World. Collecting these will restore some of your life energy.
Sanctuary - Certain areas of the map are "sanctuaries". The draining effects of the Dream World do not take hold in them and your life energy will naturally and gradually recover.

Actual Progress
I have some semblance of a movement engine done. I'm hoping to get the full movement engine complete in a couple of days. Then it's on to the Tile Mapper and HUD.
The game is being written in C/C++ with Allegro with cross-compatibility in mind. That is, I should be able to compile this on Linux AND Windows without changing source-code (much).

Thoughts? Comments? Questions?
Oh, and I might be requesting sprite and/or music help. I will also post progress updates on weekly if not daily intervals.

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 05, 2011, 04:24:25 am
This sounds promising. I also like the Yumé 1/2 port idea. I hope this turns out well. I'm also glad you are planning a Windows version as well as Linux, since some people only have one of both.

I can't wait to see gameplay screenshots. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 04:45:01 am
I can't wait to get actual gameplay coded :D
And yeah, I can't leave my fellow Linux or Windows users out in the cold, so to speak. Mac users, however.... well.... let's not go there ;) j/k. I don't really know how Macware differs from 'nixware so I dunno how I could make a Mac version. Mac users can just Wine the Windows version I guess :P

Also, for those wondering, I'm doing my dev in Hard Mode. That is to say, all my code is written in gEdit and compiled in Terminal with g++ (with GDB). No  IDE or make files are used to expedite the process. >:D
It's all done on a ASUS eeePC netbook at that. Graphics, on the other hand, are done on my Win7 desktop and ported via flash drive to said netbook ;D

(note: I have literally close to zero prior experience with Ubuntu Linux and just about everything)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 05, 2011, 11:01:49 am
Sounds cool!
I vote for the sanctuary idea.
Also, when do the calc versions come out? :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 05, 2011, 02:29:35 pm
I can't wait to get actual gameplay coded :D
And yeah, I can't leave my fellow Linux or Windows users out in the cold, so to speak. Mac users, however.... well.... let's not go there ;) j/k. I don't really know how Macware differs from 'nixware so I dunno how I could make a Mac version. Mac users can just Wine the Windows version I guess :P
Wine is available for Mac? ???

I guess someone could maybe port it, though. *pokes graphmastur :P*

And wow at your dev environment. I never could stand working through command line and the like.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 05, 2011, 02:35:58 pm
I say sanctuary/mini-chapel things.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 02:39:54 pm
A'ight, Sanctuary: 2 | Survival: 0

@ZTrumpet: I posted about each one in their respective threads but to repost here: Yumé 1 comes out either today or tomorrow, depending on when I finish the bonus content that goes along with it. Yumé 2: Rika's Story comes out sometime this summer.

@DJ Yep, there's a Wine for Mac OS X, at least according to google search :P

@Binder News: I'm thinking more like areas surrounding specific statues
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 05, 2011, 02:57:22 pm
wow looks epic and i could take a stab at the music if you give me the theme for the songs/music you want need a reason to mess with mtvmg/Fl9 ^_^

oh and sanctuary on my side as well
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 03:06:52 pm
Sanctuary: 3 | Survival: 0
Y'all are racist against orbs ; ~ ; j/k :P

I could definitely use music help, Geekboy :)
Mind taking a stab at a couple of BGMs? For a title theme, I was thinking of something kind of upbeat but slow, similar to Golden Sun Dark Dawn's title theme or "choose save" theme for the game's title screen. I was also thinking of something eerie and "lonely" feeling for general background music.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 05, 2011, 03:09:33 pm
sure ill take a stab at it in teh next few weeks want to get a close to finished product on Cadan:CD first ^_^ but i will see what i can do.

and yes orbs look like balls and no one likes balls j/k
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 06:34:15 pm
Heh. Anywho, I have a couple new ideas and I'd like everyone's input on it:

1)When your Life Energy drops down below a certain level, your movement is slowed a bit.
2)A "run" button that lets you move faster for a short time but leaves you exhausted for a few seconds, during which your movement is slower than normal.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 05, 2011, 06:58:59 pm
im with number 2 as if your health is low and you have to get to a sanctuary and you cant move fast enough to get there its like signing a death warrent ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 09:26:01 pm
But death warrants are awesome! D:

Anywho, have some alpha demo of Nanami's movement engine.

Recording's a little laggy. Most likely it's because I recorded it directly on my netbook with gtk+recordMyDesktop
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 05, 2011, 10:59:00 pm
#2 for low health. Also, I can ask a bored friend of mine to try his hand at some music for you. Attached is some of his work.
Just PM me for more samples or to have me ask him.

EDIT: took off the attachment as he probably would prefer I not leave it open to the whole world, he doesn't even like me sharing hi unfinished picturs with my parents. Sigh.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 11:24:49 pm
Woah dang, that's awesome music! :D
I just might put that on my iPod Touch ....

Also, #2 it is and is already implemented. A brief overview of how it works:

Nanami has a set amount of "Stamina", which governs her ability to run. When Nanami runs, her stamina begins to drop. If she ceases running, her stamina will regenerate about as quickly as it drops. If she burns her stamina to nothing (reduces it to 0), she temporarily loses her ability to run for a short while, after which she regenerates a quarter of her stamina and normal stamina regeneration resumes.

Hold down the Alt key and an arrow key to run in that given direction.


Oh, and I'm working on the HUD a bit. Should I put some manner of stamina indicator on the HUD to show how much stamina Nanami has left?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 05, 2011, 11:32:13 pm
I'll email him tomorrow. I think he won't mind. Especially if it mens I get back to work on our project, for which he made all that music.
He is actually an amazing pianist. He can play the Mario theme song, blindfolded.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 05, 2011, 11:34:11 pm
Does your friend happen to be Martin Leung? O_o

I'll post another video tomorrow showing off the HUD and running. Also, to expand my previous query:

Should the HUD include a "Stamina meter" and what sort of meter should it be?

[edit]Alpha "Minecraftian" HUD. Enjoy it :P
Note, the top bit is a debugger bar and won't be there in the final product
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 06, 2011, 02:49:56 am
Nice, but I think the HUD should be much smaller. The pixels size for the heart, for example, should be the same as the character. Hearts seems like a good idea to me.

I can't wait to see the game in action with a tilemap and all. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 06, 2011, 02:55:16 am
Hmm, I'll try a smaller one and see how it looks. I also agree that the pixel sizes need to be constant and they will be eventually :)
I should have tilemapping working in a few days, although sprites will be far from finished.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 06, 2011, 08:55:33 am
Very nice. I like the HUD a lot. And, no, his name is LuoLei (2 syllables), but everyone just call him Larry.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 06, 2011, 07:33:12 pm
new demo video

HUD is 25 pixels smaller and the heart graphic has been improved.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 07, 2011, 04:02:10 am
*bump* New video demo

 - Heart graphic flashes red when taking damage and turns yellow when gaining back health
 - Three different atmospheres: Normal, Miasma, and Sanctuary.
      - Normal deals 1 damage per 2 seconds
      - Miasma deals 10 damage per 2 seconds (Miasma is mainly used as a world boundary or a progress blocker)
      - Sanctuary restores life energy at a rate of 1 per 1 second

Laggy video is laggy and poor quality. Sorry. To point out a few things it's butchering:
 - There is no lag in the actual game :P
 - The heart icon flashes really rapidly when in Miasma. It doesn't just glow red.

Also, it's not shown, but the actual numerical counter turns yellow at 10 energy or less and red at 0. The heart graphic also turns grey at 0. Nanami doesn't die though, yet :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 07, 2011, 06:47:47 am
Since, he didn't respond to my email, I'll talk to my friend today.

EDIT: I talked to him, he will do it. It'll take him about a week, b/c he's studying for the SAT. Normally it would be like 2 days.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 07, 2011, 03:27:32 pm
Nice, although for some reasons I like the red heart better.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 07, 2011, 06:06:09 pm
Since, he didn't respond to my email, I'll talk to my friend today.

EDIT: I talked to him, he will do it. It'll take him about a week, b/c he's studying for the SAT. Normally it would be like 2 days.
That's more than fine. SATs are important ^_^ I wish him good luck!

Nice, although for some reasons I like the red heart better.
I kinda thought the red heart was a bit too red, honestly.

Also, just to throw this out here for lack of better updates: I contacted Motoi Sakuraba in regards to using a song from the Golden Sun soundtrack in my game and received a reply telling me to go to Camelot as while Sakuraba composed the music, Camelot holds the copyright. I am going to compose a letter in the next few days and mail it to Camelot asking if I can either have permission to use the song or buy a license allowing me to. We'll see how that goes. The song in question is the Venus lighthouse theme from GS1 and 2: (

Why do I want to use it in my game? You'll find out if I get to ;P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 07, 2011, 06:19:12 pm
Yes, SATs are important, but I think he's very well prepared. He has 100% in at least 1/2 his classes (not just an A, but a perfect score). He has As in all the rest.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 07, 2011, 07:09:24 pm
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Guy is SMART! o - o

Anywho, started work on death routines. When Nanami's life force extinguishes, the screen now fades to black and the game ends. Still need to add in a death animation and some nice "GAME OVER" text. Might be able to get that done tonight if homework doesn't bog me down.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 07, 2011, 07:22:37 pm
Looking great!

Good luck getting permission to use the song. :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on February 07, 2011, 09:33:44 pm
Well, he did a song today. :)
See attached.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 08, 2011, 01:44:49 am
Oh. My. Goodness. That is EPIC. This guy has skills! :O
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 08, 2011, 01:55:14 am
Nice beginning, but for some reasons the song only lasts like 5 seconds. ???

EDIT: Nvm, used another music player.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 08, 2011, 03:26:43 am
Rewrote the movement engine to improve Nanami's walking and running animations. Originally, the animation was "right foot -> left foot" at a constant rate which was, admittedly, rather awkward. The rewritten engine uses 3 sprites and does "right foot -> stand -> left foot -> stand" and cycles faster or slower depending on if you're walking or running, which is much better looking. Don't feel like posting a video so you'll just have to take my word for it for now :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 09, 2011, 01:23:31 am
*another bump*
Implemented alpha Stamina Gauge. Blue bar part decreases and increases with rise and fall of stamina.

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 09, 2011, 06:45:55 am
Wow sounds really nice has a hint of legend of zelda in it. just reminds me of mindna's lament for some reason
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 09, 2011, 04:05:14 pm
Nice, Subaru. :)

That's one great song!  Tell him nice job for me. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 10, 2011, 02:36:16 am
Altered the Stamina gauge, included the beginnings of another feature that shall remain mostly undisclosed. Feel free to speculate :P

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Eeems on February 10, 2011, 09:46:24 am
This is looking great TsukasaZX!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on February 10, 2011, 09:52:24 am
This is Java, right?

I could check the topic for it but just want to check.

This is looking GOOD!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 10, 2011, 11:26:35 am
@Eeems: thanks

@Scout: Ew, java :P j/k
It's written in C and uses the Allegro library.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on February 10, 2011, 02:36:15 pm
@Eeems: thanks

@Scout: Ew, java :P j/k
It's written in C and uses the Allegro library.

C GUI? I had heard of it as a myth, this is, something so incredibly hard xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 10, 2011, 03:17:30 pm
Programming games in C with Allegro is easy as pi! Allegro is to C what xLIB and Celtic are to BASIC. It's actually not too bad of a transition from one into the other if you're decently proficient with procedural programming in general.

And what, no speculations on the mysterious second bar? :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 10, 2011, 05:05:52 pm
Completion "percentage"? :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 10, 2011, 05:10:27 pm
Is that a speculation or an inquiry? :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 10, 2011, 05:24:22 pm
An inquiry wrapped in a speculation. ;D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 10, 2011, 05:26:25 pm
If that's your speculation as to the purpose of the new bar, you're wrong :P
If you're inquiring as to how complete the game is, I'd say 10-20% tops.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 11, 2011, 12:32:24 am

first song i made meant to be heard in a loop background music of some kind
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 12, 2011, 08:00:49 pm
Nice progress. I like the stamina gauge and the song. Did you made it geekboy1011?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 13, 2011, 04:57:35 am
It was our secret hybrid Netham-DJ clone who made it! ;)
j/k :P

Yep, geekboy1011 has epic music talents with whatever it is he made the song in :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 13, 2011, 11:48:39 am
lol yeah i made it and i wouldn't say i have talent i'm just blindly assembling notes and samples that sound good to make something that sounds epic ;)

and for the record i'm using FL studio 9 and Fl studio 4 depends on the computer i'm on that particular one is in FL 4
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on February 13, 2011, 01:01:22 pm
Looks cool geekbozu!

Also, for TsukasaZX... You're using it right? :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 15, 2011, 11:26:35 am
heck yes! :D

Anywho, promised theoreticals update:

I'm not exactly sure of all of the bitmap mechanics in Allegro so at the moment, I'm not sure how feasible my idea is for the environment engine. I'm thinking of generation a transparent bitmap and putting all the sprites on that. Then, whenever Nanami moves, the code first checks for pixels of non 255,0,255 (magic pink aka transparent) and if there are any and overlap is imminent, Nanami doesn't progress forward. However, this would render Nanami unable to move behind larger sprites like pillars, walls, or trees.
My idea to circumvent the limitation is very TI-BASIC-esque. Essentially, the map would be "grid-ified" and all environment sprites would be constrained to WxH pixel grid areas. Then, the code would check each individual grid space to see if it's transparent or a "go-behind" sprite. The problem there is that this would be a MASSIVE chunk of coding that would render everything slow as fudge....

Hmmm.... suggestions?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 15, 2011, 11:33:38 am
do it layered just add a 3rd layer of transparent over the pink layer which has your pass behind objects and at the same time for the "base" of those objects put an obstacle on the first sprite sheet if that makes sense
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 15, 2011, 11:55:11 am
/me hugs Geekboy1011

I know what to do now! Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on February 15, 2011, 11:55:57 am
Np mate its what im here for (shitty typing and all ;) )
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 15, 2011, 12:12:09 pm
When I have time, I'll start working on some dummy environment sprites and get started on the environment engine.

Now, the main issue to address is how to store and create the map. Again, suggestions?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 16, 2011, 07:20:00 pm
Bump, theoreticals update:

The environment is going to consist of three bitmaps --two "environment" bitmaps and the "interaction" bitmap. The "environment" bitmaps are, as their names imply, the environment. The actual object sprites appear on these bitmaps. The "interaction" bitmap is a concealed bitmap beneath the "environment" bitmaps that directs the game as to what it needs to do. Whenever Nanami moves, it is this bitmap that is checked to see what should or shouldn't happen. The currently proposed format is thus:

Red areas represent impassible areas. Nanami/Rika/etc CANNOT move onto areas that are this color on the interaction bitmap.
Blue areas represent event triggers. Walking onto these will trigger game events (e.g. cutscenes).
Green areas represent interaction points. If you press the "action" button (think A button in Zelda 64 games) on one of these, Nanami/Rika will perform a given action (e.g. open a chest or door, read a letter, etc)

Pink areas represent typical, walkable land. The Dream World's typical draining effects happen here.
Purple areas represent miasma areas. They can be walked on, but the 10x draining effect happens here.
Yellow areas represent sanctuary areas. They can be walked on and the recovery effect happens here.

Oh, and note: there are two environment bitmaps because the environment engine integrates with the movement engine like this:
 > Environment bitmap 1
 > Nanami's bitmap
 > Environment bitmap 2

Essentially, it allows Nanami to be in front of or behind given objects.

Edit: to clarify something, the "atmosphere" tiles that govern what happens to your health simply set a variable that determines which drain/restore routine gets used. If you step on a purple one then a green one, you'll still have miasma effect. It takes stepping on a different "atmosphere" tile to change it.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 16, 2011, 07:34:19 pm
Sounds cool!

Did you hear back about the song yet?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 16, 2011, 07:51:15 pm
Song? ' _ '
Sorry, I've been daft the last few days, refresh my brain? `-`;;

Also, I'm going to try to get enough of the environment engine started to show it off by Saturday or Sunday.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 16, 2011, 08:42:34 pm
This one:
Also, just to throw this out here for lack of better updates: I contacted Motoi Sakuraba in regards to using a song from the Golden Sun soundtrack in my game and received a reply telling me to go to Camelot as while Sakuraba composed the music, Camelot holds the copyright. I am going to compose a letter in the next few days and mail it to Camelot asking if I can either have permission to use the song or buy a license allowing me to. We'll see how that goes. The song in question is the Venus lighthouse theme from GS1 and 2: (

Why do I want to use it in my game? You'll find out if I get to ;P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 16, 2011, 08:48:59 pm
Oh, right, that. Still need to send the letter. Will do eventually, whenever I go back home.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on February 21, 2011, 03:00:44 am
*bump* updates

Ran into an issue with the environment engine and properly displaying things depending on if Nanami is in front of or behind them. Thinking about using the Interaction Map to govern this but I'd have to be constantly checking a shed-tonne of pixels...

[edit]Also, if I go with this, I will be consolidating the environment bitmaps into one single bitmap as Nanami will be displayed above or below it as necessary.[/edit]

Also, Nanami Chapter of Yumé: The Eternal Dreams is now officially my class project for my Computer Based Methods and Modeling class (fancy name for "Let's Learn ANSI C, mmkay?"). I only say Nanami Chapter is because I don't know if I can get all the way through Nanami AND Rika Chapter in 2/3 of a semester. I know for a fact I CAN'T finish through Finality Chapter in this time period.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on February 22, 2011, 03:54:12 pm
Music update: Tsukasa, do not ever listen to that .3gp I sent you, or the .mp3 I converted it to. They are awful. I am working on about seven different songs for Yumé and any individual one of them is better than that crap. Just wanted to let you know that things are still progressing.

Your main title theme is going to be AWESOME.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 22, 2011, 03:59:01 pm
Sorry to hear about the issues TsukasaZX. Good luck. Also JustCause are you planning to post some music in the music section btw? It would be cool to hear. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on February 22, 2011, 06:31:43 pm
It'd be cool to have a Yume Soundtrack "CD" somewhere. ;D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on February 26, 2011, 02:28:09 am
It'd be cool to have a Yume Soundtrack "CD" somewhere. ;D

somewhere, do you mean the stores? lol
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 28, 2011, 02:59:12 am
I think he meant on forums or Youtube.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 01, 2011, 08:51:10 am
Also JustCause are you planning to post some music in the music section btw? It would be cool to hear. :D
Actually, I'm without a sequencer at the moment. Lack of admin access tends to do that. I'll post some previews soon though. I've been working on the main theme, I think you guys'll like it.

Big edit:
The quality sucks and I miss a few notes, but I've attached my mellow piano version of the main theme. (I've got about 50 arrangements of this song, b/c my favorite game music trick *ever* is reprising the main theme. The actual theme is much more deep and complex than what you hear here, the issue is replicating a 90-piece orchestra with a keyboard and shaky hands :P )
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 01, 2011, 01:34:44 pm
Hey, that's pretty awesome :)

As for updates to the game itself, none. Went on a Minecraft binge the past few days :P
Will work on it some more tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how physics homework goes
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 02, 2011, 03:03:02 am
Hey that's nice JustCause :D It would fit pretty well in Yumé IMHO. Maybe higher quality would be better, although it would be hard without a sequencer. Plus with a sequencer you must find proper piano sounds.

And sorry to hear TsukasaZX. I hope to see new progress soon :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 02, 2011, 03:51:16 am
Hey that's nice JustCause :D It would fit pretty well in Yumé IMHO. Maybe higher quality would be better, although it would be hard without a sequencer. Plus with a
sequencer you must find proper piano sounds.
Of course! There's no way that would work without properly getting sequenced. (And the quality really is atrocious.) Can anyone recommend a program?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 02, 2011, 04:13:09 am
Unfortunately I'm not good with sequencers, but if you have a good computer, I would get FL Studio demo + audacity. The demo offers everything except saving your projects and audacity will let you record your work. However, it's not easy to get used to IMHO. Personally I use MTVMG+PS1 emu, but that's a major PITA to record music on recent computers.

Otherwise there's Lmms, which I haven't tried, but is a freeware sequencer. As for VST plugins, if you need some, I think there's an old music topic from 2008 where Necro posted some free ones. Not sure if the links are still working, though.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 02, 2011, 10:20:56 am
Otherwise there's Lmms, which I haven't tried, but is a freeware sequencer.




More music soon. :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 03, 2011, 04:53:50 am
Wut? O.O
/me smacks JustCause lol

Hopefully it's not too hard to get used to. I seriously need to give it a try at one point.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 03, 2011, 10:06:21 am
Hopefully it's not too hard to get used to.
It's working very well for me, although file browsing is hella slow for no real reason. Now I can start really working.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 04, 2011, 01:53:39 am
Weird. Maybe they accidentally it. I remember using some softwares before where specific things were unnecessarily slow. An example is the maintenance menu in the Casio Prizm or Avant Browser's history list.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 08, 2011, 03:16:24 am
*bump* Updates!

I've got rudimentary collision detection working for upward and downward movement. It's quite wonky. At the very least, Nanami will stop moving when colliding with an object that's considered impassible. She will, however, turn to face the object if you press in the direction of it when not facing it.

The following is a spoiler, it talks about a plot-centric functionality/feature of the original game that has been changed up for this remake+new game. If you're adamantly anti-spoiler, don't click. If you don't mind having a certain aspect of the game (you lost :P ) spoiled for you, go ahead and read.
Spoiler For Spoiler:

As you know, one of the key items in the original game was the "Pure Light" which allowed Nanami to actually get to the exit room and, as a bonus, nullified the Dream World's draining effects allowing you to explore as long as you want.

The Pure Light again makes an appearance in The Eternal Dreams however it functions a bit differently. ( Remember the mysterious second horizontal bar? It works in conjunction with the Pure Light among other things. ( When standing outside a Sanctuary zone (and even when in Miasma), The Pure Light kicks in and protects you from the draining effects, but only so long as you have the "power" for it. The green bar drains instead of your health. Nanami glows with a blue aura when protected by the Pure Light. ( If the green bar exhausts, the Pure Light's protection ceases and you start taking normal damage again. However, stepping into a Sanctuary zone will regenerate that bar along with your health.

Of course, you have to acquire this item if you want this power and no, it's not as easy as it was in the original :P

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 08, 2011, 03:29:11 am
I like the update. Question, though: Will the game always occur on this background like in some sort of dream or will there be maps and stuff with grass, trees, etc?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 08, 2011, 03:36:59 am
The finished game map will be like a real world with grass, trees, water, Grecian/Roman pillars, brick walls, etc. It's just that I'm not going to start on any of that until the environment engine is working 100% (which should be not too far off). So, at the moment, I'm just using the title screen background as a floor and implementing simple "dummy" objects.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 08, 2011, 03:39:09 am
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 08, 2011, 04:04:15 am
You're welcome :)

Also, for the heck of it, have some random factoids:

 - Player data is in the form of a pointed structure (a structure is a group of variables, sort of like an array but each element has its own name and data type. The pointed bit means the structure contains no data itself but points to another one that does. You can even change what it points to whenever you want). Because of this, it's possible for the player to easily switch characters on the fly. You will be able to do so between Nanami and Rika in Finality Chapter.
 - Nanami and Rika have different abilities. This will only come into play in Finality Chapter, though, but it will make for cool puzzles :)
 - There may or may not be multiple endings or plot routes.
 - This game, as well, will have bonus goodies released with it :P
 - When the release date nears, I will be giving away a special personalized edition of the game (you lose again :P) to one lucky person. Said person will be whoever wins a little contest I have in mind.

 - I have plans to make 2 or 3 more Yumé games after The Eternal Dreams, one of which is a spin-off.

 - Nanami and Rika are both 10 at the start of the series.

 - The games are rated PG, so no, Genolo, there is no CP in it.

 - Japan has recently come out with a mascot named "Nanami Yume", who is a mascot for construction work.

 - Nanami's name is spelled 七生 <'seven' + 'life'>, whereas the Japanese mascot's name is spelled 七海 <'seven' + 'sea'>
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 08, 2011, 05:08:27 am
Nice, the point thing kinda reminds me of ROL2 character/team setup. :D

And thanks for the info about the game. I'M glad you also plan some sequels. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 08, 2011, 08:12:33 pm
Object collision and position relation seem to be working now. That is, Nanami can't walk through the parts of objects that are declared "impassible" in the interaction map, and it detects if she is in front of or behind objects and renders things accordingly.

Of course, this is using a single rectangular "pillar" object. I need to create more objects and objects of different sizes to more rigorously test the engine. Technically, I could incorporate altitude into the engine but I'm not going to for my sanity's sake.

After that, this is how it's going to go:

 - Optimization of code and routines
 - Implementation of text routines
 - Implementation of event checking
 - Actual map data and sprites

Progress is good :)

(note: as of the moment, I'm focusing solely on Nanami Chapter since that's my class project, so there's various engine features I'm not including right now like the implementation of character switching and character auto-movement)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 09, 2011, 04:27:12 am
Glad you got collision worked out. I always wondered how we do it when we can walk behind and in front of stuff. In all my games, it was like FFI through IV, where you couldn't go behind stuff.

Altitude would be nice, but it might be even harder. Personally what I do is just use different borders for each side of a cliff to distinguish a higher spot from the rest, and it gets the job done.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 09, 2011, 05:16:18 am
Well, the way my game's engine works is that it outputs everything in layers. From bottom to top, these layers are:
 - Ground Layer
 - Character Layer
 - Character Effects Layer
 - Environment Layer
 - Environment Effects Layer? (I don't have one but might implement one)

So, by default, Nanami is always beneath the layer of environment objects. On the interaction map, whatever areas are the "in front of" for objects are colored black. The engine constantly checks to see if any of Nanami's sprite's pixels happen to overlap these black areas and, if so, raises a flag that causes the Character and Character Effects Layers to be outputted above the Environment Layer.

In essence, Nanami always walks behind objects unless the interaction map says she should be in front of them :)

I'm probably going to throw a lot of the engine's environment checks into a separate thread that runs pseudo-simultaneously. I'm fairly sure that by the time the engine is completely done, having everything running in the same thread might make for a very slow game :P

Oh, and to get ahead of myself a tad, do you want text boxes to display just the character name, a character name and portrait, or just a portrait?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 09, 2011, 05:17:17 am
5 Layers? That seems risky and cool!

Can you go from one layer to another? Or the character is fixed in a layer.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 09, 2011, 05:30:21 am
Risky? How so?

When I talk about layers, I'm just referring in general terms to the order in which the graphics are outputted to the screen. When all is said and done, I've just got the one 840x480 pixel screen. If I output a graphic to a group of pixels, I'm just changing those pixels' colors. If I output a graphic over the graphic, I'm just changing the pixels' colors again. So, in essence, it's not layering like with GIMP or Photoshop, it's more like drawing something in Paint and then drawing over it. Once you draw over something, what was there before is gone.

I can rearrange the order in which the graphics are thrown onto the screen, though.

Did I explain that clearly enough? 3:30 AM makes for gibberish-y Tsukasas :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 09, 2011, 10:30:47 am
Nice to see updates. Looks like you've built a solid engine.

Re dialogue boxes, IMO, name below portrait in the left-hand side of the screen.

Spoiler For Musical Spoiler (What's the attached file for?):
Hehehe! Yes, my first real track for Yumé! Though it's not really a song so much as a jingle. I'm happy with it, tho. This one took me about half an hour.

Plays when you get the Pure Light (pending your approval, Tsukasa :) ).
EDIT: Reuploaded for Moar Cello!  :w00t:
EDIT 2: Reuploaded for Even Moar Cello!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 09, 2011, 05:13:33 pm
Holy nightmares, that is epic! :D
You, JustCause, are an hero :)

Also, I'm visualizing the name-under-portrait style and it just looks kind of weird to me in my head :/
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 09, 2011, 06:15:44 pm
Holy nightmares, that is epic! :D
You, JustCause, are an hero :)
Glad you like it. It's not quite finished yet (addition of a harp and removal of the awful background piano are both in order). I'll post the final version for comparison and you can make the decision. I'll be doing a lot of little things like that, so let me know if there's a special item pickup or event you want a sound for. Oh, and themes based on people. Those are fun.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 09, 2011, 08:50:34 pm
Should i still be working on the music ive been making i get ungrounded tomorrow which means more fruity loops shennagins will ensue if this is a yes ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on March 09, 2011, 09:49:13 pm
Oooh, JustCause, this is cool!  I like it. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 09, 2011, 11:28:45 pm
Everybody who is working on music, keep working on it. I need lots of musical stuffs! :D

Also, JustCause, did you ever finish the title theme you were working on?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: shmibs on March 10, 2011, 12:25:18 am
i just checked in on this topic after my brief disappearance, and i am VERY excited about what i see and hear =D

just_cause: that stuff is frickdiculous!
here is a brief little interlude from our favourite show that may be inspirational for further pieces XD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 10, 2011, 03:49:44 am
Woah that sounds awesome JustCause, I hope it gets longer though because I was sad when it stopped lol, I bet I'm gonna loop it for a while. :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 03:54:28 am
I'm looping it too :)

There should be a longer (perhaps remixed?) version to complement this :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 10, 2011, 04:01:14 am
This would fit well in a village if longer, but even other part of a RPG, like a dream world, forest, title screen, intro, npc sequence, etc. For the short version, it could be used when sleeping at a inn or when getting an item.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 04:04:09 am
Personally, I was thinking "credit roll" theme for the longer version and character fanfare (like how a fanfare plays when you first start Metroid games) for the shorter version.

Made a new and better title screen :)

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 10, 2011, 04:29:40 am
Wow that's great actually. To be honest, however, I find the Yumé e a little hard to read, though. You might want to make the line at the end of the m shorter or lower
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 04:34:58 am
Better? :)

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 10, 2011, 04:36:33 am
Aah cool, much better now :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 04:44:57 am
Great! :D

I'll work on actually implementing it this weekend. Maybe I'll throw in the beta title theme too :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 10, 2011, 08:55:07 am
There should be a longer (perhaps remixed?) version to complement this :D
Definitely. What I've done so far is analogous to Zelda's Four Notes Of Win (, but I'll definitely do a few bars of a more subtle, looping version of this so you can set it to play afterward.

As for the title screen, I won't have much time to work on it today (perhaps 30 minutes because my study hall has been taken by college prep), but tomorrow I'll have two hours and I'll definitely have something to upload by then. If I work fast, I might even be able to get a preview uploaded today...everybody click the "Notify me of replies" button NOW. ;D

RE the Dream World theme, I was thinking of having a main theme for the normal drain areas, a more peaceful version of that theme for when you're in a sanctuary, and a more intense version when you're almost out of life (with bells, to emphasize that time is running out). Oh, and an extra melody line for Miasma areas. Is this technically possible?

Love the title graphic.

EDIT: I had a little more time than I planned. Here's the extended loop for Beginning of a New Dawn: sorry about Mediafire.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 03:01:54 pm
Woah, awesome! :D I have a use for this song, but I'm not sure if said use will even be in this first game :P

I like your ideas for the Dream World theme, too. Oh, and if it's not too much, could I request sort of an "epic" remix of Beginning of a New Dawn? Something with more "oomph" or "gusto" or however you'd describe it?

Just a head's up. Allegro uses .wav for sound, iirc. So, keep with .wav format `-`;
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: jsj795 on March 10, 2011, 03:08:44 pm
Woah, I love the song, JC!!! Sounds epic!
It goes really nicely with the theme Dream :) keep up the good work!

And Tsukasa, I really like the title screen a lot!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 10, 2011, 03:10:06 pm
Oh, and if it's not too much, could I request sort of an "epic" remix of Beginning of a New Dawn? Something with more "oomph" or "gusto" or however you'd describe it?
How are you planning on using it? Boss battle? Trailer? Title theme? Epic morale arrange before the final confrontation? I'll do it, but tell me more!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 03:16:30 pm
Maybe, no, nuh-uh, and possibly :P
Something that would make a kick*** character theme. The protagonists' victory is certain when this theme plays!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 10, 2011, 03:19:21 pm
yes please tell us what is already in use and what is needed xD so we can tailor our songs to fit xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 10, 2011, 03:23:41 pm
Oh the song looks pretty cool! I think I'm going to make one too, since this inspired me.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 03:31:43 pm
I should start up a music thread that lists what all I have and what all I need. Will do this weekend :P

Hmm... maybe Yumé should get its own subforum :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 10, 2011, 03:54:27 pm
also any chance for you to get a wrapper that allows you to use mp3s or something as wavs are huge look at the loop its 7 megs for like 45 is epic though
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 10, 2011, 04:34:17 pm
I could, probably, but I'm lazy right now :P
Still, at the very least keep a .wav version handy in case I can't use MP3.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 10, 2011, 07:25:04 pm
I should start up a music thread that lists what all I have and what all I need.
Do this. Soon. But don't forget to code. :)

I'll start work on the main title and the charactertheme arrangement tomorrow. Expect previews soon.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 10, 2011, 08:36:37 pm
ill continue to work on what ever it is im making i can give a preview now if yall want tsukasa has heard it already though xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 10, 2011, 08:57:10 pm
ill continue to work on what ever it is im making i can give a preview now if yall want tsukasa has heard it already though xD
Post it! I'd love to hear it.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 10, 2011, 09:03:37 pm
Ok here is what i have so far and i use FL studio 9 it is obnoxious to learn but it works well

also for all my songs i just hold on to the source files and i can export to ogg wav mp3 and a few others <3
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 10, 2011, 09:10:08 pm
I love this song JustCause. However for some reasons I liked the flute in the shorter version more. Any plan to maybe make a version with flute?

Also Geekboy1011 nice song too. It seems pretty dark. It would definitively fit well in a dark forest or something like an abandonned mine or factory.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 10, 2011, 09:12:15 pm
Thank you DJ thats what i was going for got a lot more to add though and clean up. the Blown Bottle sound (the high pitched sounds at the end) are still to sharp Imo.
and i need to just make it longer xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 11, 2011, 03:25:27 pm
Meant to click Modify. Actually clicked Delete.

By DJ's request, I changed the BoaND loop to use flute. I also added some major harmony changes. Oh, and dramatic solo piano cutaways for the win.

Still working on the title and character themes. Can anyone recommend some better orchestral VSTs or soundfonts? My staccato strings sound awful and everything is cutting out in high or low registers (thus the melody changes in the flute version).
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 11, 2011, 04:14:45 pm
just epic just freaking epic that is the kind of music i love just freaking epic
/me leaves on loop for the next few days
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 11, 2011, 04:35:42 pm
just epic just freaking epic that is the kind of music i love just freaking epic
Yours was pretty awesome too. My comfort zone has always been symphonic, so to see someone who can work in such an ambient vein is cool.

Hopefully I can get your head to explode when I add brass and percussion for the character theme version.

ED: Due to parents, no music will be made until Monday, unless it's concept recordings straight from my CASIO keyboard. Which would be bad. So probably no music. Sorries.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 11, 2011, 07:54:23 pm
I'll give a listen after class. However, I have to ask one thing.

How am I ever going to repay you epic music peoples? :O
Seriously, you all rock :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 11, 2011, 08:15:19 pm
quite simply make the games epic and you have re-payed me ;)

i just love the context the game is in so its all good to me xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 11, 2011, 08:23:01 pm
Oh these games will be epic :)

Also, I'm having a dumb moment so could you elaborate on what you meant by "context the game is in"? Also, we all lost :(
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 11, 2011, 10:07:42 pm
i love any thing dream related lately from lucid dreaming to just the thought of the abilities of your mind that is achieved when dreaming.

so dream related games are always interested to see what people do with the infinite void of the dream realm ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 11, 2011, 11:19:15 pm
JustCause I like that new version, although I kinda prefered the old pitch level :(. Could you make a version that sounds exactly like the very short one you first posted, but as long as the current one? :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 11, 2011, 11:32:08 pm
Also @ just cause i never really have made music before this is a learning experience so far so its nice to see what comes out i dont know what my nich will be yet xD
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 11, 2011, 11:38:06 pm
Geekboy1011 didn't you make some MTVMG stuff before by the way? I forgot if you finished it.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 11, 2011, 11:38:58 pm
na sadly never finished it ;.; i still have the source may pick it up again not to sure actually i did like the way it sounded
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 11, 2011, 11:41:35 pm
Aah ok. D:
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 12, 2011, 03:20:17 am
Have some video demo :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 12, 2011, 03:23:47 am
Nice, I'm glad you got walking in front and behind objects working. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 12, 2011, 03:32:13 am
For one object type, anyway! :P XD
I still haven't tested other object types and I will do so this weekend.

Of course, I still need to optimize my code. All 765 lines of it... (including empty spacing lines and comment lines)....
Heh, in MS Word my code goes on for 15 pages in Courier New 11pt font.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 12, 2011, 03:49:10 am
Oh ok lol, but shouldn't it be easy to implement for other objects if it's just the same code?

And wow the code is long so far. :O

By the way do you know if it will run on lower end computers, such as a Pentium 4?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 12, 2011, 04:03:34 am
The objects themselves shouldn't matter. The engine is theoretically capable of handling any object of any size or shape. However, I don't *know* if that's what it does in practice, so I need to test all sorts of things to see if my engine goes wonky at all.

Long code is long and will only get longer. X_x

As far as I can tell, the only computers it won't work on are those that aren't Intel architecture or have very very little RAM. Also, anything running Mac OS 9 or earlier won't be able to run it due to a certain memory issue which I may not even bother fixing. So, assuming I compile a Mac OS version or it works in Wine, you're still out of luck if you aren't using Leopard, Snow Leopard or the upcoming Lion version.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 12, 2011, 04:06:36 am
Oh ok. As for the long code, make sure to write down what each variable does and comment your code well. X.x
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 12, 2011, 04:23:55 am
To elaborate on my previous point, I'll quote my C book:
With some older operating systems (specifically, DOS and Mac OS 9 and below), it is also necessary that you "lock" the memory of the functions and variables used by your timers to ensure that they work correctly. This process is unnecessary on current systems, so we will not discuss it in this text.
I'm not touching memory locking with a 10-foot pole, honestly. Easy to implement or not, I just don't want to mess with it.

Variables in C are usually self-explanatory when you do them right. Each C variable name can be up to roughly 30 alphanumeric characters long, so I generally do a blatantly self-descriptive naming system for my variables. For instance:
Code: [Select]
willCollide  //This variable is set to 1 if Nanami/Rika will collide with an object if she continues in whatever direction
atmosphere //The atmosphere type, 0 for normal, 1 for miasma, 2 for sanctuary
isInFront //Is Nanami/Rika in front of an object?

character->LifeEnergy //The LifeEnergy variable of the character struct, the structure holding all of the current character's info
(Note, this isn't actual game code, just variable examples and their meanings, in comment style)

As such, I usually always know what a variable does. If, for some reason, I can't figure it out or can't remember valid values (such as for atmosphere), I can easily look it up as most of my variables are global and thus declared, with comments, at the beginning of the program :)

I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 12, 2011, 08:25:47 am
JustCause I like that new version, although I kinda prefered the old pitch level :(. Could you make a version that sounds exactly like the very short one you first posted, but as long as the current one? :P

 Sigh... On Monday. :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 12, 2011, 01:05:00 pm
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!

but its so greeeeeeeeeeen and luscious ;.;
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on March 12, 2011, 10:54:31 pm
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!

but its so greeeeeeeeeeen and luscious ;.;
It's pretty. :)
But I thought it was in the dream world...
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 01:33:31 am
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!

but its so greeeeeeeeeeen and luscious ;.;
That's the point I'm getting at. It's sort of a Colorado in-joke over Colorado's usual lack of natural green grass. :P

This IS the grass tiling I'm using, at least for the class project version of Nanami Chapter.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 13, 2011, 01:37:52 am
Wait in Colorado there is less grass? ??? Is it due to lack of rain or something?

Anyway the grass in your game looks nice. I think it should be slightly lighter, though.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 03:14:30 am
I'll try making the grass lighter and see how it looks. I may very well incorporate multiple shades of grass.

Also, Colorado has a very low humidity and very low precipitation level on average. While grass does grow all over, it's rarely naturally lush green. Rather, it's very pale green or even yellow or brown. Of course, people and businesses water like crazy so there's lots of unnatural green grass in urban areas.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 13, 2011, 03:15:36 am
multiple shades could be an idea too, maybe even colors. I remember seeing a game that used the exact same tile for everything once, yet still looked good XD.

Also sometimes just changing the color makes it look like something else, such as snow.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 03:20:22 am
Hatched an idea for grass shades:

"light green" - default grass
"medium green" - grass surrounding objects or grass surrounding grass surrounding water.
"dark green" - grass surrounding water or in dark areas.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 13, 2011, 04:17:36 am
I think the latter should be a bit blue-ish too if the water is kinda blue instead of dark.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 04:23:37 am
I could do both, blue-ish for dark areas and regular dark green for near water. I can make as many tiles as I want! :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 13, 2011, 04:36:54 am
That's good. :D Will there be snowy areas?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 13, 2011, 04:37:58 am
Snow, grass, what about lava?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 04:38:48 am
There may or may not be snow. There will not be lava.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 13, 2011, 04:41:29 am
There may or may not be snow. There will not be lava.

I guess the lava is not of the style of Yume :P

What layer will grass/snow be then?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 04:42:19 am
The... ground layer? Maybe an overlay of falling snow?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 13, 2011, 04:47:04 am
The... ground layer? Maybe an overlay of falling snow?

I mean the layer as in you have the character, the background, obstacles, let's imagine in that video with the block, will the grass have a 3D effect like the block or the background will be made of grass?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 04:49:29 am
The background (the ground) will be made of grass and whatever else happens to be making up the ground. I won't be adding any pseudo-3d to ground tiles.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on March 13, 2011, 04:51:57 am
The background (the ground) will be made of grass and whatever else happens to be making up the ground. I won't be adding any pseudo-3d to ground tiles.

Ah I see, that's what I wanted to know :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 04:57:39 am
If I did add pseudo-3D to grass, I'd need to create twice as many tiles. It's not that big of deal but, for the sake of finishing Nanami Chapter for my class project (or at least finishing it enough), I'm leaving out things that aren't exactly necessary.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 13, 2011, 07:28:43 pm
Video of things.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on March 13, 2011, 09:18:01 pm
That looks nice!  Great job. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 03:08:59 pm
Pitch-shifted down because DJ said so. (Marking the fourth version of what was originally a 20-second loop. Bwa.)

Vid looks awesome, Tsukasa.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 04:42:03 pm
I like this one too! Okay now, seriously, with all the loop versions of this song it's going to be impossible to pick the ones I want to use! XD

Regardless, nice job as always JustCause :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 07:10:30 pm
Okay now, seriously, with all the loop versions of this song it's going to be impossible to pick the ones I want to use! XD
Actually, while I didn't really think of it this way before, Beginning of a New Dawn may have the potential to become Yumé's Reminiscence.

For those who don't get the reference, Reminiscence was Ninian's theme from Fire Emblem 7, which the player came to associate with her in an almost-subconscious way and which received an epic arrangement at one of the game's most dramatic moments (which I will not spoil), made about 200 times more dramatic by the character theme.

I've always wanted to do something like that.

If you could let loose a few more plot details, Tsukasa... Don't feel pressured, but you have my email. :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 07:45:05 pm
just what sort of details are you looking for?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 08:16:53 pm
just what sort of details are you looking for?

More Detail = More Music. Major plot events are fun to compose for, as are recurring sequences, but I welcome any kind of detail. (And I totally understand if everything is subject to change, given that the same thing is happening to me with Song of Steel and Flame.)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 08:21:59 pm
Nanami Chapter is pretty devoid of things, really.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on March 14, 2011, 08:22:55 pm
I know this is probably copyrighted, but what if you could use this music in a trailer or something for your game:

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 08:24:32 pm
Nanami Chapter is pretty devoid of things, really.


I am not totally sure how to respond to this.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 08:30:29 pm
@ZTrumpet: I'd prefer to use absolutely 100% original-by-omni-members or known free music. Less stress of "omg did I break a law somewhere?" on my part. `-`

@JustCause: Was making a game-based pun. Kidding aside, there's really not much in terns of plot in the first chapter. It's essentially the tutorial that explains the game mechanics. There's very little in terms of 'major events' or 'recurring events'. The only notable events are being drawn into the dream world and (spoiler?) escaping from it. Oh, and the Pure Light. (end spoiler?)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 14, 2011, 08:34:16 pm
This is nice TsukasaZX and JustCause. :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 08:36:45 pm
@JustCause: Was making a game-based pun.
Oh. Lulz. Now I get it (and feel kind of dim). OK then, I'll just plant the seeds for the epic melodies of later chapters.  And I herd u need trailer music? Expect suitable epicness within the week. My study hall just evaporated, so I may not get a chance to compose quite as much, but you'll still hear from me.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 08:47:28 pm
Heh, you'll have a field day with Rika Chapter and Finality Chapter, JustCause :P

Ooh, I just had a really really interesting idea. I think I'll work on it tonight after I finish debugging a really really retarded issue I'm having with delays.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 14, 2011, 08:50:00 pm
Heh, you'll have a field day with Rika Chapter and Finality Chapter, JustCause :P

Ooh, I just had a really really interesting idea. I think I'll work on it tonight after I finish debugging a really really retarded issue I'm having with delays.
Oh, come on. You can't say something like that and not tell us what it is. Be nice. I'm already dying of massive inspecificity. :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 14, 2011, 08:53:33 pm
I'll go into detail about it either later this evening or tomorrow. I'd like to confirm or deny the plausibility of the idea first before I get any hopes up `-`
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 15, 2011, 03:35:33 pm
If your want send me a pm with things you want for like abient sounds and tracks seeing as i'm doing a good job with that >.> <.<

i got grounded again but ill still see what i can do i mean who doesnt like tracked music (think things like xm mod s3m old game style music)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on March 19, 2011, 08:50:33 pm
Just used Audio Tool to make something, and I thought of your little project TsukasaZX.
Link (
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 20, 2011, 10:26:48 am
It's spring break, so sequencing is stalled for the next eight days. I'm working on the end credits arrange and opening title: anyone mind if I put a few bars of Never Gonna Give You Up in the former as an Omnimaga tribute?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on March 20, 2011, 10:25:05 pm
I think it would be hilarious, but it's really TsukasaZX's opinion that matters.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 20, 2011, 11:54:15 pm
If your want send me a pm with things you want for like abient sounds and tracks seeing as i'm doing a good job with that >.> <.<

i got grounded again but ill still see what i can do i mean who doesnt like tracked music (think things like xm mod s3m old game style music)

I'm not sure I want any real ambient sounds but I may be thinking of the wrong thing. Could you explain what you're talking about a little bit? :x

It's spring break, so sequencing is stalled for the next eight days. I'm working on the end credits arrange and opening title: anyone mind if I put a few bars of Never Gonna Give You Up in the former as an Omnimaga tribute?
Please don't.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 21, 2011, 01:43:28 am
Something a little bit less glaringly obvious would be a few bars of Magic Hardcore or another one of DJ's songs.

(oh, and in case I didn't make this clear, it would DEFINITELY be arranged in a subtle way. Your call, tho, and I'll assume no after your response to the last suggestion [loooool.])

/me waits for Su-chan to post the music list
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 21, 2011, 01:52:39 am
Maybe Quest for the Legendary Axe, since it's RPG-ish and also a tribute to one of the most popular Omni program?

Not too sure if dance music would fit well. X.x
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on March 21, 2011, 03:05:09 am
Not too sure if dance music would fit well. X.x
It could be arranged. I spent a lot of time with the theme and a mellow orchestral version could certainly be done. Sounds strange, but I swear it works

Also, actually relevant question: how intense do you want the title theme? Comparable examples would be awesome.  (Just trying to make sure I don't make a track that completely clashes with your mental image of the game, and I apologize for the epic vagueness of my question.)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on March 22, 2011, 11:27:11 am
Something mellow but not lacking intensity, maybe like Terra's theme from Final Fantasy VI?

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on March 22, 2011, 11:18:29 pm
ambient as in like the impasable wall and the last clip i posted. just mellow emotional tracks for in game loops that arent symphonic       (posting from psp and i thought i touches were hard T.T)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 30, 2011, 02:24:19 am
Would The Most Relaxing Song Ever works? (Minus the second half of the song of course)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DrDoak on April 03, 2011, 01:47:40 pm
Hi! I am new around here on the Omnimaga Forums,
However, I am a friend to BinderNews, who you may know.

Some of you may remember me as the friend who contributed a song early on in the project.

I would like to help on this project, as I find it very interesting, and I think it would be fun to work on it.

I am not very good as a programmer, but I can draw sprites and compose
Generally, if you are willing to program something, I am ususally willing to draw the sprites for something.
I can also write any dialougue, if you want to put any dialougue in your game, that is. Writing is one of my favorite hobbys, especially when it comes to video games

If there is anything you want me to draw/write/compose, I will gladly work on it.
However, in order to successfully do any of that, I will need description and detail on what you want it to look/sound like.

Disclaimer: I am not nearly as smart as Bindernews said I was.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on April 03, 2011, 02:14:01 pm
Hi! I am new around here on the Omnimaga Forums,
However, I am a friend to BinderNews, who you may know.

Some of you may remember me as the friend who contributed a song early on in the project.

I would like to help on this project, as I find it very interesting, and I think it would be fun to work on it.

I am not very good as a programmer, but I can draw sprites and compose
Generally, if you are willing to program something, I am ususally willing to draw the sprites for something.
I can also write any dialougue, if you want to put any dialougue in your game, that is. Writing is one of my favorite hobbys, especially when it comes to video games

If there is anything you want me to draw/write/compose, I will gladly work on it.
However, in order to successfully do any of that, I will need description and detail on what you want it to look/sound like.

Disclaimer: I am not nearly as smart as Bindernews said I was.
Yes you are. Don't even try to deny it.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on April 04, 2011, 09:48:53 am
Hey, I'm really sorry about my lack of music lately. School has been awful and all of my VSTs stopped working because of a hardware change...bwa. I'm still composing, though, so you should get something soon-ish.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DrDoak on April 04, 2011, 07:14:56 pm
I was working on a song all day, and I was about halfway done. I had the melody planned out completely and things were turning out good.
And then I decided to take a little nap. When I woke up, my brother had taken my laptop and closed all my programs. The probelm was that I forgot to save the song!!!

I will try to re-write as much as possible today, it should not take too long, because I have already written it once.
I may also post some songs from an unfinished project I had with Bindernews. I have quite a large collection of songs from unfinished games, although I think many of those songs will probabily not fit well with this game.

Also, just a little question because I am new here: How do you attach a file to a post? (can you?)
I need a way to post a song onto the forum. I would prefer not using Youtube, so it could be easily downloaded.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on April 04, 2011, 07:21:29 pm
@DrDoak: After hitting Reply, look down a little above the Post button and to the left is the Attach part.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on April 05, 2011, 10:38:35 am
Users with less than a certain number of posts can't attach. Until you hit that number, DrDoak. you'll have to host elsewhere and post the link.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DrDoak on April 05, 2011, 02:57:37 pm
I will just send it to BinderNew's Email and have him post it
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Binder News on April 08, 2011, 11:40:59 pm
Ok, finally got around to it.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: ztrumpet on April 08, 2011, 11:45:19 pm
I like the arpeggios in Solemn Image. :D  The melody in it is also quite nice. :)
Dreaming of Adventure is really cool.  I think it might sound a little cooler though with a little bit of a raised tempo. ;)
Excellent job, Binder News DrDoak! :D

Edit: My apologies to DrDoak.  I should have read one post higher up. ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on April 08, 2011, 11:46:45 pm
Very nice and it was DrDoak who made them binder is just the poster ^_^
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DrDoak on April 09, 2011, 12:34:38 am
You have no idea how much pestering I had to do to BinderNews at school to make him post that...

I am still a long way from hitting the 40 post mark.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on April 09, 2011, 12:39:41 am
Well you can always upload them to mediafire and link that here that seems to work out well for music as well saves some of our bandwidth ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 11, 2011, 05:16:48 am
How's this going on? I'm wondering why Tsusaka hasn't made a post here in a while.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 16, 2011, 06:13:01 am
Ohaithar! Update!


On the right is the GFX as you knew them. On the left is a preview of the GFX as they will be from now on.

Tile system is migrating from my doofy "3xPixel" graphics and 84x80px size to single pixel resolution graphics and a more standard 64x64px size.

Nanami will receive a graphical overhaul to single pixel resolution and 64x128 dimensions at an unspecified future date.

The new brick tiles are pretty solid Beta and probably won't change much. The box tiles are super alpha and are just there to show I have more than 2 tile types in progress.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 16, 2011, 07:14:43 am
Those bricks are looking very good! The new grass is cool too :D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 16, 2011, 07:17:25 am
Hint: new grass is old grass, just not magnified 300% ;)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 16, 2011, 07:17:53 am
Hint: new grass is old grass, just not magnified 300% ;)

It still looks better =D
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 17, 2011, 01:30:15 pm
Maybe you could post here your new sprites like the door and stuff?
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 17, 2011, 02:34:47 pm
For those of you who were wondering how sanctuaries were going to be implemented, wonder no further. Sanctuaries are null fields surrounding a certain type of statue. This is that statue as well as a size comparison with Nanami.

The statue itself is a tad ironic, unintentionally. Think of them in their "religious" meaning, rather than their literal morbid one :P

As for the field itself, I'm debating between two things:

1) Letting the player figure out the field distance or be happy knowing that "oh hey, if I walk up to this thing, my health restores"
2) The grass or ground within the field itself glows slightly.

What do you all think?

Also, all human-like things get the 3xPixel treatment for now due to time constraints. Although, I think that makes these statues more visually distinct, such that players will be more likely to check them out.

[edit]!/NanamiMugenTeam (!/NanamiMugenTeam) will be updated as frequently as I remember with Yumé related things and other stuff.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DrDoak on April 18, 2011, 06:32:04 am
Looks great!
I could probabily draw some blocks if you need me to, I actually have some free time and some experiance with making tiles.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 18, 2011, 06:43:50 am
"The grass or ground within the field itself glows slightly." I prefer this one.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 18, 2011, 06:41:24 pm
Looks great!
I could probabily draw some blocks if you need me to, I actually have some free time and some experiance with making tiles.

If you could make me a 64x64 pixel water tile, I'd love you forever :)

Also, the glow itself wouldn't be animated so it'd just look gold/yellow-tinted. I'll go with that anyway though.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on April 20, 2011, 09:55:31 am
Maybe have the glow come on only when you're within the range? Just spouting ideas here.

Sorry for no music progress. My VSTs are still broken.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 20, 2011, 09:56:43 am
I like that idea. Duly noted :)

Well, let's just hope I get at least a bare minimum in the next 1.5 weeks. I'd love to have some GOOD music when I demo my game. :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on April 21, 2011, 04:32:58 pm
1.5 weeks. Okay. I can do that. No problem. Easy as pie. Piece of cake. Generally speaking, as non-difficult as sweet pastries and/or confections. You can't see me right now, but hopefully I've managed to convey the hyperventilating, ultra-panicked state I'm in right now. If not...

/me shifts into epic panic mode and begins checking his watch every five seconds.

Well, I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend! :w00t:

Oh, and when I tried to do a piano version of the title theme, this was the result... ( so I'll likely be finding some new VSTs soon or actually getting a legit recording setup.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Geekboy1011 on April 21, 2011, 04:41:32 pm
I have no good vsts for fruity loops ;.;

need to spend more time on this just calling a blank on ideas :/
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 21, 2011, 04:53:20 pm
I like that idea. Duly noted :)

Well, let's just hope I get at least a bare minimum in the next 1.5 weeks. I'd love to have some GOOD music when I demo my game. :P

Don't hesitate to ask for music sprites too!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 21, 2011, 07:59:08 pm
Ohaithar! Update!


On the right is the GFX as you knew them. On the left is a preview of the GFX as they will be from now on.

Tile system is migrating from my doofy "3xPixel" graphics and 84x80px size to single pixel resolution graphics and a more standard 64x64px size.

Nanami will receive a graphical overhaul to single pixel resolution and 64x128 dimensions at an unspecified future date.

The new brick tiles are pretty solid Beta and probably won't change much. The box tiles are super alpha and are just there to show I have more than 2 tile types in progress.
I like these sprites. As suggestion, I would put an outline on the wall sides (if any in the game) and the brown sprites, but make sure it's not too visible either.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on April 22, 2011, 11:24:08 am
@DJ I'll think about it. Depends on how lazy I am with sprites :P

Also, would anybody mind if I brought my TweetBot into #Omnimaga? All it does is post @NananiMugenTeam ('s twitter tweets in IRC. I figure since not everybody has twitter, I'm not always active on IRC, and I will be posting stuff to this twitter account that may or may not be interesting/important/whatever, it could have its uses  :-X
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: Munchor on April 22, 2011, 11:24:56 am
@DJ I'll think about it. Depends on how lazy I am with sprites :P

Also, would anybody mind if I brought my TweetBot into #Omnimaga? All it does is post @NananiMugenTeam ('s twitter tweets in IRC. I figure since not everybody has twitter, I'm not always active on IRC, and I will be posting stuff to this twitter account that may or may not be interesting/important/whatever, it could have its uses  :-X

I think you should PM an admin. In the meanwhile, let me follow you!
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on May 09, 2011, 04:08:52 am
Sorry for horrible quality.

And yes, I do have a Hatsune Miku Append desktop wallpaper, why do you ask? :P
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on May 25, 2011, 04:07:54 am
Glad to see new progress :)
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on May 26, 2011, 02:29:57 pm
Have you ever had a dream so beautiful you woke up crying? That's how this song came to be. As in, I literally heard it in my dreams. Perhaps it was my subconscious trying to tell me I need to work on the soundtrack.

Thankfully, I managed to scratch down the chords and half the melody line before it faded from my memory.

I believe I owe you some songs. Here's a very short preview.

ED: CRAP. The strings did NOT sound like that before. That will definitely be fixed ASAP.

Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: JustCause on June 04, 2011, 05:53:13 pm
Bump! Moar crap! If you can use either, let me know and I'll expand and otherwise fix them. I cut the strings in the last bar of the second one because I still have absolutely no idea how to resolve it. Sorry for dissonance.
Title: Re: Yumé: The Eternal Dreams
Post by: TsukasaZX on June 06, 2011, 12:11:50 am
I'll take a look at them in a bit. I've put this game on hiatus a tad because I keep getting thrown into chore work and I'm spending most of my free time building LEGO or other things. ^^;