I can't wait to get actual gameplay coded :DWine is available for Mac? ???
And yeah, I can't leave my fellow Linux or Windows users out in the cold, so to speak. Mac users, however.... well.... let's not go there ;) j/k. I don't really know how Macware differs from 'nixware so I dunno how I could make a Mac version. Mac users can just Wine the Windows version I guess :P
Since, he didn't respond to my email, I'll talk to my friend today.That's more than fine. SATs are important ^_^ I wish him good luck!
EDIT: I talked to him, he will do it. It'll take him about a week, b/c he's studying for the SAT. Normally it would be like 2 days.
Nice, although for some reasons I like the red heart better.I kinda thought the red heart was a bit too red, honestly.
@Eeems: thanks
@Scout: Ew, java :P j/k
It's written in C and uses the Allegro library.
Also, just to throw this out here for lack of better updates: I contacted Motoi Sakuraba in regards to using a song from the Golden Sun soundtrack in my game and received a reply telling me to go to Camelot as while Sakuraba composed the music, Camelot holds the copyright. I am going to compose a letter in the next few days and mail it to Camelot asking if I can either have permission to use the song or buy a license allowing me to. We'll see how that goes. The song in question is the Venus lighthouse theme from GS1 and 2:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5d1rrbNo3o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5d1rrbNo3o)
Why do I want to use it in my game? You'll find out if I get to ;P
It'd be cool to have a Yume Soundtrack "CD" somewhere. ;D
Also JustCause are you planning to post some music in the music section btw? It would be cool to hear. :DActually, I'm without a sequencer at the moment. Lack of admin access tends to do that. I'll post some previews soon though. I've been working on the main theme, I think you guys'll like it.
Hey that's nice JustCause :D It would fit pretty well in Yumé IMHO. Maybe higher quality would be better, although it would be hard without a sequencer. Plus with aOf course! There's no way that would work without properly getting sequenced. (And the quality really is atrocious.) Can anyone recommend a program?
sequencer you must find proper piano sounds.
Otherwise there's Lmms, which I haven't tried, but is a freeware sequencer.
Hopefully it's not too hard to get used to.It's working very well for me, although file browsing is hella slow for no real reason. Now I can start really working.
Holy nightmares, that is epic! :DGlad you like it. It's not quite finished yet (addition of a harp and removal of the awful background piano are both in order). I'll post the final version for comparison and you can make the decision. I'll be doing a lot of little things like that, so let me know if there's a special item pickup or event you want a sound for. Oh, and themes based on people. Those are fun.
You, JustCause, are an hero :)
There should be a longer (perhaps remixed?) version to complement this :DDefinitely. What I've done so far is analogous to Zelda's Four Notes Of Win (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGE0P_jWWSg), but I'll definitely do a few bars of a more subtle, looping version of this so you can set it to play afterward.
Oh, and if it's not too much, could I request sort of an "epic" remix of Beginning of a New Dawn? Something with more "oomph" or "gusto" or however you'd describe it?How are you planning on using it? Boss battle? Trailer? Title theme? Epic morale arrange before the final confrontation? I'll do it, but tell me more!
I should start up a music thread that lists what all I have and what all I need.Do this. Soon. But don't forget to code. :)
ill continue to work on what ever it is im making i can give a preview now if yall want tsukasa has heard it already though xDPost it! I'd love to hear it.
just epic just freaking epic that is the kind of music i love just freaking epicYours was pretty awesome too. My comfort zone has always been symphonic, so to see someone who can work in such an ambient vein is cool.
With some older operating systems (specifically, DOS and Mac OS 9 and below), it is also necessary that you "lock" the memory of the functions and variables used by your timers to ensure that they work correctly. This process is unnecessary on current systems, so we will not discuss it in this text.I'm not touching memory locking with a 10-foot pole, honestly. Easy to implement or not, I just don't want to mess with it.
willCollide //This variable is set to 1 if Nanami/Rika will collide with an object if she continues in whatever direction
atmosphere //The atmosphere type, 0 for normal, 1 for miasma, 2 for sanctuary
isInFront //Is Nanami/Rika in front of an object?
character->LifeEnergy //The LifeEnergy variable of the character struct, the structure holding all of the current character's info
(Note, this isn't actual game code, just variable examples and their meanings, in comment style)JustCause I like that new version, although I kinda prefered the old pitch level :(. Could you make a version that sounds exactly like the very short one you first posted, but as long as the current one? :P
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!
It's pretty. :)[edit]
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!
but its so greeeeeeeeeeen and luscious ;.;
That's the point I'm getting at. It's sort of a Colorado in-joke over Colorado's usual lack of natural green grass. :P[edit]
I must be dreaming. This grass is ridiculous!
but its so greeeeeeeeeeen and luscious ;.;
There may or may not be snow. There will not be lava.
The... ground layer? Maybe an overlay of falling snow?
The background (the ground) will be made of grass and whatever else happens to be making up the ground. I won't be adding any pseudo-3d to ground tiles.
Okay now, seriously, with all the loop versions of this song it's going to be impossible to pick the ones I want to use! XDActually, while I didn't really think of it this way before, Beginning of a New Dawn may have the potential to become Yumé's Reminiscence.
just what sort of details are you looking for?
Nanami Chapter is pretty devoid of things, really.
@JustCause: Was making a game-based pun.Oh. Lulz. Now I get it (and feel kind of dim). OK then, I'll just plant the seeds for the epic melodies of later chapters. And I herd u need trailer music? Expect suitable epicness within the week. My study hall just evaporated, so I may not get a chance to compose quite as much, but you'll still hear from me.
Heh, you'll have a field day with Rika Chapter and Finality Chapter, JustCause :POh, come on. You can't say something like that and not tell us what it is. Be nice. I'm already dying of massive inspecificity. :)
Ooh, I just had a really really interesting idea. I think I'll work on it tonight after I finish debugging a really really retarded issue I'm having with delays.
If your want send me a pm with things you want for like abient sounds and tracks seeing as i'm doing a good job with that >.> <.<
i got grounded again but ill still see what i can do i mean who doesnt like tracked music (think things like xm mod s3m old game style music)
It's spring break, so sequencing is stalled for the next eight days. I'm working on the end credits arrange and opening title: anyone mind if I put a few bars of Never Gonna Give You Up in the former as an Omnimaga tribute?Please don't.
Not too sure if dance music would fit well. X.xIt could be arranged. I spent a lot of time with the theme and a mellow orchestral version could certainly be done. Sounds strange, but I swear it works
Hi! I am new around here on the Omnimaga Forums,Yes you are. Don't even try to deny it.
However, I am a friend to BinderNews, who you may know.
Some of you may remember me as the friend who contributed a song early on in the project.
I would like to help on this project, as I find it very interesting, and I think it would be fun to work on it.
I am not very good as a programmer, but I can draw sprites and compose
Generally, if you are willing to program something, I am ususally willing to draw the sprites for something.
I can also write any dialougue, if you want to put any dialougue in your game, that is. Writing is one of my favorite hobbys, especially when it comes to video games
If there is anything you want me to draw/write/compose, I will gladly work on it.
However, in order to successfully do any of that, I will need description and detail on what you want it to look/sound like.
Disclaimer: I am not nearly as smart as Bindernews said I was.
Hint: new grass is old grass, just not magnified 300% ;)
Looks great!If you could make me a 64x64 pixel water tile, I'd love you forever :)
I could probabily draw some blocks if you need me to, I actually have some free time and some experiance with making tiles.
I like that idea. Duly noted :)
Well, let's just hope I get at least a bare minimum in the next 1.5 weeks. I'd love to have some GOOD music when I demo my game. :P
Ohaithar! Update!I like these sprites. As suggestion, I would put an outline on the wall sides (if any in the game) and the brown sprites, but make sure it's not too visible either.
On the right is the GFX as you knew them. On the left is a preview of the GFX as they will be from now on.
Tile system is migrating from my doofy "3xPixel" graphics and 84x80px size to single pixel resolution graphics and a more standard 64x64px size.
Nanami will receive a graphical overhaul to single pixel resolution and 64x128 dimensions at an unspecified future date.
The new brick tiles are pretty solid Beta and probably won't change much. The box tiles are super alpha and are just there to show I have more than 2 tile types in progress.
@DJ I'll think about it. Depends on how lazy I am with sprites :P
Also, would anybody mind if I brought my TweetBot into #Omnimaga? All it does is post @NananiMugenTeam (http://twitter.com/nanamimugenteam)'s twitter tweets in IRC. I figure since not everybody has twitter, I'm not always active on IRC, and I will be posting stuff to this twitter account that may or may not be interesting/important/whatever, it could have its uses :-X