Author Topic: Most worthwhile Upgrades  (Read 5126 times)

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Offline ruler501

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Most worthwhile Upgrades
« on: December 25, 2013, 08:19:45 pm »
I built this computer a little ways back

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU:  Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($279.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler:  NZXT Kraken X60 98.3 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler  ($125.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard:  MSI Z87-G41 PC Mate ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($109.99 @ Microcenter)
Memory:  G.Skill Ares Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory  ($135.00 @ Newegg)
Storage:  Samsung EVO 1TB 2.5" Solid State Disk  ($581.95 @ Newegg)
Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($59.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card:  Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card
Case:  Rosewill PATRIOT ATX Mid Tower Case  ($75.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply:  Corsair CX 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($95.98 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive:  LG GH24NS95 DVD/CD Writer  ($21.98 @ OutletPC)
Operating System:  Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit)  ($97.98 @ OutletPC)
Monitor:  Hannspree HE245DPB 60Hz 23.6" Monitor  ($129.99 @ TigerDirect)
Monitor:  Hannspree HE245DPB 60Hz 23.6" Monitor  ($129.99 @ TigerDirect)
Monitor:  Hannspree HE245DPB 60Hz 23.6" Monitor  ($129.99 @ TigerDirect)
Keyboard:  Rosewill RK-9000BR Wired Standard Keyboard  ($81.98 @ Newegg)
Other: 320gb 5400RPM laptop harddrive (Purchased)
Other: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) (Purchased)
Total: $2029.41
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-01-01 11:48 EST-0500)

Now I've made some money from trading doge and christmas and am looking to upgrade it. I got a liquid cooler and an SSD, but I can get more(I have about $400 more). What else would most benefit my computer? I mainly use it for gaming and programming(run a few VM's sometimes). If there are no really great upgrades I'll probably just save the money.

I was  told that a sound card might be a nice addition and this looked like a good one I don't know much about them though. One thing I think it might be good to note is that I don't have the best speakers(using ones built into my monitors and a cheap($8) set right now) and my headphones are Logitech G930's which are wireless 7.1 and I believe they have a sound card built into the usb dongle they use. Would it be worth much to add a sound card without buying new headphones? I don't really want to have to buy new headphones right now so I probably won't do it if it doesn't help much(I compose music occasionally though)

What other upgrades might be worthwhile? If I go with the sound card I still have over $200
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 11:56:22 am by ruler501 »
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
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PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: Most worthwhile Upgrades
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 05:47:10 pm »
I was gone for a week but just got back and ordered the SSD and cooler. They should be here later this week. I still have ~400 I could spend if there are worthwhile upgrades for that price(if I get a second graphics card for crossfire I'll probably need a new PSU)
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

Offline Keoni29

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Re: Most worthwhile Upgrades
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2013, 05:58:59 pm »
You need a usb fridge.

Cools down to 46° F
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 05:59:48 pm by Keoni29 »
If you like my work: why not give me an internet?

Offline ruler501

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Re: Most worthwhile Upgrades
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2013, 10:12:57 pm »
No room on my desk for it :P
Monitors and microwave(with printer on top). Take up all the space.

Edited first post to include all the upgrades added and other updated infromation
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 11:56:59 am by ruler501 »
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
Version: 3.1
GCM/CS/M/S d- s++: a---- C++ UL++ P+ L++ E---- W++ N o? K- w-- o? !M V?
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y