If you have ever used linux, you most likely have run into the problem of a user account not being in the sudoers file. The strange thing is that it says that it hsa been reported. Scary, right? But when it's on your own server, who on earth is it reported to? I thought it was just some warning or whatever having the same effect as a "keep out" sign. Well, guess what. I was wrong.
I was attempting to set up a mail server to be able to automate a few things simply by emailing the server. For example, downloading a video where the site that hosts the video is blocked. I created an account called fmaster in order to try the mail server. Well, I messed up in the creation of the account, and apparently didn't give the account sudo privileges. No big deal, right, I just switch back over to the main account that has sudo privileges and that's that. Of course, the only reason that I knew fmaster didn't have sudo powers was because it complained and told me I wasn't a sudoer, and it was being reported. Okay, whatever, no big deal, right?
So I check where the mailbox is and notice it is at /var/mail/fmaster. So I just cd over into /var/mail/ and see two different files. fmaster and nobody. I was surprised because nobody had an account called "nobody". So I used "sudo cat nobody" to list the contents of the file. I found that it was a message sent automatically from the root account saying that fmaster didn't have sudo access, the command it was trying to run, and other useful tidbits of information.
So now you know, boys and girls. When you aren't a sudoer, and it says you have been reported, it reports it to nobody!!!