New Beta Build.
Bugs Fixed:
* ClrDraw in Correlation will now clear the screen properly, and operates faster than the standard ClrDraw.
* Word Wrap will now function properly when the user turns his calculator back on from APD
* Added code to produce better and nicer-looking results with Word Wrap
* Fixed a bug where the bottom line of text in Word Wrap would occasionaly be erased from the screen
* You can now display lowercase letters without using tokens. If you add AsmPgrm inside your string, the rest of the letters in your string will be displayed in lowercase, assuming lowercase letters are in your font. AsmPgrm will toggle back and forth between uppercase and lowercase.
EXAMPLE: e^(0,0,"TAsmPgrmHIS IS A TEST. AsmPgrmYEAH!") = This is a test. YEAH!
Known bugs:
* In retriving substrings, abs( does not work properly on a string with lowercase letters. To keep Abs( as fast as possible, this bug will not be fixed. Use sub( for strings that need lowercase letters. The manual will mention this bug.
* Lowercase mode stays as lowercase mode until you use AsmPgrm in a string to toggle uppercase back on. My desired result is to revert back to uppercase mode when a string has finished displaying. This should be an easy fix.