I think the project site already has an SVN.
why don't you want to get gmail?
DJ_Omnimaga: you were right, Jim e's RGP looks just as good on BEs as SEs.
THE POST 13504775 Alright, cool, and can someone point me to the SVN?
THE POST 13504787 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+3 Nov, 2007, 14:10 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 3 Nov, 2007, 14:10) | QuoteBegin-Liazon+2 Nov, 2007, 16:35-->QUOTE (Liazon @ 2 Nov, 2007, 16:35) | I think the project site already has an SVN.
why don't you want to get gmail?
DJ_Omnimaga: you were right, Jim e's RGP looks just as good on BEs as SEs.
THE POST 13504838 Halifax, have you created an account yet? I can't add you to the project page until you do. (the files are read-only for the public)
EDIT: Actually, Liazon, would you like to be a project admin? You can help Halifax (or others) get set up this way.
This post has been edited by grendel on 3 Nov, 2007, 19:11
THE POST 13504913 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+3 Nov, 2007, 14:10 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 3 Nov, 2007, 14:10) | pretty sure LCDfix is for 84+ only...im not 100% though. |
It works with 83+ SE too.
THE POST 13504982 so um... does anyone else want to help?
THE POST 13505199 Well the 8KB limit is a thing of the past with advanced shells like MOS. 24KB is the limit now, and that is virtually impossible to break.
Secondly I like SVN better than email because it is easier to use, and also if IIRC you couldn't just sign up for a Gmail account.
THE POST 13505208 where have you been?? mail.google.comright below the sign in it says "Sign up for Gmail" They've opened it up now to the public :)  This account can be used for all google related things, including googlecode. how does MOS do that? break the 8kb limit? This post has been edited by Liazon on 3 Nov, 2007, 23:03
THE POST 13505211 yeah gmail has been open for public for several months now
THE POST 13505282 It uses the advanced(when MOS came out) technique of ram swapping. The 8KB limit can even be passed with the un-advanced technique of ram copying.
With ram copying the limit is: 24k - program size
With ram swapping the limit is: 24k
Basically the limit is imposed by TI's built-in assembly runner. Which means you can bypass it simply writing your own assembly runner.
Swap the program to $9D95 call $9D95
simple as that. (Well ram swapping isn't that simple, but you get the point.)
THE POST 13505284 nice, i didnt even knew this :P 
THE POST 13505289 Well yeah, how else could Wolfenstein run without it. :P 
THE POST 13505627 true true
so do we want this in APP or MOS only?
really don't mind either
This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 9:11
THE POST 13505692 QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+3 Nov, 2007, 20:09 -->QUOTE (kalan_vod @ 3 Nov, 2007, 20:09) | QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+3 Nov, 2007, 14:1-->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 3 Nov, 2007, 14:10) | pretty sure LCDfix is for 84+ only...im not 100% though. |
It works with 83+ SE too.
i said that in the edit
THE POST 13505697 I just noticed somewhat of an odd dilema -- how will the game handle contradicting resistances? There are two elements: Fire and Cold. Many pieces of armor either add or subtract resistance to either of these. So let's say you equip a piece or armor that adds resistance to fire, and then equip something else alongside it that adds weakness to fire. I was thinking it should work like this:
- Keep resistance to default level if equipment both adds and subtracts resistance equally - Keep resistance to strong if more equipment adds the resistance than it subtracts (for example, two items that are strong to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is weak to it) - Keep resistance to weak if more equipment subtracts the resistance than it adds (for example, two items that are weak to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is strong to it)
Hopefully, that's not a difficult exception to make. If so, I'll go ahead and write it into the documentation.
THE POST 13505709 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | I just noticed somewhat of an odd dilema -- how will the game handle contradicting resistances? There are two elements: Fire and Cold. Many pieces of armor either add or subtract resistance to either of these. So let's say you equip a piece or armor that adds resistance to fire, and then equip something else alongside it that adds weakness to fire. I was thinking it should work like this:
- Keep resistance to default level if equipment both adds and subtracts resistance equally - Keep resistance to strong if more equipment adds the resistance than it subtracts (for example, two items that are strong to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is weak to it) - Keep resistance to weak if more equipment subtracts the resistance than it adds (for example, two items that are weak to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is strong to it)
Hopefully, that's not a difficult exception to make. If so, I'll go ahead and write it into the documentation. |
ya, that seems entirely logical, but i think more than three tiers of resistance would be better, IMO it would be better to have 5+, adds a little more poison to having multiple things that remove resistance. it may seem like with 5 that it is harder to calculate that clashing res thing but i would just store res as a value -2 to 2 and then do math to figure out sigma resistance, (-54125+OO,-2) and (2,OO) would just be rounded to +-2. idk, i just think that there should be more punishment for having multiple things that take away resistance, if theres no change to res after the first minus, then it stops being a factor.
edit: i change my mind, i like your system better
as to app vs MOS prog: i would say its better to be safe than sorry. if you go with MOS/DCS you may run out of space, plus then you have to include MOS and a single program> multiprogram installation when pepole arent that familiar to the calculator. apps really dont have the space limit, besides even if 24 was enough, alot of people dont understand how to get the necessary ram open for such large apps, even i have trouble running 24k asm programs though not because i dont know how to open space, but because i have a ton of groups. I think an app will be more alluring to a larger crowd. (btw if people think i keep 'flip flopping' as i was the one that brought up MOS ram copying, i just wanted to put all the options out there before)
This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 4 Nov, 2007, 10:38
THE POST 13505735 This is currently how I have all the elemental properties set up:
c1 -->CODE | ec1[Fire] and [Cold] are elemental modifiers added to weapons, abilities, etc. Some enemies will sustain additional damaged when targetted with an elemental weak spot. Accordingly, the following sums up various states in which these modifiers can exist:
THE POST 13505751 now that i think about it again, im not gona lie, it seems like theres a sort of ellegance to having it be so black and white across the board. it seems to fit in with the style of your artwork. i bet that sounds dumb decause his art is 4 level gray, its hard to explain what i mean but it seems to fit in along with his fighting system (untraditional in its artwork) and leveling system (untraditional), adding a res system that works traditionally (many levels of resistance) doesnt seem to fit.
THE POST 13505848 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+4 Nov, 2007, 10:07 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 4 Nov, 2007, 10:07) | as to app vs MOS prog: i would say its better to be safe than sorry. if you go with MOS/DCS you may run out of space, plus then you have to include MOS and a single program> multiprogram installation when pepole arent that familiar to the calculator. apps really dont have the space limit, besides even if 24 was enough, alot of people dont understand how to get the necessary ram open for such large apps, even i have trouble running 24k asm programs though not because i dont know how to open space, but because i have a ton of groups. I think an app will be more alluring to a larger crowd. (btw if people think i keep 'flip flopping' as i was the one that brought up MOS ram copying, i just wanted to put all the options out there before) |
ya I agree with you there because since we don't know how much code there will be. Not to mention, if it has to be MOS and not ion, then you're already alienating 83, people. Might as well put it in APP form, which definitely isn't 83 compatible. The only thing is, you only get 8 characters to describe name your app :D  as for the discussion at hand, I like how we're discussing this stuff. Why doesn't someone make a note of it in the SVN or the issues section of googlecode so we don't forget. Right now, I'm a bit more concerned with the base code for the project. It's kinda important to establish now APP or MOS -> atm, I'm swayed towards APP, but that means a bit more work to get GS fully operational. Don't mind as long as it works, cuz it's worth it. Probably won't get to combat related kind of stuff for awhile. I like grendel's plan to work on font followed by mapping. I'll probably stick to that. edit: I almost forgot the important thing I had to ask. Grendel, if all the text and dialogue is complete for the game, do you think you can go through and count up and list all the different words? Thanks! @Halifax: Whenever you get your gmail account, PM one of us and we'll add you to the project. This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 11:39
THE POST 13505919 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Grendel, if all the text and dialogue is complete for the game, do you think you can go through and count up and list all the different words? Thanks! |
Total word count, or number of unique words? Does this include item lists, too? EDIT: I guess I'll have to dump all the dialogue into one giant text file. I wasn't sure how to organize it before, so a number of stuff hasn't been inserted into the trunk yet. Since there are a lot of special characters in the font, I've had to go by a "table" when writing the dialogue. I guess I'll just stick all of that in the same folder and hope that people can understand what the hell it means. :P  And by the way...  I plan to localize this project after we finish. (though, I will likely do all of that work myself) Just thought I would throw that out there. This post has been edited by grendel on 4 Nov, 2007, 11:56
THE POST 13505942 total unique words, ignoring punctuation except for ' or the like, including item names as well as the symbols associated w/ them.
I just need a list of words in a text file, as well as the number, that's all.
... I don't know how Japanese is structured, but is that Katakana, or Hirugana? Are there also "words" per say, as in groups of symbols -> something.
THE POST 13506044 wow japannese? o.o  I sure hope there will still be an english version when finished O_O 
THE POST 13506077 Yes, Liazon I agree with an Application. I was just simply stating.
THE POST 13506096 minor update: it's now an app
THE POST 13506161 I went ahead and merged all the spoken dialogue into a file called "dialogue_batch.txt," so I hope it's easy to read.
I'm not sure how to count every unique word. There are over 800 words in the dialogue.
EDIT: I also crammed every single piece of dialogue into a file called "random_dialogue_crammed_together.txt"
If I had some kind of program to count unique words in a document, I could sort them that way. Otherwise, what you're asking is rather impossible...
This post has been edited by grendel on 4 Nov, 2007, 14:52
THE POST 13506233 thanks grendel, that's really about all I need. I can probably write some kind of script in Java or something to cut it down to a list of unique words. I had an interesting compression idea involving tokenizing words, but seeing as you plan to localize this game, I duno if that'd be good for Japanese. I've updated the SVN w/ the latest executable in APP formSome time this week, I'm going to test _vputs and _puts and see how much it messes w/ gs. Rumor has it, they disable interrupts during the texting process, which means bad for RGP. If it comes down to it, I'll write my own text routine and some kinda of Java program to convert regular strings to a modified charset. I'll probably use PenCol/Row or CurRow/Col just because they're already there for inputs. Hope that helps
THE POST 13506242 I have a special APP made vputs if you need it. (Made by jon)
THE POST 13506268 wow, anyone can explain me why vertical scrolling is faster than horizontal? Is it because it is more difficult to clip the left/right sides of sprites because they have to be 8 bits multiple width? o.o  That said I love how it looks ^^
THE POST 13506281 Don't worry too much about the Japanese dialogue for now. That comes much, much later. I actually consider it a secondary project to be tackled long after the game is normally finished. All it would really involve is replacing the font bitmap and inserting a different dialogue file. It shouldn't be no more complicated than translating a game ROM.
THE POST 13506296 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+4 Nov, 2007, 15:36 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 4 Nov, 2007, 15:36) | wow, anyone can explain me why vertical scrolling is faster than horizontal? Is it because it is more difficult to clip the left/right sides of sprites because they have to be 8 bits multiple width? o.o
That said I love how it looks ^^ |
There are several reasons why actually.
First I'd like to point out that the default settings for the demo is NOT pixel by pixel scrolling. It's actually scrolling 4 pixels at a time. IIRC: F1: 1 pixel scrolling F2: 2 pixel F3: 4 Pixel F4: 6 Pixel F5: 8 pixel
2nd: Turn SE speed on (SE only) Mode: Turn SE speed off (SE only)
So the screens are actually at 4 pixel scrolling.
As for why:
4 pixel scrolling is a "worst case" scenario because you have to rotate each byte in each row 4 times, regardless of whether you rotate from the left or the right (because there are 8 bits in a byte). In vertical scrolling, it doesn't matter how much you scroll by. you just need to figure out where you start copying from and copy. I think Jim e uses an extra row of tiles in his buffer so that all mapper needs to do is calculate the row to start copying from and then just do one loop essentially (in ASM, it's ldir, but I think Jim e uses lots of ldis for some reason).
also, keep in mind that since the screen is shorter, but wider, things would probably naturally appear to move faster vertically because it'd only be present for 2/3 as many pixels.
@Halifax: Sure, that'd be useful.
@grendel: Is all text in the game going to be at that large font?
This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 16:08
THE POST 13506342 Yes, all the text in the game uses the custom font.
THE POST 13506366 I see what you mean liazon, thanks for claryfying it up :) 
THE POST 13506434
THE POST 13506438 That actually looks pretty good!
At Liazon, yes ldis are faster than using one ldir to match them.
THE POST 13506450 wow nice :D  ppl should really start submitting sprites again in the pixel art forum ^^
THE POST 13506453 Oh, and Liazon, a note about the map code -- I need some maps to be able to loop. For example:   When you walk off either side where the tiles are connected, the map will simply loop around. All other maps are designed with blockage preventing you from coming in contact with the edges, so it can be made into a universal exception that all maps should loop. (if that's easier)
THE POST 13506473 o.o  you didn't actually expect me to already be starting that did you? lol I hope you aren't expecting a Thanksgiving or Christmas release either ^^ I'm working on atm. I'll get back to mapping once that's finished, though the looping and stuff shouldn't be too hard, just change a couple numbers here and there ^^. Your timing was impeccable btw. If you had posted this project a week earlier, or a week later, I probably wouldn't have as much time to help you :)  the black and white tiles look pretty nice too :) This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 17:49
THE POST 13506509 O_O  this is so awesome looking, darn so true to final fantasy games!
THE POST 13506583 The black and white tiles look great too, wasnt oxyale from final fantasy one where you have to go underwater in the barrel?
THE POST 13506589 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+4 Nov, 2007, 18:59 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 4 Nov, 2007, 18:59) | The black and white tiles look great too, wasnt oxyale from final fantasy one where you have to go underwater in the barrel? |
Yes, but I actually removed it from the current version.
THE POST 13506833 the castle in that first 4level gray picture looks wicked nice.
i mean, more than the other stuff even.
This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 4 Nov, 2007, 22:15
THE POST 13507012 I'm going to say definitely application for reasons people have already said. As for compression, what Liazon described is actually a system used in lots of games for NES, SNES, and the like (by the way Grendel and I met on a ROM hacking board ;)  ) called Multiple Tile Encoding (MTE). I'm going to suggest Huffman encoding for text compression and maybe some form of LZ compression for graphics. On another note, I still have the source for the old intro and ending to the game (the one with just black and white graphics) which includes things like the custom font and displaying text as well as a simple character walking around demo. I'll find those and upload them to the SVN.
THE POST 13507216 lol that looks like the arcane sanctuary from dII
THE POST 13507311 QuoteBegin-billthecat+5 Nov, 2007, 7:08 -->QUOTE (billthecat @ 5 Nov, 2007, 7:08) | lol that looks like the arcane sanctuary from dII |
I actually based it on the Lunar Subterrane from Final Fantasy IV: 
THE POST 13507565 I was sure it was from Mystic Quest o.o  either way awesome :)  this is starting reminding me the Reign Of Legends 3 a lot, altough it had 8x8 b/w graphics ^^
THE POST 13507611 Hmm... Would someone be able to steal the black and white tiles/sprites? I am sure with the use of xlib, they could make a fantastic game out of them as well. :)  (And no, that person wouldn't be me. Pokemon consumes my soul. :D  )
THE POST 13507686 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+5 Nov, 2007, 12:09 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 5 Nov, 2007, 12:09) | Hmm... Would someone be able to steal the black and white tiles/sprites? I am sure with the use of xlib, they could make a fantastic game out of them as well. :)
(And no, that person wouldn't be me. Pokemon consumes my soul. :D ) |
I don't mind designing a tileset for you. I'm currently working on one for trevmeister, though.
THE POST 13507707 I am considering moving this project in the staff project section, even though the two persons who started it aren't Omnimaga staff at all, since two of our staff (or more?) are currently helping on the coding and we don't have a featured RPG project section (anymore).
THE POST 13507714 I was actually discussing that with Liazon earlier. I suggested we sort of "orphan" the project into his forum, since he's the main coder. I have no problems with this.
THE POST 13507838 I will prbly move it now. You'll see a small arrow on the topic icon and it will redirect you to the moved topic under "Our Project"/Lost Legends
THE POST 13507892 Oh, wow. It actually gets it's own forum? :P 
THE POST 13507922 compared to some of the other projects that have thier own forum, quality wise, this one deserves two or three
THE POST 13508336 congrats grendel!!
THE POST 13508546 This project looks very promising. :thumbup:  My only dislike is that the maps seem to lead the player down a specified path. This post has been edited by Ranman on 5 Nov, 2007, 20:22
THE POST 13508567 if what you need to translate into english is just words, I think I can help you. I know a little Japaneese, and I have my trusty dictionary.
THE POST 13508715 QuoteBegin-Netham45+5 Nov, 2007, 20:35 -->QUOTE (Netham45 @ 5 Nov, 2007, 20:35) | if what you need to translate into english is just words, I think I can help you. I know a little Japaneese, and I have my trusty dictionary. |
No worries there. I plan to undertake the translation myself. :) 
THE POST 13509374 QuoteBegin-Ranman+5 Nov, 2007, 20:15 -->QUOTE (Ranman @ 5 Nov, 2007, 20:15) | This project looks very promising. :thumbup:
My only dislike is that the maps seem to lead the player down a specified path. |
I would agree, it would be nice to see the sanctuary be similar to diablo 2 Arcane sanctuary XD  ...misleading paths.
THE POST 13509423 heey its been a while since a ive posted on Omnimaga.... but.... holy crap NICE WORK!
THE POST 13509425 JFISH!!!!! :bounce: 
THE POST 13509805 ZOMG! IT'S JFISH! Still working on Fate I hope :)  .
THE POST 13510156 QuoteBegin-grendel+5 Nov, 2007, 20:32 -->QUOTE (grendel @ 5 Nov, 2007, 20:32) | QuoteBegin-Netham45+5 Nov, 2007, 20:35-->QUOTE (Netham45 @ 5 Nov, 2007, 20:35) | if what you need to translate into english is just words, I think I can help you. I know a little Japaneese, and I have my trusty dictionary. |
No worries there. I plan to undertake the translation myself. :)  |
Ok! Wow, this allready has it's own forum section. o.o  . that didn't take long. :D  This program is frickin amazing lookin. :) 
THE POST 13510265 core text code is basically done, although I need to fix it a bit ^^ for got how many characters I needed to accomodate for.
may start more map related stuff later this week.
Halifax: did you ever get a gmail account?
THE POST 13510286 No, I have to wait 'til the weekend before I can start coding this anyways. :( 
THE POST 13510329 what do you want to work on?
THE POST 13510350 Is the tilemapper up and running?
THE POST 13510589 Yes, Jim e's mapper is now functioning as an APP. the way I see it, the development process will have to follow something like what grendel originally outlinedc1 -->CODE | ec1 Font - The font itself - All the routines related to calling the font in-game Map - The maps theirselves - How player moves across the map, and goes to different locations Game System - How player interacts with objects (dialogue, etc.) - How player can buy and sell items, or stay at inns - How player can recieve treasure from chests - How sequences are initiated according to interaction (like battles) - How player may save and load the game Menu System - How items and stats are displayed, the windows, etc. - How player may use items and change equipment Battle System - The very mechanics of turn-based fighting - How skills and abilities work - How status augmentation and ailment works (like poison, shield, etc.) Monsters - The monsters theirselves - Where they appear, and at what rate - Their stats and abilities Item lists and functions Script and dialogue Sequences (cut-scenes)c2 |
I've basically taken care of PutC, unless you disagree with my decision to not use ASCII and just use custom character codes. I figured that since all text was aligned and 8x8 and covered whatever was below, I figured it'd be easier to do it that way. CurRow/CurCol are used for inputs. textinverse -> darkgray, textscrolled -> lightgray, set both and you've got an 8x8 white block. We can figure out custom character codes later and write scripts/tools to convert regular strings to w/e we decide. Unless you'd like to rewrite it yourself. I'll update the SVN when I get a chance.
So now I think the biggest tasks are:
1.) Map: this includes -getting transitions to work -handling tilebased/event based events -making sure doors and edges of the screen go the the right door/edge on another screen -anything else i've forgotten.
2.) Battle Engine: -I'm going to assume that returning the winner will be a good enough mold for the battle engine and we can go from there. then just work all the event based stuff around that.
3.) Menu System: -This can kinda fall under both of the two above. We'll have to see.
So I think one of use should take something while the other works on something else. When we agree on font/text conventions, we can stick to it and just start coding everything else.
This post has been edited by Liazon on 6 Nov, 2007, 23:45
THE POST 13511575 Okay, I will have to talk to your in-depth this weekend a little more, in a more personal way. (mIRC, AIM, etc.)
I agree with the giving tasks to separate programmers as that will provide most beneficial.
THE POST 13511671 true, and more organised. Now it's awesome cuz we alerady have a designer and he alerady did his entire job. One could do battles and menus and the other could do the walking engine and programming events or boss fight triggers for example
THE POST 13511678 I leave all the technical stuff up to the programmers. Whatever methods you feel are most efficient / convenient works for me.
THE POST 13511898 although since it's your story, we're probably going to have to ask you about a lot of the event driven stuff as it comes along.
THE POST 13511915 QuoteBegin-Liazon+7 Nov, 2007, 18:44 -->QUOTE (Liazon @ 7 Nov, 2007, 18:44) | although since it's your story, we're probably going to have to ask you about a lot of the event driven stuff as it comes along. |
Of course. :) 
THE POST 13511964 is spikeman still a large part of this? dont forget him
THE POST 13511980 He pops in and out. Haven't had a chance to talk to him lately. I'll remind him to check in.
THE POST 13512121 He doesn't seems to be active much in the community because from what i noticed he joined DS forums in 2004 and he posts like once per 6 or 8 months O_O 
THE POST 13512127 Detached Solutions is quite slow, though. I rarely even check in anymore. He's pretty busy with school and independent studies, so it's hard to catch him at the right times.
THE POST 13512135 Yeah since Omnicalc 1.26 and emu8x got released not much happens at DS anymore, plus the forum shut down during the entire august month didn't helped at all. I think the most active TI forums are United-TI, Omnimaga, Cemetech, MaxCoderz, Revsoft and TI-Freakware in order now
I would add calcg.org but it's mostly newbies who need to know how to turn on their calcs who come here
THE POST 13512282 i still find the "save the whales" and "save the platypi' funny
well, if spikeman wants to help out, he can.
If he and Halifax want to make a cool DS game, that's also good, but hopefully it'll have Omnimaga presents in purple ^^
THE POST 13513316 Wow I missed this earlier...looks very good. I would love to see this on the calc! I am pretty busy with some projects working on right now. (crunch time if you will) but once december hits I could maybe offer some assistance.
THE POST 13513323 The more the merrier. We're trying to divide the programming tasks up as much as possible, so wherever you could contribute would be great.
EDIT: And also, I haven't had much success with other communities. People admire the project, but aren't otherwise interested in joining. I think if we could get at least 5 or 6 people on the project, we would have it done in no time. (that would be about 1 person per area)
I'm not sure what Spikeman plans to do, code-wise. I still need to check with him.
This post has been edited by grendel on 8 Nov, 2007, 17:49
THE POST 13513446 Well, we probably won't need too many people actually. Assembly is one of those languages that's hard to do group projects with. Increasing the number of people doesn't necessarily speed up production, in fact, sometimes it will hinder it, or people just play small roles. One issue is that some parts of the program greatly rely on other parts, so you might as well have the original author just write it too. Though a couple of people to do optimizations afterwards might be good.
THE POST 13513560 I agree with Liazon. I like to have a direct connection with developers on projects such as these so things can be done, essentially, fast! I think a good team setup would be, 3-4 programmers, 3-4 optimizers, and you as a graphics artist. :P  @grendel: Also, don't get discouraged since people aren't joining the development team. It is just that this project is so huge that it may be intimidating to some, or they just simply don't have the time. This post has been edited by Halifax on 8 Nov, 2007, 20:14
THE POST 13513564 By the way, we're all at an understanding about the GNU license, right? I mean, I also want this to be an educational thing. If people want to develop similar games, they'll have this as a resource.
THE POST 13513575 time is usually a big problem of course :P  ya, GNU = include source. No problem.
THE POST 13513734 i think the main thing thats holding people back is asm, its only about 5% of the people here know asm, about 1-2% of them are inactive or not here right now and then many others are , as you said tied up. i for one would helpl if i could, unfortunately day 14 isnt enough to create a good program so... also, im not quite sure im retaining everything, asm is alot harder than i had originally thought it would be.
THE POST 13513758 So, why do you want the trunk to be private, Liazon? I mean, considering we're doing this under a GNU license. We don't have anything to hide! :P 
THE POST 13513763 true, I was just thinking it might be nice to keep the whole story under wraps ^^ no spoilers!!!! * Liazon
THE POST 13513767 I really do plan on helping out as much as I can it's just my busy schedule and various other projects that are holding me back. I will go find my code I already did for the custom font and such because I think that code probably save a bit of work. Since you guys seem to have a lot more free time than me I'll probably just pop in and work on whatever I feel like doing when I have the time. :)  But yeah going to add my old work to the SVN right now before I forget. Edit: I'm an idiot, the font stuff was already there. I'll add the old intro though. This post has been edited by Spikeman on 8 Nov, 2007, 23:29
THE POST 13513769 I guess we could make it private. It really doesn't matter to me, either way. Although, I'm not sure how to go about doing that... Spikeman?
THE POST 13513773 or just email the story outline to all current members, and we'll redistribute to anyone who jumps in. Unless anybody objects and wants the story available to view in the SVN? That's really the only thing i'd like to keep between us until release time. edit: on second thought, it's probably okay. Just don't peek people if you want to be surprised!!! :P  :P  :P  maybe spoiler warnings are needed ^^ This post has been edited by Liazon on 8 Nov, 2007, 23:26
THE POST 13513788 Yeah if you don't want the story spoiled, don't look at it! Also my old work is now in the SVN so please check it out. :)  Edit: I just tried out the APP in the SVN and the grayscale looks AMAZING. Much better than Duck's kit in my opinion. Edit 2: I have no idea what is and isn't allowed in APPs, can someone recommend somewhere to read about that? This post has been edited by Spikeman on 9 Nov, 2007, 2:07
THE POST 13514522 Liazon, I've finished the item / event arrangment maps, and you'll find them in a folder named "map arrange." Hopefully, I didn't miss anything.
THE POST 13515002 Thanks grendel!
@Spikeman: wikiti can probably explain in more detail, but basically, no SMC is allowed. That means no variables at all that are defined like c1 -->ec2 or real SMC for modifying the code itself. Also, you can't use PutS if your string is in flash because you have to change ROM pages, and when you change ROM pages, the pointer is no longer pointing to the string. Generally speaking, code on one APP page has no access to code on another. Mostly, RAM is used to pass stuff in between, registers, or the stack. Passing parameters by code stream is impossible. Passing by reference works to a certain degree, assuming data is near the location of the bcall. Generally speaking, you want to put associated data w/ associated routines, instead of all of it at the end. if you define data using .db, it's permanent, so stuff like sprites, constants, etc can be defined that way provided that the routines that use them won't have to modify them while they work. Hope that helps :) 
THE POST 13515085 to clarify up SMC here means Self modifying code
THE POST 13518285 Ah okay, I was under the understanding that many bcalls and such were not allowed. In short, it's not as hard as I thought. I'm anxious to start working on something, where should I start?
THE POST 13519252 Halifax, check the the project's discussion. I've updated some of the information for you. :) 
THE POST 13519336 QuoteBegin-Spikeman+12 Nov, 2007, 6:37 -->QUOTE (Spikeman @ 12 Nov, 2007, 6:37) | Ah okay, I was under the understanding that many bcalls and such were not allowed. In short, it's not as hard as I thought. I'm anxious to start working on something, where should I start? |
ya, we've been constantly updating and keeping in touch using googlecode and the SVN, so you could probably look there and here for any updates. atm, Halifax and I are finalizing the text standard. From what Jim e told me, using bcalls for text is generally bad in gs because interrupts are disabled (so no GS interrupt running). I've tested it w/ my temporary appSafePuts routine, and it isn't as bad as he says. However, it only comes in dark gray, since only one layer of gs is affected by the bcall. Designing it from scratch looked like a good idea since the text is aligned 8x8 sprites, and we have the flexibility of 3 colors of text, as well as invisible text lol. We've been laying some ground work for the most part. When I get a chance, I'll organize all the map based events into categories, and we can probably discuss how to implement it in code. For now, I'd just say check the SVN and the googlecode page, and get familiar with the code we've been working on now. Probably get used to how to use RGP and graymapper, though it wasn't documented too well. I suggest you get wabbitspasm, or SPASM and wabbitsign separately from revsoft. We'll be using those instead of TASM and devpac8x. We'll also be using wabbitemu for emulation, and I think that's already been included in the SVN. I think that's it for now. Thanks so far :) 
THE POST 13519763 Glad to see this is progressing. This could be the first grayscale ASM RPG ever released for the 83+ if we don't count desolate as a RPG
THE POST 13520150 IDK Desolate was close enough for me to call it a RPG but this will be so much larger and have more things that desolate ever had.
THE POST 13520548 Like a good plan lol :D  . Looks great and id go with the custom font routine, makes it more authentic.
THE POST 13520597 It has been a while since I saw tr1p1ea here O_O 
THE POST 13520704 QuoteBegin-Liazon+12 Nov, 2007, 19:30 -->QUOTE (Liazon @ 12 Nov, 2007, 19:30) | QuoteBegin-Spikeman+12 Nov, 2007, 6:37-->QUOTE (Spikeman @ 12 Nov, 2007, 6:37) | Ah okay, I was under the understanding that many bcalls and such were not allowed. In short, it's not as hard as I thought. I'm anxious to start working on something, where should I start? |
ya, we've been constantly updating and keeping in touch using googlecode and the SVN, so you could probably look there and here for any updates. atm, Halifax and I are finalizing the text standard. From what Jim e told me, using bcalls for text is generally bad in gs because interrupts are disabled (so no GS interrupt running). I've tested it w/ my temporary appSafePuts routine, and it isn't as bad as he says. However, it only comes in dark gray, since only one layer of gs is affected by the bcall. Designing it from scratch looked like a good idea since the text is aligned 8x8 sprites, and we have the flexibility of 3 colors of text, as well as invisible text lol. We've been laying some ground work for the most part. When I get a chance, I'll organize all the map based events into categories, and we can probably discuss how to implement it in code. For now, I'd just say check the SVN and the googlecode page, and get familiar with the code we've been working on now. Probably get used to how to use RGP and graymapper, though it wasn't documented too well. I suggest you get wabbitspasm, or SPASM and wabbitsign separately from revsoft. We'll be using those instead of TASM and devpac8x. We'll also be using wabbitemu for emulation, and I think that's already been included in the SVN. I think that's it for now. Thanks so far :)  |
Also to expand on that, make sure you document anything, and everything that can be documented so other programmers can jump right in. Try to keep code clean.
Explain disabilites in your code, ideas on implementations, what needs to be done still, etc.
Also try to structure things in a nice fashion so things aren't strewn all over the place, and this will generally lead to a cleaner, well-produced, and easily expandable codebase.
P.S. I always communicate through issues in the googlecode project, and I check them 3-4 times in a day daily.
THE POST 13522671 Well, after compiling only half the text for this game, it came out to 1577 bytes. So just by taking a stab in the dark, I will say that the text will be around ~3200 bytes. o.o  Either way, after reading through basically half the script, I can guarantee you that the story will be very good! Well, I will try to get the other half of the script compiled by the end of tonight, and possibly some coding on the text display routine.
THE POST 13522712 wow 3200 bytes thats not big, you compressed it right? o.o  cuz in RL2 there was around 35 KB of text iirc, same for RL3 Keep it up progressing guys!
THE POST 13522714 o.o  that's like no text. that's like almost the amount of RAM we use up for gs o.o 
THE POST 13522736 Oh really? lol, well then, I thought it was a lot.
And no, the text is not compressed yet, but I intend on compressing it.
THE POST 13522742 k
THE POST 13522879 I kept the dialogue relatively short and to-the-point. Mainly, because the screen dimensions don't give space to work with, but there were also concerns about file size. I hope it doesn't end up ressembling an early NES translation. :P 
THE POST 13522921 don't worry, I think it's fine.
well, I meant 3200 bytes is not a lot compared to how much RAM we allocated for RGP and Graymapper, which is ~3500 iirc. idk if that's actually a lot of text, but probably more than most non-RPG games (maybe even most RPGs). but ya, compression will be nice if we want to keep this under a page i hope
THE POST 13523098 QuoteBegin-grendel+14 Nov, 2007, 19:25 -->QUOTE (grendel @ 14 Nov, 2007, 19:25) | I hope it doesn't end up ressembling an early NES translation. :P |
You should have seen the Reign Of Legends 2 translation in english o.o  It was the second of my calc games I translated in english
THE POST 13523269 Oh...we are trying to keep things under 1 page? I mean, I was thinking 2 pages would be a fine limit because it seems that 1 page won't be enough. (just thinking...) ~70 tiles 16x16 = 32 bytes 2 layers = 70 * 2 = 140 140 * 32 bytes = 4480(I think) bytes 4480 + ~3200 bytes = 7680 bytes So yeah, I guess we have like half a page left. Nevermind, we can keep this in one page especially with compression. Good call, Liazon. ;) This post has been edited by Halifax on 14 Nov, 2007, 23:32
THE POST 13523307 You will never fit an entire RPG in one page o.o  Unless you meant the sprite/text data only
THE POST 13523312 Well yeah, I think we can fit it on one page. The overall bytes above were the requirements for data, without compression. This would mean that, even without compression, half a page is left for game coding.
THE POST 13523318 A RPG in one page? I have to see this, even jamolta (spelling?) wouldn't fit on one page, not to discourage the progress or anything :P  .
THE POST 13523320 I wouldn't doubt that it wouldn't be able to fit into one page. In fact scratch that total above. o.o  Geez, I forgot the 72x32 enemies. o.o  So...: 72x32 = 144 bytes 144 bytes * 16 enemies = 2304 bytes 7680 + 2304 = 9984 bytes Which leaves only about ~6,000 bytes for game code. So yes it will possibly be two pages. (Note: This does not include the size of the mapper code, the size of all the maps, or the size of the font set.) This post has been edited by Halifax on 15 Nov, 2007, 0:16
THE POST 13523836 Aren't you forgetting the 96x64 px 4-level grayscale cut-scenes? :P  And let's not forget the character portraits!
THE POST 13523875 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | A RPG in one page? I have to see this, even jamolta (spelling?) wouldn't fit on one page, not to discourage the progress or anything . |
Jamolta? I assume you meant Joltima :P  and yea, joltima was like 14,000 bytes or so IIRC, and thats with out grayscale or gigantic enemy sprites. :)  I don't think he used compression though.
THE POST 13523892 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+15 Nov, 2007, 12:22 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 15 Nov, 2007, 12:22) | QUOTE | A RPG in one page? I have to see this, even jamolta (spelling?) wouldn't fit on one page, not to discourage the progress or anything . |
Jamolta? I assume you meant Joltima :P  and yea, joltima was like 14,000 bytes or so IIRC, and thats with out grayscale or gigantic enemy sprites. :)  I don't think he used compression though. |
why doesn it matter? even black editions can make room for a 2page app of this quality
THE POST 13524617 don't worry about space now. as long as it's less than 8-10 pages, we're good ^^
we can probalby compress after, though the annoying thing about that is where are we going to copy the decompressed data to? it's kinda a trade off between RAM usage and space taken up.
THE POST 13524646 I don't understand compression methods that well, but aren't there "container" compression methods that simply contain the data (with a trivial amount of compression) so it can be accessed directly?
THE POST 13524787 QuoteBegin-Liazon+15 Nov, 2007, 21:50 -->QUOTE (Liazon @ 15 Nov, 2007, 21:50) | though the annoying thing about that is where are we going to copy the decompressed data to? it's kinda a trade off between RAM usage and space taken up. |
Absolutely... and it can be tricky if you are already short on RAM.
If you plan on compressing later, you should keep compression and decompression in mind as you plan your implementation.
THE POST 13525083 That is one advantage of the 86 you can esily compress data with out issues because of the amount of ram you have to work with. :) 
THE POST 13525229 I wish they did a 86+ (normal 86 with flash rom)
THE POST 13526106 i wish the 86 didnt stink...
THE POST 13526118 Theres nothing wrong with the 86.
THE POST 13526168 true, it sucks there is no archive though
THE POST 13526189 Yea, so that just means no apps. not a big deal really. you got 96 k user ram to work with anyways :)  .
THE POST 13526206 yeah but no protection against random crashes
THE POST 13526724 Well for Crashes Brandonw Intorduced me to chmasc Which works most of the time to restore you memory after a ram clear on an 86. and The larger screen size of the 86 is really nice.
THE POST 13527158 oh nice i didnt knew this program existed. It,s like RAM recovery for Omnicalc, right?
THE POST 13527227 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+16 Nov, 2007, 21:23 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 16 Nov, 2007, 21:23) | Yea, so that just means no apps. not a big deal really. you got 96 k user ram to work with anyways :) . |
you'd have to manually swap RAM pages though. It's almost like writing an APP while not being an app o.o 
THE POST 13528286 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+17 Nov, 2007, 18:39 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 17 Nov, 2007, 18:39) | oh nice i didnt knew this program existed. It,s like RAM recovery for Omnicalc, right? |
Well sort of, just read the readme. Though it has been found to be more buggy when your ram is almost full.
THE POST 13528289 IIRC the 86 has 128 KB of RAM, so it may be using the hidden 32 KB of RAM in it since only 96 KB can be used by the user, which is why it becomes unstable
THE POST 13528328 I don't believe that is the issue but i'm not sure.
THE POST 13528347 well, imagine if you use the entire 96K. If u have ram recovery it need an additional 96K to backup the content of the usable 96K, so if the calc only have 128K...
THE POST 13528643 i think the 32KB is being used by ti-os, but not sure.
THE POST 13528817 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | It's almost like writing an APP while not being an app |
Sometimes things are not always as they seem... ^_^..... 0_o  ............
THE POST 13529161 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+18 Nov, 2007, 19:42 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 18 Nov, 2007, 19:42) | well, imagine if you use the entire 96K. If u have ram recovery it need an additional 96K to backup the content of the usable 96K, so if the calc only have 128K... |
I'm pretty sure that isn't how he dose it be cause any program using that area could corrupt the backup.
THE POST 13529444 maybe you're right, I'm really curious about how he does it.
THE POST 13536711 Sorry for the lack of updates on the project issues. Hectic holidays... Halifax, I left a note for you. Once we get that out of the way, I think I can have the dialogue finished up in no time. (unless there are any other technicalities I forgot...) EDIT: Also, I'm still waiting for you to get on AIM one of these days. :P This post has been edited by grendel on 24 Nov, 2007, 6:28
THE POST 13536843 I'm glad the project is still alive, I was geting worried about lack of updates x.x (altough liazon/halifax told me they were busy too). Liazon comes often on AIM but Halifax doesn't always come on it, you need luck to catch him, but he's mostly on IRC during evening/nights so you can catch him in #omnimaga channel
THE POST 13537053 :???:  So why is the sequal in production when the original isn't even close to being done?
THE POST 13537121 QuoteBegin-arglactable+24 Nov, 2007, 14:02 -->QUOTE (arglactable @ 24 Nov, 2007, 14:02) | :???:
THE POST 13537349 I don't think there is even any coding done yet on Lost Legends 2. The story as well as some maps are done, but Lost Legends 1 is the one which is more advanced in term of progress ATM. Btw welcome on the forums, but you need to fix your signature image because it doesn't work -.- 
THE POST 13537552 true, though at this point work on either could easily begin. however, the first one was planned for ease of implementation. the second one is kinda like free planning :)  welcome btw!
THE POST 13538798 Hey I am willing to help with coding but if your looking for some more coders am am willing to chip in though I have only made one working program.
THE POST 13538858 QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 18:28 -->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 18:28) | Hey I am willing to help with coding but if your looking for some more coders am am willing to chip in though I have only made one working program. |
I'm sorry, but I read that three times, and I still have no idea what you are saying.
THE POST 13538882 QuoteBegin-Netham45+25 Nov, 2007, 20:58 -->QUOTE (Netham45 @ 25 Nov, 2007, 20:58) | QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 18:28-->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 18:28) | Hey I am willing to help with coding but if your looking for some more coders am am willing to chip in though I have only made one working program. |
I'm sorry, but I read that three times, and I still have no idea what you are saying.
I'm saying I'm willing to help code. But I have only finished one other program.
THE POST 13538944 That's a start. :)  Wouldn't it be kind of funny if the sequil or the threequil (third installment, idk what you call it.) came out first. Then it'd be kind of like Star Wars, except you wouldn't screw it up by creating movies that go too far back into the story and add all kinds of unnecessary drama. (Yes I didn't like episode I or II as much as the originals. The extra stuff they added bugged the crap out of me, like that romance thing with Princess Armadillo and Fluke Skysquaker's dad, Annie-kins.) %)  I'm just kidding around actually, they were all great movies, just the earlier ones were better. I'm just poking fun now, but this thread is about Lost Legends 2 so I'm gonna get back on topic now. Looks good so far! :P This post has been edited by AaroneusTheGreat on 25 Nov, 2007, 22:01
THE POST 13539019 Any chance you'll port it to pc? With game maker it'd be easy.
THE POST 13539022 That would be pretty cool if it was ported to the PC. Heck I'd even help with it then if it's using game maker, although I'd have to re-teach myself the ways of Game Maker.
THE POST 13539072 QuoteBegin-necro+25 Nov, 2007, 23:22 -->QUOTE (necro @ 25 Nov, 2007, 23:22) | Any chance you'll port it to pc? With game maker it'd be easy. |
Well, it's not entirely necessary since there are TI emulators perfectly capable of running it with full accuracy. ;)  Game Maker isn't really my cup of tea, though. I only have experience with Multimedia Fusion and RPG Maker.
THE POST 13540094 QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 21:18 -->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 21:18) | QuoteBegin-Netham45+25 Nov, 2007, 20:58-->QUOTE (Netham45 @ 25 Nov, 2007, 20:58) | QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 18:28-->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 18:28) | Hey I am willing to help with coding but if your looking for some more coders am am willing to chip in though I have only made one working program. |
I'm sorry, but I read that three times, and I still have no idea what you are saying.
I'm saying I'm willing to help code. But I have only finished one other program.
sure, if you have a gmail account, I can add you to the project list.
although right now, most of the stuff is available in the SVN. you can probably get busy by getting yourself familiar w/ everything.
I've been kinda busy irl so I haven't gotten much done except set up a lot of the gs code.
@Halifax and Spikeman: How about you guys?
THE POST 13540183 TheStorm is free to join in, of course. The more the merrier! (unless it gets overly-complex due to all the differences in code...) :) 
THE POST 13540528 Ok, well I don't have a gmail but you can contact me at nsturm1 at wi dot rr dot com. I'll take a look at the SVN but can someone give me a link to it.
THE POST 13540715 QuoteBegin-TheStorm+26 Nov, 2007, 22:26 -->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 26 Nov, 2007, 22:26) | Ok, well I don't have a gmail but you can contact me at nsturm1 at wi dot rr dot com. I'll take a look at the SVN but can someone give me a link to it. |
Here you go. (I believe it's public, but I'm not certain)
THE POST 13540811 QuoteBegin-Liazon+26 Nov, 2007, 17:25 -->QUOTE (Liazon @ 26 Nov, 2007, 17:25) | QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 21:18-->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 21:18) | QuoteBegin-Netham45+25 Nov, 2007, 20:58-->QUOTE (Netham45 @ 25 Nov, 2007, 20:58) | QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Nov, 2007, 18:28-->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Nov, 2007, 18:28) | Hey I am willing to help with coding but if your looking for some more coders am am willing to chip in though I have only made one working program. |
I'm sorry, but I read that three times, and I still have no idea what you are saying.
I'm saying I'm willing to help code. But I have only finished one other program.
sure, if you have a gmail account, I can add you to the project list.
although right now, most of the stuff is available in the SVN. you can probably get busy by getting yourself familiar w/ everything.
I've been kinda busy irl so I haven't gotten much done except set up a lot of the gs code.
@Halifax and Spikeman: How about you guys?
Yeah, things have been hectic because of thanksgiving, but I think they will chill out this week a little bit, and then probably start up next week or so, since my brothers, and sister in-law are coming home. :)  (Which I can't wait for :w00t:  )
THE POST 13540833 Yeah I've been busy with school too but I try to help as much as I can and hopefully get some more asm experience.
This post has been edited by TheStorm on 27 Nov, 2007, 7:40
THE POST 13543029 Halifax, I think I understand how you've formatted the text string, but I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up if I mess around with it.
Is there any way you could get on AIM and sort of clarify this?
(or Liazon, if he knows)
This post has been edited by grendel on 28 Nov, 2007, 13:29
THE POST 13543246 actually, come to think of it, I can't get it to run properly on my comp o.o  can't find the output for some reason or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place o.o  ??
THE POST 13543687 Uhh I really don't get your questions?
It outputs to gen_text.txt. Maybe it just doesn't work on your computer. Are you using Vista?
Maybe you should try recompiling textcomp on your computer. The source is error free.
This post has been edited by Halifax on 28 Nov, 2007, 21:28
THE POST 13544750 I'm not sure what Liazon is talking about, but I meant the reformatted dialogue file. You're labelling each instance of the dialogue with strings like "fenris_g_str1." It's hard to keep count of where the dialogue actually takes place, and how I should organize it in the reformatted document.
I really want to help here, but this feels a bit too technical for me. I'm sure I could figure it out if someone explained it, though. Which is why I say we should meet up on AIM, or something. It might be a little easier to discuss it one-on-one so there's no confusion.
THE POST 13544838 QuoteBegin-Halifax+28 Nov, 2007, 21:26 -->QUOTE (Halifax @ 28 Nov, 2007, 21:26) | Uhh I really don't get your questions?
It outputs to gen_text.txt. Maybe it just doesn't work on your computer. Are you using Vista?
Maybe you should try recompiling textcomp on your computer. The source is error free. |
ya, that file isn't created.
it's probably my comp.
THE POST 13544889 how long will it be until it comes out? it looks like it will be one of the best RPGs so far
THE POST 13545015 usually for most TI projects there are no release dates much anymore, because it is very hard to meet the deadline. In most cases the game get released at a later month and there is some rare cases where the game get released earlier
THE POST 13545204 QuoteBegin-MSR5+29 Nov, 2007, 17:44 -->QUOTE (MSR5 @ 29 Nov, 2007, 17:44) | how long will it be until it comes out? it looks like it will be one of the best RPGs so far |
kinda depends atm actually.
it was only announced semi-recently here.
THE POST 13549994 I guess everybody will be a little busy for the holidays, so we might not be posting much updates until after the 1st. Just a reminder, in case anyone gets the idea that we're all slacking off. :P 
THE POST 13550595 OK I have figured out what I can do for this project I will port it to the 86. I am in the middle of porting another game (asteroids :P  ) so I figured that would be the area I could help the most in so once you have sections of code that are completed I can work on changing them to work with the 86, I should only need to change sprite display code and the gray scale interrupt code.
THE POST 13550905 Being open source and all, anyone is welcome to port the project however they like. If you need me to make any accompanying changes to the graphics, resolution and so forth, I can provide this.
Why 86, though? I don't know much about this platform, but I've heard it has some serious technical issues.
THE POST 13550919 it's not a bad platform, it's just been discontinued essentially. still lots of people have it, and the thing about the z80 calc is once you've made it for one, it's not that hard to port to another. that being said, would it fit easily?
btw, most people port to 86 from 83+ by only using part of the screen.
THE POST 13551313 yeah That will most likely be how I do it The main issue sould be the sprite routines so if those are finnished and I have a way to test them I can get to work on that.
THE POST 13551654 Glad to hear it'll be on the 86 too. :)  I still love that old thing heh. If it were me, id make use of the wider screen by displaying more tiles... but that's just my oppinon. I don't know how much of a pain it would be to re-work it though.
THE POST 13551689 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+4 Dec, 2007, 12:29 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 4 Dec, 2007, 12:29) | Glad to hear it'll be on the 86 too. :) I still love that old thing heh. If it were me, id make use of the wider screen by displaying more tiles... but that's just my oppinon. I don't know how much of a pain it would be to re-work it though. |
Hmm. Might not be too hard to rework. I'll have to look into some of the tech. specifications and see. Also, any other plans for other platforms? 89 might also be a good idea, though there's much more space to work with, so I might have to redo the graphics in their entirety. o.o  EDIT: If we do 89, I think I'll want to rework the game in general -- kind of give it a face lift. That would have to be another project entirely, though, and I would work on it seperate to everything else. Hmm. Kind of gives me a few ideas... This post has been edited by grendel on 4 Dec, 2007, 13:08
THE POST 13552080 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Perhaps taking on an 89 exclusive project could be on your "to do" list after LL1 and LL2 are completed. Instead of just doing a port you could do something that takes full advantage of the res and hardware.
THE POST 13553386 true, most 89 games use 16x16 and the graphics are good enough anyway ;) 
THE POST 13553715 why don't we get this one finished first :)  ???
THE POST 13554083 yeah i know, I was just having ideas ;) 
THE POST 13560001 About transparency:
There's only one sprite in the game that actually moves around and displays transparent borders, and that's the main character. Everything else is static. Originally, I wasn't sure how the transparency would be handled. Spikeman suggested that we try assigning one of the grayscale colors as a transparent value. This seems like the easiest solution, as sprite-based games generally go this method anyway. It would only require a few minor adjustments to the sprite, which I could take care of in no time. I just want to make sure this is alright with Halifax and Liazon first.
THE POST 13560016 You must have been reading my mind. I was just thinking about this project and voila... an update! :)  Keep up the great work guys! :thumbup: 
THE POST 13560028 17 pages and still holding strong. :) 
THE POST 13560048 im fairly sure that transparency is not hard, i can do it fine in 3 level B,G,W xlib basic. i think that your method may actually make this harder from a coding perspective. what your talking about is masking its not hard, all you gota do is and a mask a negative silouet of the sprite, so like make a silouet and reverse black with white, then whenever your gona output the sprite, 'and the mask and 'or' the sprite. the 'anding' keeps all the detail of the scenery and clears the area of the sprite so it can be 'or'd. this is how it works in basic i would assume itd be the sameish in asm but then again i have no clue what an interupt is or anything. either way, its been done in every good asm game there is, its not a big deal and shouldnt require narrowing of the pallet
This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 10 Dec, 2007, 19:59
THE POST 13560116 grendel: are you familiar with regular black and white masking? the same can be applied to grayscale.
basically, the mask layer is black and white. black = transparent, white = what's going to get covered. what happens is that the mask is first applied to what ever is already on the screen and blots out the white area. then the sprite is put on top. this is done for both layers.
with this in mind, you can probably make a mask easily i hope.
you can make a modified 3 color version if you want, but keep the 4 level gs one because i'm pretty sure it'll work out fine in terms of masking. besides, this is an RPG, so it's not to speed critical, considering it's an aligned mapper w/ a moving sprite.
THE POST 13560271 So, which would be more efficient? I can create a mask, if you want to go that route. I just want to make sure it's not going to require more memory, or slow the game down any.
THE POST 13560522 Although masks make your sprites 3bpp instead of 2bpp and do require more work by the sprite routine, it isnt really too taxing on everything, especially if this isnt a smooth scrolling game.
So you're not going to have any animated tiles or NPC's or anything in this game?
THE POST 13560541 Yeah... As triplea just pointed out... using masked sprites will increase the memory required by the sprite by 50%.
That is one reason I opted to not use masked sprites in UV. The other 2 reasons are: the original does not use masked sprites, and it would not have a profound effect on the visual experience of the game (UV moves a full tile at a time).
If your character sprites move a pixel at a time rather than by a full tile at a time, then masked sprites for them might be a good idea. Else, you would have to redraw the entire screen everytime you move.
This post has been edited by Ranman on 11 Dec, 2007, 7:11
THE POST 13561126 Okay, I'm not sure I understand. I'm more oriented toward how actual video games usually handle these routines -- that is, they simply assign a normal palette value as transparent, sort of like you would in a GIF image. I've never heard of masking until I got into TI development.
So it would be more efficient NOT to mask, right?
THE POST 13561144 yes/sorta, its not that big of a deal but yes, like how monochrome is more efficient and less memory consuming that gscale, however gscale and masking make things look nice. but even this is not a good analogy because masking will not out any noticeable tax on the system. i think the alternative to masking is that the guy just sits on a white tile, which probably wont look to good. i have not ever heard of transparency masking in calc games. also, you only have one thing that this needs to apply to, some games mask 10 things simultaneously.
at its most basic level, masking is just puting out 2 sprites instead of one. the first prepares the tile so that it looks normal, you dont want to be able to see the scenery behind the sprite right? and the second just puts the sprite out there on the prepared location.
as to your question about slowing the game down, it wont be noticeable. if you read what i wrote before, its not anything that requires an artists touch to create a mask, i would leave this part up to the coders. if you still dont know how calculator masking works, just post and ill try to go more indepth or w/e you need, my first post goes fairly technically into it, and if you dont know what 'and'ing or 'or'ing a sprite onto someplace i can explain that too.
This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 11 Dec, 2007, 16:14
THE POST 13561171 I understand what masking is and how it works, but I don't understand the speed / efficiency differences between masking, and NORMAL transparency methods. (what I just said in my above post) I don't really understand why simply telling the system that X color value = null / transparent value would be difficult.
THE POST 13561254 It is difficult be cause that isn't how grayscale displaying works. the second method would still need a masked sprite but it would be generated when the sprite is displayed instead of already being there that is the only difference.
THE POST 13561273 Uh, huh? o.o  This is what I'm talking about: This post has been edited by grendel on 11 Dec, 2007, 17:50
THE POST 13561297 using a color as transparent is generally a console/handheld only thing because they have graphics hardware displays the color as transparent for them.
since few people use gs, there's no real standard.
you have to keep in mind that grayscale data is stored kinda like this:
.db 00001111 .db 00110011
That right there controls 8 pixels. so basically, if the bit is 00 in both bytes, it's white. if the bit is 11 in both bytes, it's black. then either or gives the two values of gray. it's kinda difficult to specify one color unless you look at both bytes, which most routines don't. they kinda process one at a time. i think what some people might do is generate a mask from one of the other or both layers. or they might use one of the inverted layers as the mask itself.
i personally like using separate masks.
THE POST 13561337 Can you give me a visual example of what a sprite with mask would look like, as well as what you mean by keeping them seperate?
I'm really not sure how this works any differently from assigning a color value. Even when you create a mask layer, you're telling the system that black values = transparent values, right?
This post has been edited by grendel on 11 Dec, 2007, 18:17
THE POST 13561428 a mask would be a sprite containing all of the transparent data so the outline of what you are trying to draw.
THE POST 13561958 if you want an example of masking, you can look at the xlib guru page for it. http://xlib.revsoft.org/index.php?title=Masked_Sprites
THE POST 13564618 SVN question: How do I remove a file from the trunk? I choose "delete" from the context menu, but it actually deleted the file from my computer. When I restored it, it just put a big red X over the file icon, and refuses to update the SVN when I try to commit. -_-
THE POST 13564938 here is step by step 1. sprite 2. mask 3. background here is what happens when you mask a sprite: 4. mask anded onto the background 5 sprite ored onto that (4)
thats all there is, now from what liazon says, you do this for each image in the gscale and you have a masked sprite.
some wierd things happened to that guys leg because of the res, i think you should be able to open it yourself though
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Can you give me a visual example of what a sprite with mask would look like, as well as what you mean by keeping them seperate?
I'm really not sure how this works any differently from assigning a color value. Even when you create a mask layer, you're telling the system that black values = transparent values, right? |
the thing is, nothing is actually transparent. black is not being called transparent, transparency is a bad way to think of it. i like to think about it like the mask prepares the tile for the sprite. its basically cheating compared to what you usually do. ill try to go into more detail about what was said above. when you look at the picture, you see four level grayscale, however this is not what is displaying, the calc is displaying 4 different pictures, each of which are black and white. for it to look and analyze what you are seeing, you would have to have something go through 8*8 pixels in all four picks, trying to find 3 on pixels or 2 or w/e you set as transparent. then each time it tries to display the picture, you have to tell it not to display those pixels which im sure is not too easy, assuming you can define what is transparent as another layer, you can might be able xor this layer onto each display. which now that i think about it, is esesntially the same as masking, except yours cuts down the pallet, requires figuring out what is transparent and what is not during runtime, making the sprite display run slower each time the picture changes (assuming they can code it so that routine only happens once per sprite,BG combination and not slow it down all the time). whereas masking is the same, instead of xoring the transparency mask ill call it, you 'and' the regular mask. what disapeers is figured out beforehand, speeding things up, and it doesnt cut down the pallet. This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 17 Dec, 2007, 19:00 Attached Image (Click thumbnail to expand)
THE POST 13565006 This is probably why I haven't messed with programming very much. I don't know why I have such a difficult time trying to understand these concepts. I'll just have faith that it works.
THE POST 13565122 I feel kinda the same way than you when trying to understand concepts x.x I really need images then someone to do it in front of me before I understand. In some cases images and descriptions are enough though but yea you can see why I used TI-BASIC for that long o.o 
THE POST 13565166 ya. the ti resources should really be promoted more. wikiti has a lot, but i wish it was easier to search for an article you wanted.
THE POST 13565735 Yeah I can never find what i want there now I mainly just ask on IRC or something like that.
THE POST 13568872 WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY MINOR UPDATE!!!!! Sorry ahead of time for any disappointment! i just wanted to make sure people didn't think this was dead ^^  so after pondering the efficiency of using a smooth scrolling tilemapper for a game with very little scrolling, I decided to write my own aligned (NO SCROLL as opposed to unaligned which does scroll) tilemapper. As a result, you need ~2000 less bytes of free ram to run Lost Legends! edit: on top of that, I think I might have cut the size of the mapper in half by using my own instead of jim's. not that that really means anything in an app. So now the free RAM requirement is ~1500 bytes (as opposed to 3500) if anybody cares. I'm going to wait a bit before trying to cut down even more, because I'm not sure if appbackupscreen will be needed for anything else. otherwise, I'd use it as one of the active buffers and save another 768 bytes from the free ram requirement. personally, I'd like to reduce the amount of free ram that will be needed, but atm, it's hard to say ;)  as you can also see, the bare bones text is working nicely. btw, it displays in black, dgray, lgray, and invisible (like that makes any sense) fortunately, because of the way the game was designed, masking wasn't necessary. i should probably loop the thing and save another 50 or so bytes. meh from here, I just need to start adding hit detection to the maps, as well as the proper transitions and warping, and object interaction, etc. It's probably going to be awhile before another update. i'll probably get more done over break. latest executablebtw: can someone test the error message by testing it on a calc that has less than 1400 RAM on it? it should display an message and quit properly. i don't have enough stuff on me atm to flood RAM ^^ This post has been edited by Liazon on 16 Dec, 2007, 22:23
THE POST 13568877 Nice, Liazon. :) 
THE POST 13568909 Very nice looking and very fast tile engine! I like the memory savings too -- this will lend more memory for story development. In my opinion, the story line is more important than visual appearance. Smooth scrolling is more of an "eye candy" effect. If you have plenty of memory available, then go for the eye candy. Good job Liazon! :king: 
THE POST 13568936 I think anyone looking forward to a deeply involving story will be disappointed. It's your run-of-the-mill fantasy RPG. :) 
THE POST 13569580 Wow that looks great. Even if it is just a run-of-the-mill fantasy RPG, the graphics look amazing and as long as it has a relatively lengthy gameplay, then the story won't be as important. I guess it depends on what you like.
THE POST 13569851 This is awesome! O_O  But when you're talking about less free RAM needed to run LL do you imply it will no longer be a Flash APP at one point? I would rather always have the program in the archive, that way if calc crashes you don't lose the game
THE POST 13569934 no you see, since it's a flash APP, I can't do something like c1 -->CODE | ec1 variable:
THE POST 13569958 ooh i see, i was afraid you decided to make the game a 8xp program again, good to see it's just for variable and such stuff
THE POST 13569984 ya, as it was mentioned before, the amount of static data would definitely be at least an app page. it's hard to say if code would exceed 8k, but it probably will. and dont' worry about losing stuff in a crash, appvar can be archived fortunately :) 
THE POST 13570781 You wont be able to seperate the grayscale active buffers from one another since they interlacing uses an optimisation that relies upon them being together in memory :S  .
THE POST 13571447 too bad :(  i always wondered why they were usually together. almost forgot to thank you for telling me that. it would have been nasty if I had finished the game and tried that "optimization" only to find it was nasty. lol thanks tr1p1ea!!! :D This post has been edited by Liazon on 18 Dec, 2007, 20:24
THE POST 13571988 Keep up the good work, guys!
THE POST 13573471 About the grayscale thing: I'm fairly sure Duck's GS kit does what Grendel was talking about (make the dark gray transparent). At least his Zelda demo did and looking over the code I didn't see anything special to do it. Either way I'd be willing to make a routine to say, convert a sprite stored in that form (dark gray = transparent) to a sprite and a mask just to save storage space.
THE POST 13573525 If durk gpp does it, Jim E RGP must do it, IIRC it was an enhanced version of durks
THE POST 13573987 Yeah Jims routines are compatible with Duck's. Although you save space with that masking routine (2-bits/pixel instead of 3) you lose a shade of gray.
THE POST 13573997 QuoteBegin-tr1p1ea+20 Dec, 2007, 9:13 -->QUOTE (tr1p1ea @ 20 Dec, 2007, 9:13) | Yeah Jims routines are compatible with Duck's. Although you save space with that masking routine (2-bits/pixel instead of 3) you lose a shade of gray. |
With as much graphics data that is planned for this game, I would recommend using the the GS routines that save the most memory.
Transparency is not necessary for this game; and it would be completely unnoticeable by the end user.
THE POST 13574024 yeah but then doing it 3 level gs would require the entire sprite sheet to be redone and it may not look very great with some sprites
THE POST 13574027 QuoteBegin-Ranman+20 Dec, 2007, 9:25 -->QUOTE (Ranman @ 20 Dec, 2007, 9:25) | QuoteBegin-tr1p1ea+20 Dec, 2007, 9:13-->QUOTE (tr1p1ea @ 20 Dec, 2007, 9:13) | Yeah Jims routines are compatible with Duck's. Although you save space with that masking routine (2-bits/pixel instead of 3) you lose a shade of gray. |
With as much graphics data that is planned for this game, I would recommend using the the GS routines that save the most memory.
Transparency is not necessary for this game; and it would be completely unnoticeable by the end user.
Actually, it is necessary. (albeit, only for one sprite) There's a lot of empty space bordering the main character's sprite set. When super-imposed on top of most floor tiles, it wouldn't look right without some kind of transparency.
And Spikeman, I like your idea, but since we're using a custom mapper, would it be compatible?
EDIT: My main concern is what ends up being most efficient. If we could write a custom routine for transparency that would require less memory than mapping, then I say we should go for it. Every little bit of free space helps.
This post has been edited by grendel on 20 Dec, 2007, 9:53
THE POST 13574070 QuoteBegin-grendel+20 Dec, 2007, 9:50 -->QUOTE (grendel @ 20 Dec, 2007, 9:50) | Actually, it is necessary. (albeit, only for one sprite) There's a lot of empty space bordering the main character's sprite set. When super-imposed on top of most floor tiles, it wouldn't look right without some kind of transparency. |
Again... Transparency is not necessary -- according to triplea, you will lose a one shade of gray. Proper masking will do the exactly what you want to do AND use you get to keep all colors. ;)  You will only have to generate the mask for the one sprite. Edit - My mistake... Having a mask for every tile would require more memory. But for just one tile would be negligible. :oops: This post has been edited by Ranman on 20 Dec, 2007, 10:23
THE POST 13574077 Ranman I think grendel means transparency as masking. At first i misinterpreted you though and thought you wanted him to do the game so the char sprite has an ugly white square around him when he walks on textured tiles, which doesn't look professional above 12x12. I think masking would be the solution, lot of games use it including Tr1p1ea's Desolate.
EDIT: THat goes for the playable character btw, not the NPCs, because for the NPC you could always store its sprite in the tileset and have it display as a tile instead of a sprite so you could edit the sprite border so the background is similar to the rest of the floor in the room
In games using 12x12 or 8x8 sprites it's not too bad because things are small and it's hard to notice the squares since in most of those the character almost takes the entire sprite slot
THE POST 13574241 QuoteBegin-Ranman+20 Dec, 2007, 10:15 -->QUOTE (Ranman @ 20 Dec, 2007, 10:15) | ... according to triplea, you will lose a one shade of gray. |
But the sprite is only 3-level grayscale -- the darker gray isn't used at all. Which is why I proposed it as a candidate for transparency. ;) 
THE POST 13574279 I thought the game was 4 level? o.o  I noticed you use both gray in lot of the sprites, or do u mean just the main char?
THE POST 13574280 Tileset: 4-level Sprite: 3-level Font: monochrome
THE POST 13574571 im so confused why did this come up again.
to ease confusion let me catagorize the ability to not have white boxes around your sprites as masking if it doesnt cut down the pallet, but requires one extra sprite, and transparency, cutting down the pallet but potentially saving a good 20 bytes or so. for the sake of us newbs who have no clue whats going on, please refer to each version of the sprite effect correctly.
second thing: is tripelea saying that sprite masking is not viable using the routines that liazon and or halifax has decided to use? im not quite sure.
THE POST 13574576 From what spikeman said it will be the same either way. If his method requires a mask also, it sounds like you guys are talking about the same thing. Using a mask and then "ANDing" it then "XORing" the sprite essential displays transparency right?
THE POST 13574645 QuoteBegin-tr1p1ea+20 Dec, 2007, 9:13 -->QUOTE (tr1p1ea @ 20 Dec, 2007, 9:13) | Yeah Jims routines are compatible with Duck's. Although you save space with that masking routine (2-bits/pixel instead of 3) you lose a shade of gray. |
jeez, you guys talked a lot. please read everything thank you.
ok first @tr1p1ea: I looked through both Jim e's graylib.inc and graylib2.inc and all I found was gsalignedmasked sprite. If there is an unaligned version in Duck's original include file, then that should be compatible with trivial buffer edits. either way, my main concern is that Jim's is aligned, and I thought you wanted the character to be able to move pixel by pixel.
second the display of the walking character sprite is independent of the mapper. it doesn't matter what method you choose, it can always be changed. the only difference is that each method works differently and appears differently.
third it's only one moving character. that's only 8 sprite animations for walking. that's 96 bytes per sprite including the mask. it's really trivial to save 32 bytes per sprite. in the end you only save like 256 bytes. that's like 1% of an app page.
we can always change it later on, so at this point it is more important to get things working that to argue over something as trivial as which method of masking to use.
@Spikeman: if you can find Duck's routine, then we can probably use that.
This post has been edited by Liazon on 20 Dec, 2007, 17:17
THE POST 13574678 I know this is un-releated to the current disscussion of graphics, but I had this thought occur to me a while ago. The title of these games are "The Lost Legends". Were these originally intended as "Lost" games in the Final Fantasy Legend series?
THE POST 13574688 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to incite an argument, or anything. (if that's what this actually is?) I was just asking questions about efficiency / function so I have an idea about how to work things around.
THE POST 13574696 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+20 Dec, 2007, 17:40 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 20 Dec, 2007, 17:40) | I know this is un-releated to the current disscussion of graphics, but I had this thought occur to me a while ago. The title of these games are "The Lost Legends". Were these originally intended as "Lost" games in the Final Fantasy Legend series? |
No. It's spiritually based on similarities to the game, but is otherwise not related. "Lost Legends" was just a generic title. :P  (but it was meant to sort of contrast with the naming convention in Final Fantasy, being that both words in the title share the same initial letter)
THE POST 13574700 Just wondered because they do seem to share some similar elements, and because you are familar with the Final Fantasy Legend series of games. There is also the fact that many of the graphics are either from or based on graphics from different Final Fantasy games . :) 
THE POST 13574719 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+20 Dec, 2007, 16:32 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 20 Dec, 2007, 16:32) | Using a mask and then "ANDing" it then "XORing" the sprite essential displays transparency right? |
Yes... With this method you get transparency along with 4 level grayscale -- instead of just 3. ;) 
THE POST 13574744 QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+20 Dec, 2007, 18:07 -->QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 20 Dec, 2007, 18:07) | Just wondered because they do seem to share some similar elements, and because you are familar with the Final Fantasy Legend series of games. There is also the fact that many of the graphics are either from or based on graphics from different Final Fantasy games . :) |
Indeed. I borrow a lot of influence from the series.
THE POST 13575042 Errr, the masked routine that uses the dark gray layer for the mask *is* only an aligned routine. Thats why it appears the way it does in Jims ... the same as in Duck's. I dont recall the needs for this game, but you may need to write your own masked sprite routine. Even modding the aligned one should be possible :?
THE POST 13575084 You people need to calm down a bit, i don't want to have to lock (or even delete) this entire topic just because of a stupid argument because of people who get pissed off just because someone said "transparent" instead of "masked".
As for now I am not reading this topic anymore
THE POST 13575094 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+20 Dec, 2007, 23:38 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 20 Dec, 2007, 23:38) | You people need to calm down a bit, i don't want to have to lock (or even delete) this entire topic just because of a stupid argument because of people who get pissed off just because someone said "transparent" instead of "masked". |
Whoah. I don't think anyone's actually arguing. You may be reading into things a little too literally. We're just having a hard time communicating masking verus general transparency, because I wasn't familiar with the routine. I think I have a better understanding of it now, though. :) 
THE POST 13575119 i was afraid it was an argument because everybody kept telling each other to quit saying stuff the wrong way even thought they were doing their best and it seemed to escalate
I just think it's unnecessary to make others feel bad. I do hope things are back to normal now though
THE POST 13576143 i didnt mean to come across that way, i just wanted to be clear on what was being said, i came to this after 5 or so posts and had no clue what was going on. so i defined what i thought each meant and asked that others try to ease the confusion. i would say it hasnt reached the level of argument, nor will it, maybe a bit more confusion, but i dont sense tensity (..i know) or anything bad in the current posts and i feel that this is a climax of sorts. or am i completely misjudging the situation.
This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 21 Dec, 2007, 17:42
THE POST 13576326 @DJOMNIMAGA:No one was arguing, its all good :)  . Just trying to explain the concept and making sure people understood eachother. No worries man, it's cool!
THE POST 13576535 QuoteBegin-tr1p1ea+20 Dec, 2007, 22:53 -->QUOTE (tr1p1ea @ 20 Dec, 2007, 22:53) | Errr, the masked routine that uses the dark gray layer for the mask *is* only an aligned routine. Thats why it appears the way it does in Jims ... the same as in Duck's. I dont recall the needs for this game, but you may need to write your own masked sprite routine. Even modding the aligned one should be possible :? |
ya that's what I was thinking too. when I first experimented w/ RGP for CoC, I used the default gsputsprite and used a modification that used SMC to call it twice. once in AND mode and once in XOR mode. obviously I can't do that in an app ^^ thanks for the help though :) 
THE POST 13577163 I was thinking, why don't we give our little development team a name and logo? (just something that can appear before the game's title card) Who knows, maybe we'll also get together and work on other projects in the future. That being said, what would you guys think about:  We'll take the TI community by storm! :D 
THE POST 13577277 mhmm I don't think there is a need for a team, as there is alerady like 10 teams in the community, it would be better imo to join an existing one, but it doesn't hurt to have your own logo in your game anyway so it's easier to recognise from who the game comes from. Nice logo btw. We could always use the Omnimaga logo too since half of the project members are Omnimaga staff so we got something like:
Screen 1: your logo
Screen 2: Programmed by Omnimaga
Screen 3: Title
On an unrelated note on Jan 1st there is supposed to be another hiring news article, since at this date we're gonna accept some people in the community who make music mostly, I may also accept some people who helps the developpement of calc games or PC games but doesn't necessarly code
THE POST 13577280 I haven't really been following this project since I first noticed it, but I noticed it looks like a definite GOTY/must download. I've only read the first few pages of the topic, but WOW! I cannot wait for this!
THE POST 13577287 QuoteBegin-grendel+22 Dec, 2007, 19:23 -->QUOTE (grendel @ 22 Dec, 2007, 19:23) | I was thinking, why don't we give our little development team a name and logo? (just something that can appear before the game's title card) Who knows, maybe we'll also get together and work on other projects in the future.
That being said, what would you guys think about:

We'll take the TI community by storm! :D |
I think it's a cool idea, the name is good, and the logo looks freakin sweet. :thumbup: 
THE POST 13577331 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+22 Dec, 2007, 19:53 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 22 Dec, 2007, 19:53) | mhmm I don't think there is a need for a team, as there is alerady like 10 teams in the community, it would be better imo to join an existing one, but it doesn't hurt to have your own logo in your game anyway so it's easier to recognise from who the game comes from. Nice logo btw. We could always use the Omnimaga logo too since half of the project members are Omnimaga staff so we got something like:
Screen 1: your logo
Screen 2: Programmed by Omnimaga
Screen 3: Title
On an unrelated note on Jan 1st there is supposed to be another hiring news article, since at this date we're gonna accept some people in the community who make music mostly,
THE POST 13577615 QuoteBegin-Liazon+22 Dec, 2007, 20:37 -->QUOTE (Liazon @ 22 Dec, 2007, 20:37) | I'd still really appreciate it if walkable tiles were grouped together because then I could just make one comparison instead of many in order to determine if a tile was walkable. |
I created a reference chart for that, remember? It should be a simple matter of assigning this just by tile number. (all you have to do is make a small table no more than 72 lines, right? I could do it for you if you would give me a reference to the code syntax) What you're asking me to do is recreate every single map in the entire game, because CalcGS will jumble the maps if I move even one tile around. o.o  EDIT: Really nice job getting the map looping to work. :thumbup: This post has been edited by grendel on 23 Dec, 2007, 4:17
THE POST 13577773 I agree with grendel...
The reference table (Look-Up Table) is the best method for this. The tile number will be the index into the LUT. It is a simple implementation that will make it easy to add and modify tiles to the tileset. As grendel stated, you will not have to modify any maps if you decide to change the definition of a tile -- this will come in handy when you migrate to Lost Legend II.
Some will argue that this method uses more memory -- in some cases it will. But, the benefits outweigh the negatives.
THE POST 13577785 I so love those tiles :) 
THE POST 13578592 in case anyone cares, took some time to write a 16x masked gs sprite routine.
will post screens after I work on it some more after xmas
THE POST 13578595 cool I can't wait!
THE POST 13579114  meh, still WIP, but you get the point.
THE POST 13579120 Very nice, Liazon. :thumbsup:
THE POST 13579121 awesome! The sprite looks nice with the rest :) 