Author Topic: "Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG  (Read 63530 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2007, 07:54:00 pm »

 THE POST 13505284
nice, i didnt even knew this :Ptongue.gif

Offline Halifax

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #76 on: November 03, 2007, 07:59:00 pm »

 THE POST 13505289
Well yeah, how else could Wolfenstein run without it. :Ptongue.gif

There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.


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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #77 on: November 04, 2007, 03:11:00 am »

 THE POST 13505627
true true

so do we want this in APP or MOS only?

really don't mind either

This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 9:11

Offline dinhotheone

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #78 on: November 04, 2007, 04:00:00 am »

 THE POST 13505692
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+3 Nov, 2007, 20:09
QUOTE (kalan_vod @ 3 Nov, 2007, 20:09)
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+3 Nov, 2007, 14:1-->
QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 3 Nov, 2007, 14:10)
pretty sure LCDfix is for 84+ not 100% though.

It works with 83+ SE too.  

 i said that in the edit  

Offline Zera

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #79 on: November 04, 2007, 04:02:00 am »

 THE POST 13505697
I just noticed somewhat of an odd dilema -- how will the game handle contradicting resistances? There are two elements: Fire and Cold. Many pieces of armor either add or subtract resistance to either of these. So let's say you equip a piece or armor that adds resistance to fire, and then equip something else alongside it that adds weakness to fire. I was thinking it should work like this:

 - Keep resistance to default level if equipment both adds and subtracts resistance equally
 - Keep resistance to strong if more equipment adds the resistance than it subtracts (for example, two items that are strong to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is weak to it)
 - Keep resistance to weak if more equipment subtracts the resistance than it adds (for example, two items that are weak to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is strong to it)

Hopefully, that's not a difficult exception to make. If so, I'll go ahead and write it into the documentation.  

Offline dinhotheone

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2007, 04:07:00 am »

 THE POST 13505709
I just noticed somewhat of an odd dilema -- how will the game handle contradicting resistances? There are two elements: Fire and Cold. Many pieces of armor either add or subtract resistance to either of these. So let's say you equip a piece or armor that adds resistance to fire, and then equip something else alongside it that adds weakness to fire. I was thinking it should work like this:

- Keep resistance to default level if equipment both adds and subtracts resistance equally
- Keep resistance to strong if more equipment adds the resistance than it subtracts (for example, two items that are strong to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is weak to it)
- Keep resistance to weak if more equipment subtracts the resistance than it adds (for example, two items that are weak to an element ignore one peice of equipment that is strong to it)

Hopefully, that's not a difficult exception to make. If so, I'll go ahead and write it into the documentation.

ya, that seems entirely logical, but i think more than three tiers of resistance would be better, IMO it would be better to have 5+, adds a little more poison to having multiple things that remove resistance. it may seem like with 5 that it is harder to calculate that clashing res thing but i would just store res as a value -2 to 2 and then do math to figure out sigma resistance, (-54125+OO,-2) and (2,OO) would just be rounded to +-2. idk, i just think that there should be more punishment for  having multiple things that take away resistance, if theres no change to res after the first minus, then it stops being a factor.

edit: i change my mind, i like your system better

as to app vs MOS prog:
i would say its better to be safe than sorry. if you go with MOS/DCS you may run out of space, plus then you have to include MOS and a single program> multiprogram installation when pepole arent that familiar to the calculator. apps really dont have the space limit, besides even if 24 was enough, alot of people dont understand how to get the necessary ram open for such large apps, even i have trouble running 24k asm programs though not because i dont know how to open space, but because i have a ton of groups. I think an app will be more alluring to a larger crowd. (btw if people think i keep 'flip flopping' as i was the one that brought up MOS ram copying, i just wanted to put all the options out there before)

This post has been edited by dinhotheone on 4 Nov, 2007, 10:38

Offline Zera

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #81 on: November 04, 2007, 04:26:00 am »

 THE POST 13505735
This is currently how I have all the elemental properties set up:

ec1[Fire] and [Cold] are elemental modifiers added to weapons, abilities, etc. Some
enemies will sustain additional damaged when targetted with an elemental weak
spot. Accordingly, the following sums up various states in which these modifiers
can exist:


Offline dinhotheone

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2007, 04:37:00 am »

 THE POST 13505751
now that i think about it again, im not gona lie, it seems like theres a sort of ellegance to having it be so black and white across the board. it seems to fit in with the style of your artwork. i bet that sounds dumb decause his art is 4 level gray, its hard to explain what i mean but it seems to fit in along with his fighting system (untraditional in its artwork) and leveling system (untraditional), adding a res system that works traditionally (many levels of resistance) doesnt seem to fit.


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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2007, 05:37:00 am »

 THE POST 13505848
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+4 Nov, 2007, 10:07
QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 4 Nov, 2007, 10:07)
as to app vs MOS prog:
i would say its better to be safe than sorry. if you go with MOS/DCS you may run out of space, plus then you have to include MOS and a single program> multiprogram installation when pepole arent that familiar to the calculator. apps really dont have the space limit, besides even if 24 was enough, alot of people dont understand how to get the necessary ram open for such large apps, even i have trouble running 24k asm programs though not because i dont know how to open space, but because i have a ton of groups. I think an app will be more alluring to a larger crowd. (btw if people think i keep 'flip flopping' as i was the one that brought up MOS ram copying, i just wanted to put all the options out there before)

ya I agree with you there because since we don't know how much code there will be.  Not to mention, if it has to be MOS and not ion, then you're already alienating 83, people.  Might as well put it in APP form, which definitely isn't 83 compatible.  The only thing is, you only get 8 characters to describe name your app  :Dbiggrin.gif

as for the discussion at hand, I like how we're discussing this stuff.  Why doesn't someone make a note of it in the SVN or the issues section of googlecode so we don't forget.  Right now, I'm a bit more concerned with the base code for the project.  It's kinda important to establish now APP or MOS -> atm, I'm swayed towards APP, but that means a bit more work to get GS fully operational.  Don't mind as long as it works, cuz it's worth it.

Probably won't get to combat related kind of stuff for awhile.  I like grendel's plan to work on font followed by mapping.  I'll probably stick to that.

edit:  I almost forgot the important thing I had to ask.  Grendel, if all the text and dialogue is complete for the game, do you think you can go through and count up and list all the different words?  Thanks!

@Halifax:  Whenever you get your gmail account, PM one of us and we'll add you to the project.

This post has been edited by Liazon on 4 Nov, 2007, 11:39

Offline Zera

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2007, 05:53:00 am »

 THE POST 13505919
Grendel, if all the text and dialogue is complete for the game, do you think you can go through and count up and list all the different words? Thanks!

Total word count, or number of unique words? Does this include item lists, too?

EDIT: I guess I'll have to dump all the dialogue into one giant text file. I wasn't sure how to organize it before, so a number of stuff hasn't been inserted into the trunk yet. Since there are a lot of special characters in the font, I've had to go by a "table" when writing the dialogue. I guess I'll just stick all of that in the same folder and hope that people can understand what the hell it means. :Ptongue.gif

And by the way...

user posted image

I plan to localize this project after we finish. (though, I will likely do all of that work myself) Just thought I would throw that out there.

This post has been edited by grendel on 4 Nov, 2007, 11:56


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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2007, 06:00:00 am »

 THE POST 13505942
total unique words, ignoring punctuation except for ' or the like, including item names as well as the symbols associated w/ them.

I just need a list of words in a text file, as well as the number, that's all.

... I don't know how Japanese is structured, but is that Katakana, or Hirugana?  Are there also "words" per say, as in groups of symbols -> something.  

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2007, 06:57:00 am »

 THE POST 13506044
wow japannese? o.oblink.gif I sure hope there will still be an english version when finished O_Oshocked2.gif

Offline Halifax

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #87 on: November 04, 2007, 07:22:00 am »

 THE POST 13506077
Yes, Liazon I agree with an Application. I was just simply stating.  

There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.


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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #88 on: November 04, 2007, 07:36:00 am »

 THE POST 13506096
minor update: it's now an app  

Offline Zera

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"Lost Legends" for 84+, An ASM RPG
« Reply #89 on: November 04, 2007, 08:23:00 am »

 THE POST 13506161
I went ahead and merged all the spoken dialogue into a file called "dialogue_batch.txt," so I hope it's easy to read.

I'm not sure how to count every unique word. There are over 800 words in the dialogue.

EDIT: I also crammed every single piece of dialogue into a file called "random_dialogue_crammed_together.txt"

If I had some kind of program to count unique words in a document, I could sort them that way. Otherwise, what you're asking is rather impossible...

This post has been edited by grendel on 4 Nov, 2007, 14:52