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Topic: For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite (Read 10717 times)
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #30 on:
October 19, 2007, 08:03:00 pm »
Orly rofl, and we thought Sony was the evil empire. MS is lusers.
As for 360 mods... it only has a teeny 20GB drive! haha Personally I prefer the gameplay of UT over GoW, but that's mostly 'cause I'm an FPS nutter I think. ^^; Gfx will be better obviously because PS3 has a significant power advantage over the xbox. I think orange box is probably better on PS3 than 360 as well. I hear they have a lot of trouble with TF2 especially and there are no 3rd party maps which really sucks for Portal. PC ftw still though!
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #31 on:
October 20, 2007, 04:40:00 am »
From what I have heard, in the same one year span during programming for GoW and UT3, UT3 is far better in every aspect. Meaning everything is better than gears is gameplay/graphics wise.
That is good. I mean GoW was Epic Games first venture with the UE3, and was basically "practice", so I feel confident that this will be better in every aspect.
Epic and sony really worked together to get the Unreal Engine really sparkling for the ps3
That is quite odd because about 1-2 years ago Epic was claiming that the Unreal Engine 3 was optimized more for 360 performance. I am glad they changed this though.
GoW and UT3 look kind of the same gfx-wise if you ask me. Neither really have superior gfx to the other from what I've seen and they both have the same sort of style. There are space aliens and they both exhibit ridiculously buff men in oversized armor toting guns that are almost bigger than they are!
I like this style.
Well I mean you can't expect Epic to change every aspect of the game just because they released GoW. That would probably cause them to bring in new modelers.
The latest version of Source looks a lot better imo and Cryengine2 looks amazingly better.
As well CryEngine2 should look better. They made it specifically with high-end PCs in mind.
Either way you can't really compare graphics of an engine, only the games that use them. Because really all those engines across the board support all the same features in some form or another, but they may not be used.
Also on another note Crysis 2 looks a little stagnant from all the videos I watch of it. The graphics are amazing, and probably the best out there, but the frame rate is just...weird...
I don't know how to explain it, but when I see the guy shooting in the forest that is filled with all those trees it just seems to slow down enough for you to notice that it isn't running smoothly, and even in the snowy areas.
This is all understandable though, seriously, because the LOD can't work in close corridors like that.
I do believe in beta releases because this is exactly what they are FOR. So the developers can fix the stuff that bug people and the bugs in the game before official release.
No betas make it so that people get bugged out, and never want to play the game again, and then try to make other people conform to that opinion also.
I have seen it happen numerous times. (I am not saying you are doing that)
It just doesn't seem like the general public understands the meaning of BETA.
Also on a side note I would just like to say it really seems like that "give a year to sony, they will bounce back" is starting to take an effect. Microsoft is proving that they are the monster.
Not just by forcing Epic to not release maps that are free, but for not giving Harmonix the wireless protocol because they are a 3rd party developer. No wireless guitar controllers for the 360 I guess.
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DJ Omnimaga
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #32 on:
October 20, 2007, 08:07:00 am »
Yeah Playstation 3 is starting to get some good games finally. Like the Wii, it had a pretty small game selection for a while. Hopefully the RPGs will start coming up as well and maybe MTV Music Generator 4 we never know %)
Btw if you plan to produce music DON'T get MTV MUsic Generator 3. It just sucks, plain and simple, it isn't even a music production software, it only allow you to remix songs featured in MTV awards from 10 artists and make new songs using their styles only. In other words they completly changed the concept of Music Generator, Music 2000/MTV Music Generator and Music 3000/MTV Music Generator 2 and turned it into a MTV music awards advertising
That said I stick with MTV music generator 1 until they release a decent Playstation 2 emu that run it without crashes so I can produce directly on the PC. Sometimes they have copy of MTV Music Generator 2 on Amazon.ca anyway so I may get an hold of it but I don't want to produce on the playstation because it is too hard to send the files to PC afterward (hence why it took so long for Techno Revolution, Techno Strike, Summer Trance, Ultimate end and all those old songs to make it online)
For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #33 on:
October 20, 2007, 09:31:00 am »
Hehe, I know what you mean by the crysis framerate. Even with 2 8800 Ultras in SLI I hear it doesn't run all that great at high resolutions. Since I really don't feel like installing Vista again I will probably play it in DX9 mode though, and I'm confident me 8800GTS should be able to handle that okay.
Well I mean you can't expect Epic to change every aspect of the game just because they released GoW. That would probably cause them to bring in new modelers.
Are you suggesting they are reusing textures and models from GoW in UT3?
Haha j/k UT is s'posed to look that way too.
Do you know if the PS3 release of Orange Box will support 3rd party maps and more valve maps for tf2 and portal? Sony doesn't seem to have the strange issues MS has about free content.
For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #34 on:
October 20, 2007, 12:58:00 pm »
wii needs some more online games. disappointed that Metroid 3: Corruption won't have online multiplayer
@ least the DS game has some.
DJ Omnimaga
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #35 on:
October 20, 2007, 02:03:00 pm »
well online multiplayer tend to be overrated nowadays. Some games like metroid or zelda may not be good in multiplayer, as they were done to have a storyline
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #36 on:
October 20, 2007, 05:19:00 pm »
I heard the new metroid just looks sick, graphics wise it is better than anything seen on the wii. Which is good, because even if it is a souped up gamecube, RE4 looked awesome and proved that games could really look good on a gamecube, you just gotta spend time.
I love how the wii is fairly cheap for a sdk, like 400 bucks I think, maybe even less than that. I would certainly develop for one if I got my rep up in the psp scene, but I wont start to work on those games probably until this summer.
As for the orangebox mods and stuff, I dont see any reason why they shouldn't be for the ps3, I haven't really heard anything about them though. Oh and that sucks that the 360 wont have wireless for Rockband...and most likely GH...but arent they going to package a usb thing that will use it's own wireless stuff on both the ps3 and 360? I know I had seen pictures for it...but really I don't see why the ps3 should have them, the 360 for that matter either...damn MS.
DJ Omnimaga
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #37 on:
October 20, 2007, 06:42:00 pm »
Imho the metroid prime graphics were awesome indeed. I think what may help the speed is the fact lot of rooms are like tubes and are smaller than in some FPS games so rendering details very far may not be necessary.
and the Wii is $329 here. It launched at $279 but its high popularity made the price rise. It's the first time I ever see this happen in my whole life with a new console
For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #38 on:
October 21, 2007, 05:47:00 am »
where do you get a sdk?
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #39 on:
October 21, 2007, 02:29:00 pm »
From nintendo directly I think. And I thought it was 3K, but maybe it is just 3K for a license to release games commercially.
@spengo: Yeah I wouldn't install Vista unless you are planning to play
DX10 games. Silicon Graphics made benchmarks of programs utilizing DX9 and OpenGL on XP, and Vista. The programs running on Vista were almost always slower no matter what API. They said that this is due mainly to the Aero Window Manager.
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.
For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #40 on:
October 21, 2007, 06:19:00 pm »
It's not just the Aero thing, it's other stuff too. Mostly because Vista is more optimized for dx10 than dx9 I think. But anyways, if I were to install Vista again it would definitely not be overwriting my XP install. I'd just push my linux install over a bit and add another 10GB partition or something for Vista to sit on.
For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
Reply #41 on:
October 22, 2007, 10:24:00 am »
i heard it was just a gamecube + a wired wii controller.
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite