Author Topic: For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite  (Read 10117 times)

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 05:05:00 pm »
Oh is Haze being a PS3 exclusive now? I thought it was going to be PS3, 360, and PC. Well, that makes another interesting one for the PS3 at any rate. But again, like I said it will be another year or so before the PS3 actually has all these titles.

@DJ, You know... although Bungie may be able to make pretty cool games on one platform, I'm not really confident in their porting abilities, hehe. Especially looking at the disaster that is the PC version of Halo 2. Maybe since they are non-MS now that will make a difference, I dunno.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 05:38:00 pm »
I don,t play halo PC much. Halo 1 PC wasnt too bad it had good graphic/performance ratio but halo 2 port was bs apparently. Halo 1 isnt very great though except in multiplayer mode if u can avoid people idle

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2007, 06:23:00 pm »
I gots the red ring :'( although i have to say, up to this point, i've had no problems with my white xbox 360. and really the only content that has any significant space demand is movies, and those lose their rights anyways and i delete them, so 20GB suffices just fine for my purposes.  I'd rather pack my laptop's HD with movies :Dbiggrin.gif

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2007, 06:59:00 pm »
sorry to hear I hope you got it fixed/replaced easily :(sad.gif

the best way to avoid this is to not put the console on a carpet for example or stuff like this. At a local game store there was a game demo to try and the poor xbox 360 was inside a plastic case x.x, not surprising that while playing halo 2 here because of the tournament it got a RROD

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2007, 02:05:00 pm »
Yes Haze is PS3 exclusive now, and I don't blame them.

Quite frankly porting is a bi*** now more than it ever has been. To push to most out of your games you need to get platform specific. Even going down into the CAssembly field.

This is one reason why Insomniac Games sticks to PS3 because it helps you focus on making the games better.

Games that are available for PC and Console platforms generally are much crappier than games made specifically for PC. Crysis proves this point by far.

@spengo: Yes, but really how many more games does 360 have that PS3 doesn't aside from Gears of War, and Halo 3? Really if you are looking for sports games, and RPGs then PS3 is for you. Square Enix has about 8 RPGs lined up for the PS3(no lie).

I can say for certain that UT3 will be fairly similar to GoW save that cover system.
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2007, 02:18:00 pm »
Don't forget about Metal Gear Solid 4! :)smile.gif
It's going to be awesome! :Dbiggrin.gif
PS3 exclusive.


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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2007, 03:55:00 pm »
Hmm, I played the UT3 beta and I don't think it's much like gears of war except that the suits the guys wear are kind of similar, hehe. Also, I still say definitely get the PC version over the PS3 one, provided you have a good PC. In general, PC releases are much better than the console releases even if you have to wait 3 months extra like for some games. Halo is an exception because the PC versions always suck balls of that game. :Ptongue.gif Even so, UT3 doesn't really seem all that great to me from what I've played. I have the gfx set to max of course and they run smoothly, but they don't really look all that impressive. I noticed some pretty low-res textures in places too and that bugged me. The main menu in UT3 is horrible, takes like 10 screens just to get to keyboard config and you end up pressing quit about 5 times to get the game to exit in the middle of a game. I still think UT99 is the best one. :)smile.gif

Also, I don't think games made for PC and console are crappy, GTA proves this if you wanna go that way, hehe. Or Orange Box even is multiplatform, and what about Assassin's Creed? And yeah, I agree that for sports games and RPGs, PS3 will probably have more, unfortunately I'm not a fan of sports games and RPGs I'd rather play on a hand-held console to be honest. Aaaaand the PS3 just costs too damn much. x_x

Offline Madskillz

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2007, 05:49:00 pm »
I have had a ps3 since launch...never had a problem thus far. I also  waited for a wii (which I sold for an extra 100 bucks) I'm not really mad that I sold the wii, Zelda was really all I wanted it for. I my have to pick one up to play a little metroid, and ssb.

As for the 360 the only games I see as being a must play that are exclusive to them is:
-Halo 3
-Maybe blue dragon
-As of this month Half-Life 2: the orange box
I dont see really anything exclusive during the rest of this year to look forward too.
That isnt to say the 360 doesn't have a good solid lineup of past titles...Dead Rising, Lost Planet (which is now coming to ps3 with all the 360/PC for free added), to name a few.

The ps3 has some great games coming towards the end of this month and into next month.
-Ratchet and Clank (10/30)
-Folklore (if your into those games)
-Uncharted (november something)
-Haze (november something)
-Not too mention some of the PSN games that are really original and
embrace the smaller devs. Everyday shooter ftw!

So the ps3 is FINALLY building up a good library, RFOM was good, warhawk was alright, HS is good, Warhawk is decent, NG is good, but the future really does look bright for the ps3 and I hear a price drop is coming sometime near the holidays. (but come on, the thing plays blu-ray, is at least a 100 bucks cheaper since launch, has a solid lineup coming within the next month, free online!)

For upcoming exclusives:
-MGS4 (going to be freaking sweet)
-Killzone 2
-Final Fantasy (if your into them)
-White Knights

But I think we can all agree that no matter what system you got there are gonna be some sweet multi-platform games coming out:
-Rock Band
-Guitar Hero 3
-Kane & Lynch
-Assasin's Creed
-GTA 4
-Fallout 3

I am going to have a huge whole in my banking account next year and this november.


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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2007, 06:16:00 pm »
Why is UT3 an exclusive? It's mainly PC but they are making a PS3 version too, even though they will be slower on the updates there or so they say.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2007, 07:20:00 pm »
I always found stupid that Final Fantasy I-VI comes for nintendo handled but the rest comes for Playstation only consoles. Since square enix vs nintendo war ended in 2003 (it lasted from 1996 to 2003) why do they still release some FF titles only on the  PS consoles and not the Wii/GC for example and why does the old titles aren't released anymore on ps consoles (even the PSP)?


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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2007, 07:54:00 pm »
because the dragons decreed it so

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2007, 08:41:00 am »
QuoteBegin-spengo+19 Oct, 2007, 0:16-->
QUOTE (spengo @ 19 Oct, 2007, 0:16)
Why is UT3 an exclusive? It's mainly PC but they are making a PS3 version too, even though they will be slower on the updates there or so they say.  

 Could this possibly be the deal that Sony was talking about that would take the place of GTA IV release exclusivity?

Anyways that is exactly why I don't believe in releasing betas. People are always over critical of betas. They don't have time to polish it up, so they throw in a low res texture, and all of a sudden the graphics aren't impressive? Either way I would never judge my like for games off of a beta because it simply isn't anywhere near complete. The Gears of War beta showing wasn't complete either. Marcus looked totally different, some textures on things were low res, the physics system for blood wasn't exactly polished yet, etc.

Either way I think it is safe to say that console games will always be behind PCs in the graphics area. Epic suggests reducing texture sizes by 2X. ;)wink.gif

The good thing about consoles though is there is no need for the portability issues which means you can focus on the game making, and not how many systems it will be able to run on.

Oh yeah and the 60 GB PS3 dropped $125 here.

Also UT3 PS3 will get all the special little nick naks that the PC version has, and a little more. It will feature mods with maps, gameplay, and all things UnrealScript, with SIXAXIS support, and all the other little dressings.

Also to be honest I see no reason why you should be over critical on games just because of graphics. I will tell you for certain that if they wanted UT3 to look like GoW they could. There is nothing special done in GoW that can't be done in any other game with the UE3.
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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2007, 09:31:00 am »
true I don't understand why people judge games by their graphics. It happened with calc games a lot, people judged an old ASCII RPG because of it's graphics, no matter how much features it had and long storyline


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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2007, 12:42:00 pm »
GoW and UT3 look kind of the same gfx-wise if you ask me. Neither really have superior gfx to the other from what I've seen and they both have the same sort of style. There are space aliens and they both exhibit ridiculously buff men in oversized armor toting guns that are almost bigger than they are! hehe :lol:bounce2.gif The environments are made of lots of stones and gritty looking castley stuff. They are completely different games though and I'm pretty sure they aren't meant to compete with each other. UT3 is a quake-like multiplayer FPS and GoW is a third person shooter with a big single player campaign. GoW has multiplayer too of course, but it's a totally different style of play. That and they don't even exist on the same platform, heh. Maybe I am judging it too much on gfx though, but I kind of expected more from UE3 I think. The latest version of Source looks a lot better imo and Cryengine2 looks amazingly better.

I'm not just judging it solely on gfx either it just... somehow doesn't quite capture the experience of the original UT. Also, I don't expect beta releases to be perfect, hell the whole point of them is so that users will test the game beyond what official testers thought of and see what glitches or problems they experience. I shall definitely post to them about the broken menu system! :)smile.gif I do believe in beta releases because this is exactly what they are FOR. So the developers can fix the stuff that bug people and the bugs in the game before official release.

If you remember Epic also said that PC will still be the main UT platform and they are cutting out cross-platform multiplayer because they don't want PC users to have to wait for the updates that will take them longer on the PS3. Personally I'd rather just wait the extra couple months for updates because more people playing is always better amirite? But whatever. I do like the idea of making it more easy to develop mods for consoles though. Bigger audience for mods as well as more people to make them (all the PS3 owners have the ability now as well as the PC owners) means more mods and... more is always better! :Dbiggrin.gif

[offtopic]I always thought it was "knick knack" o.oblink.gif [/offtopic]

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For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2007, 04:57:00 pm »
No UT3 wasn't the big bang that sony was gonna unleash, it is delayed a little, it might come out before 08 but most likely they are sayin early 08.

From what I have heard, in the same one year span during programming for GoW and UT3, UT3 is far better in every aspect. Meaning everything is better than gears is gameplay/graphics wise. This is on the PS3 mind you.
Epic and sony really worked together to get the Unreal Engine really sparkling for the ps3, I have heard nothing but praise from Epic. MS really screwed over the customers when they wouldnt let Epic release extra Gears stuff for free on XBL. Epic got angry about that and MS forcing them to make there future games only for vista. So they went to Sony and we get the UT3 exclusive for a month or two at least.

I love the ability to play the mods, the Xbox wont be able to do that. The only thing is that the mods have to be specific to pc or ps3, due to the way stuff is stored on the ps3. However they shouldn't be too hard to port between the two.