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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #105 on: August 31, 2011, 07:33:04 pm »
YAY FREE (kinda) GAMES!!  :D ;D

I was messing around on SMB, and to my amazement, I found that they are the unpatched NES versions, not even the patched VC versions of the game.
I found out because I successfully made it to World -1 (I think it's actually World 36-1) 8)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 09:52:21 pm by chattahippie »

Offline JosJuice

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #106 on: September 01, 2011, 09:11:01 am »
The Wii VC version of SMB is not patched - you can access Minus World there. I've done it a few times. Some games have had minor non-gameplay-related patches applied to them (like fixing the spelling of Gannon), but the 3DS versions seem to be identical to the North America versions that were released on Wii VC. (Even if you live in a PAL region. :banghead:)

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #107 on: September 01, 2011, 05:54:29 pm »
The Wii VC version of SMB is not patched - you can access Minus World there. I've done it a few times. Some games have had minor non-gameplay-related patches applied to them (like fixing the spelling of Gannon), but the 3DS versions seem to be identical to the North America versions that were released on Wii VC. (Even if you live in a PAL region. :banghead:)

Ah, I did not know that SMB was unpatched for wii vc, and can you not play your games?

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #108 on: September 02, 2011, 01:35:18 am »
I can play the games (they have been made for being played on PAL 3DS systems), but things like the frame rate in all games, the physics in Super Mario Bros. and the speed of the music in some games are like how they are in NTSC versions of the NES games instead of the PAL versions.

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #109 on: December 16, 2011, 01:44:31 pm »
Whoa, necropost.

Today is the day!
The GBA Ambassador games have been released!
Ten more free games! :D

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #110 on: April 29, 2012, 10:16:30 pm »
My Review Of The Nintendo 3DS

I've played a handful of portable video game consoles, even the notoriously bad Tiger Game.Com system. The Nintendo 3DS is by far the best portable console out there today, and here are the reasons why I believe that.  First of all, I find it very ironic that we now have an era where a handheld machine has become more powerful and versatile than the home console.  I am of course talking about the Nintendo Wii.  Even with a new re-design of the system (which honestly, even though looks generic, is more easy on the eyes than that white slanting tower looking thing), the Wii still has it's obvious flaws, and the biggest one comes with it's hardware limitations, especially with the downloadable titles (I.E. game size).  The Sonic games are a good example of this.  Sonic 4 Episode 1 barely made the cut, but for Wii only users, Episode 2 will not be making an appearance due to the game being bigger than Episode 1 (not to mention the "lock-on" game Episode Metal).  Meanwhile, even when the DSi was still the latest DS system, it allowed players to download Rayman... a game that was released back in the mid 90's for the Playstation, Sega Saturn, and PC.  See the problem with this?  It's probably the reason why Dragon's Lair was released last year as an easily downloadable and playable 3DS/DSi title, yet Nintendo had to stick that game (with it's sequel and another game mind you) on a disc for the Wii.  It's probably also the reason why the Wii ever since it's release has not had a Sega CD/Sega 32x/Sega Saturn section in its downloadable catalog.  There's talk about the upcoming Wii U fixing that problem (along with a few other issues), but I digress

The main thing about the 3DS is obviously it's 3D gimmick, which IMO Nintendo actually got it right.  I definitely prefer this way of viewing 3d games/videos better than the standard "black glasses that make you look like the men in black dudes" that we all have now grown accustomed to thanx to the wonderful people in the movie industry.  And it's not like you NEED the 3d gimmick to play the games either (with the exception of Super Mario 3D Land, or so I've heard), so the 3D is completely optional.  Personally I keep it on cause I enjoy the effects not only cause it looks cool, but surprisingly doesn't give me a headache or messes with my already messed up astigmatism/near-sighted vision.  Honestly, Nintendo has come a long way after their first failed attempt with the Virtual Boy.

The 3D games themselves are pretty cool.  Yea, the fact that they re-released a few N64 games in 3D is a cheap cop-out (minus Rayman 3D which is more of a Rayman 2 Dreamcast Port), but all the other games make it pleasant to enjoy the special effects.  But the REAL fun comes with it's downloadable 3D games.  First of all, BRILLIANT idea to remake some NES classics into 3D.  TwinBee, Excitebike, Kirby, and the recently released Kid Icarus makes the games even more enjoyable to play with the enhanced 8-bit graphics with its awesome 3D perspectives.  I can't wait to see what other classics they plan on remaking into 3D.  Not to mention the other original 3DS downloadable titles (Mudd Mutants, Mighty Switch Force, and my personal favorite, VVVVVV) are just as enjoyable to play.  As far as the Virtual Console selection goes, it's actually pretty impressive.  Nintendo decided to release a few obscure games I had never heard of before until now (Cattrap, Lock & Chase, Gargoyle's Quest, & even Balloon Kid, which is pretty much a platform adventure version of Balloon Trip from the NES), which actually add alot of variety to the list.  Recently they started releasing NES titles such as Metroid, Super Mario, and even Mike Tyson's Punch Out, which actually before the 3DS I had never played before, but now realized I defenitely missed out on a great game as a kid, lol.  Hell, they are even bringing back GameGear games, such as Sonic Triple Trouble, which is one of the many Game Gear games I owned that I dearly enjoyed as a kid and brings back so many enjoyable memories.

And what video game system isn't complete without system/firmware updates.  Over the months, Nintendo has tweaked the interface of the 3DS to make it even better.  It's first update was to give the 3DS a HUGE increase on the empty game slots that you have that you can fill with as many downloadable games as you want, which goes to show how popular downloadable games have become over the years (and also encourages owners to buy an 8GB SD card, lol).  Their recent update for the system includes not only the ability to stick the downloadable games into folders you can name and customize (like a computer or Android/iPhone, which even the folders themselves has a shitload of empty slots), but update patches for the actual retail cartridge games, such as a patch for Mario Kart 7 that's supposed to be released sometime in May that fixes multiplayer mode to make it fair (I.E. no cheating paths, lol).

The only downfall I have with the 3DS is with the way DSi titles are handled, in that they can ONLY be planted on the system memory, and ONLY copied onto the SD card, rather than moved to the SD card yet can still be playable.  This is actually something that the Wii has an advantage over the 3DS, cause i have a crapload of Wii downloadable titles on my SD card so that I have PLENTY of room on my Wii system memory for save files... especially ones that use over 100+ blocks like Super Smash Bros Brawl.  I'm hoping that the next firmware/system update for the 3DS fixes this glaring issue, specially since there are alot more DSi titles than 3DS titles.

Overall, this is one video game system I would defenitely recommend to anyone  :)

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #111 on: April 29, 2012, 11:53:34 pm »
On your comment about Super Mario 3D land. You don't need the 3D on actually, I beat the game while only using 3D about 30% of the time. My 5 year old brother has the 3D disabled and has almost beaten the game, he is about 80% through the game and hasn't used the 3D at all.

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #112 on: April 29, 2012, 11:54:32 pm »
On your comment about Super Mario 3D land. You don't need the 3D on actually, I beat the game while only using 3D about 30% of the time. My 5 year old brother has the 3D disabled and has almost beaten the game, he is about 80% through the game and hasn't used the 3D at all.

Ah, well I stand corrected then.  I saw a review on it online where the reviewer said there was a puzzle section involving blocks that needed you to see them in 3D in order to solve it and advance to the next section, thats why I was under the assumption

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #113 on: April 29, 2012, 11:56:00 pm »
oops, viewing on my 3ds internet browser, accidentally posted the last thing like 5 times

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #114 on: April 30, 2012, 12:01:23 am »
Yeah the 3D only makes it a bit easier at some points. By the way nice review. My only complain about the 3DS is that for the 3D, you always have to be at a certain position in front of the screen, else it looks weird. Since I tend to move a lot while playing, I always keep 3D disabled or at minimum.

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #115 on: April 30, 2012, 12:05:05 am »
By the way nice review. My only complain about the 3DS is that for the 3D, you always have to be at a certain position in front of the screen, else it looks weird. Since I tend to move a lot while playing, I always keep 3D disabled or at minimum.

Why thank you :)

And yea true, that happened to me a few times with Sonic generations, until I trained myself not to move my head around so much, lol

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #116 on: April 30, 2012, 12:07:59 am »
Yeah in my case it's mainly due to chronical neck pain, which gets kinda worse over the years. X.x

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #117 on: May 08, 2012, 08:20:02 pm »
So just an FYI, if anyone is up for trading friend codes, lol :P


The only two 3DS titles I have are Sonic Generations & Mario & SOnic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.  Everything else is regular DS games (Pokemon Diamind/Platinum/Soul Silver... which the old DS internet settings cant connect to my new router, Pokemon White... which CAN connect to my old router easily lol, and a few others that dont use nintendo wifi), and the stuff I downloaded (only wifi downloadable games I have is Uno, Tetris Party, & Bomberman Blitz... everything else doesnt use wifi).  I'm always on the wifi after 5pm so if you feel like connecting, hit me up some time :)

Offline blweldon2

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #118 on: May 08, 2012, 09:07:08 pm »
I have never had issues with moving while I play a video game, so the 3ds was probably the best way for me to get 3d gaming. And I just love nintendo games. I highly recommend kid icarus: uprising to anyone who hasn't bought it. It's a great game with excellent online features.
And here is my friend code to those interested.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 09:10:01 pm by blweldon2 »
Hmmm.... I wonder how to do this.....

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Re: Nintendo 3DS
« Reply #119 on: May 11, 2012, 04:18:57 pm »
If anyone wants to join a MK7 community for calculators  ;D, the community code is 07-9456-9693-8615.
Also, my friend code is 4210-4070-6504.
"Eris" (Ndless 3.1)
"Keto" (Ndless 3.1)
"Luna" (AMS 3.10, HW4)
"Aurora" (2.55MP)