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In my defense that was my second time playing haxballI don't know why those links are broken I just uploaded those screenshots
I fudged the truth a bit, but....Spoiler For Email: Hello Mario Carbajal, my name is James Oldiges.For quite a while my friends and I have been big fans of Haxball and the entertainment it brings.I have set up a very rudimentary server for Haxball, meaning that I just leave the internet open in a Haxball room.Many communities such as Omnimaga, a calculator programming community, have taken great interest in Haxball and have regular games together. Do to the variety of locations people live, getting a set time together can be rather difficult because of the time zones. We have calculated that I am just about dead center of where everyone lives. Because we don't know when everyone will be on, people periodically check to see if anyone (from Omnimaga) is playing. This works quite well as I leave the room open 24/7, but it takes quite a toll on my laptop from overheating and memory usage. Internet browsers in general take allot of power to run constantly, having tested IE8, IE9, FF 3.6, FF 4.0, and Google Chrome. Are there any intentions on creating a server program or anything of the like, that would just connect to Haxball or the hosting computer? If not, do you know of any way that would be more efficient for me to host a room?Thank you for your time, -James Oldiges. Education Fanatic.
sure why?
Ashbad: majokkaAshbad: shisshU chimanSGS: FUCK YOUAshbad: FUCK YOU, and fuck fuck you too!SGS: תעיף אותו הוא עושה לאגםיAshbad: I got no change in my pocketSGS: הרגתי אותכםPeace: משחק איזה!shira: חחח כןןShitzi: כן האמת שאתה שחקן טובSGS: תעיף אותוAshbad: שאתהPeace: מפסיד שיצי שעם מיPeace: חחחחחחחחחחחחAshbad: ף אותוAshbad: צי שעSGS: מה הוא רוצה?Ashbad: וא רו.shira: שופט שיהיה הואגלעד שליט : איזה טעות שמסרת לשיטזיAshbad: טעות שמסרת ... ת לשיטזי?SGS: SHUT UP MANAshbad: ת שמ...SGS: חחח גוגל תרגםAshbad: ל תרגםל תרגם?SGS: שירה אל תעלה בחיים שלךshira: בת אניAshbad: ה בחיים של...ת אני?SGS: מעניין ליAshbad: ניין ליניין ליניין לי!!!shira: לך מגיעshira: יפה דברAshbad: ?SGS: מה אתה רוצה מכת פטיש או מה?Ashbad: ה דברן ליניין צה מכת פטטיש או מה.SGS: חחחSGS: הוא טמבלAshbad: toodles I wonder what this looks like on google translate SGS: NOT FUNNYSGS: שירה תרגעיAshbad: טיש או מה
Ashbad: majokkaAshbad: shisshU chimanSGS: FUCK YOUAshbad: FUCK YOU, and fuck fuck you too!SGS: Get it is doing LakesAshbad: I got no change in my pocketSGS: I killed youPeace: What a game!shira: lol intactShitzi: Yes true you're a good playerSGS: Get itAshbad: youPeace: that those who lose juicesPeace: AhahahahahahahahahahahahAshbad: Jeff itAshbad: Navy crimeSGS: What does he want?Ashbad: A. Rowe.shira: He will judgeGilad Shalit: What mistake you provided LshiteziAshbad: mistake you provided ... A Lshitezi?SGS: SHUT UP MANAshbad: A Ex. ...SGS: lol Google TranslateAshbad: to Atargmal Translate?SGS: Poetry to exceed your lifeshira: I'm oldAshbad: the life of ... A I?SGS: It is interesting to meAshbad: Nine Linnane Linnane me!shira: you deserveshira: beautiful thingAshbad:SGS: What would you like a hammer blow or what?Ashbad: The IDF Linnane talker blow Ptadtish or whatever.SGS: lolSGS: is dummyAshbad: toodles I wonder what this looks like on google translate SGS: NOT FUNNYSGS: Poetry RelaxAshbad: Tish or what