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Offline Inferno1055

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Pokemon Cheats
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:35:34 pm »
I have been playing fire red on my TI-Nspire for a while now and I have been wanting to have all three starters to play the game through with. I was wondering if there are any cheats out there to allow me to capture the other two starters easily before beating the game. I want to do this because i felt like being Trainer RED throug my game and all i need is blastoise and venusaur before my team is complete. so, in a summary, i would like cheats to allow me to capture the starters or mod the other two into my save or something like that.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 02:34:21 am »

Unfortunately I don't know what cheating tool gpSP-Nspire supports. You might be able to find Action Replay, Pro Action replay or Game Shark codes on gaming sites like Gamefaqs via Google, but it is not guaranteed that they would work. Those sites might have some extra cheats, though, if the games had any.

EDIT: According to the readme, it seems that both Gameshark/Pro Action Replay are supported.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 02:36:36 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline SpiroH

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2013, 10:39:23 am »
Unfortunately I don't know what cheating tool gpSP-Nspire supports. ...
Well, i can read this (please expand spoiler) in 'game_config.txt'. Will it be of any help? I hope so. :)

Spoiler For Spoiler:
# gpSP game settings database

# What is this file??? game_config.txt is a database of settings on a
# per-game basis. A couple of the settings are required to make games
# work at all, but most of them are there to improve the performance of
# a game. If a game doesn't work then look through the settings here,
# but keep in mind that this file can not be used to fix a majority of
# games, the ones that don't work because of emulator bugs. For those
# you'll have to wait for a new release and hope it someday gets fixed.

# This file is meant to be edited in plain text, with a normal editor.
# game_name, game_code, and vender_code can be found in the game's header.
# All three must match for the game to be used, and those setting must be
# in that order. Be sure to use [!] ROMs (verified by GoodGBA) when
# building this list. Right now I don't know how much overlap there is
# between different region games, but usually idle loops don't apply to
# them. If you're using a different region than the one in here you can
# try copying the entry, it might improve it.

# You can also find the three identifying codes on the second line from
# the top in gpSP's main menu. So anyone should be able to add settings
# to this file if they know what to set, but for some options it'll take
# a lot of special knowledge for them to be of any use. Be sure to see if
# your game is already here, but only if the game_name/game_code/
# vender_code all match. Only the first full match's settings will be used.

# Everything here is case sensitive. Don't mess with this file unless
# you know what you're doing - if in doubt sooner ask someone who does.

# I mainly focus on USA versions, so try those first. And, just because
# a game is on here doesn't mean the game actually works in the current
# version. :/

# These are the following options:

# idle_loop_eliminate_target - tells the recompiler that this branch
#  is an idle loop and thus a hardware update should follow it every
#  time. This is purely a speed improvement and is not meant to improve
#  compatibility - if it does it represents a strange timing problem in
#  the game. You can only set one of these for now. Don't use this if
#  you don't know what you're doing, it can break the game. Some games
#  will run miserably slowly without this option.

# translation_gate_target - tells the recompiler to put an indirect
#  branch (gate) at this point, so artificially stop the current block.
#  This is useful if the game performs self modifying code from within
#  the same block it is currently executing - this can prevent it from
#  causing SMC hits far more times than it should. This is also only a
#  speed hack; you can have up to 8 of these. Don't use this if you don't
#  know what you're doing, they'll just make the game slower and are
#  rarely helpful (good for Camelot games).

# iwram_stack_optimize - set this to "no" to turn it off. By default this
#  is set on. It will turn off an optimization that assumes that the stack
#  is always in IWRAM, and thus makes ldm/stm relative to the stack much
#  faster. Turning it off will degrade game speed slightly, but is
#  necessary for a few games that don't follow this convention.

# flash_rom_type - set this to 128KB if the game has a 128KB flash ROM,
#  otherwise leave it alone or you might break game saving. If you get
#  a white screen when the game starts try this option.

# bios_rom_hack_39 - a hack that allows "roll" to work with the correct BIOS
#  in Zelda: Minish Cap.

# bios_rom_hack_2C - like the above but allows Rayman Advance to work.

# Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (U)
game_name = DRACULA AGB1
game_code = AAME
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003d2

# Megaman Battle Network (U)
game_name = MEGAMAN_BN
game_code = AREE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000338

# Megaman Battle Network 2 (U)
game_name = MEGAMAN_EXE2
game_code = AE2E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000358

# Megaman Battle Network 3 White (U)
game_name = MEGA_EXE3_WH
game_code = A6BE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800036c

# Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue (U)
game_name = MEGA_EXE3_BL
game_code = A3XE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800036c

# Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun (U)
game_name = MEGAMANBN4RS
game_code = B4WE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003a6

# Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon (U)
game_name = MEGAMANBN4BM
game_code = B4BE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003a6

# Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Protoman (U)
game_name = MEGAMAN5_TP_
game_code = BRBE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003ca

# Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel (U)
game_name = MEGAMAN5_TC_
game_code = BRKE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003ca

# Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar (U)
game_name = MEGAMAN6_GXX
game_code = BR5E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080003da

# Megaman Zero (U/E)
game_name = MEGAMAN ZERO
game_code = AZCE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080004ee

# Megaman Zero 2 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO2
game_code = A62E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000664

# Megaman Zero 3 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO3
game_code = BZ3E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08001a08

# Megaman Zero 4 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO4
game_code = B4ZP
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800090c

# Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (U)
game_name = AGB KIRBY DX
game_code = A7KE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000fae
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi Deluxe (J)
game_name = AGB KIRBY DX
game_code = A7KJ
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000f92
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (E)
game_name = AGB KIRBY DX
game_code = A7KP
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000fae
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Super Mario Advance (U)
game_name = SUPER MARIOA
game_code = AMZE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08001cf2

# Super Mario Advance 2 (U)
game_name = SUPER MARIOB
game_code = AA2E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000534

# Super Mario Advance 3 (U)
game_name = SUPER MARIOC
game_code = A3AE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08002ba4

# Super Mario Advance 4 (U)
game_name = SUPER MARIOD
game_code = AX4E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000732
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Super Mario Advance 4 (J)
game_name = SUPER MARIOD
game_code = AX4J
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000732
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Super Mario Advance 4 (E)
game_name = SUPER MARIOD
game_code = AX4P
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000732
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Advance Wars (U)
# This one was really annoying to find, I hope it's okay.. there
# might be a better one somewhere.
game_name = ADVANCEWARS
game_code = AWRE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0803880a

# Pokemon Emerald (E/U)
# I don't know why this has an idle loop when Ruby doesn't....
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPEE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Emerald (J)
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPEJ
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Emerald (G)
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPED
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Emerald (F)
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPEF
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Emerald (S)
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPES
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Emerald (I)
game_name = POKEMON EMER
game_code = BPEI
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008ce
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (U)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPE
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (J)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPJ
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (G)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPD
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (I)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPI
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (S)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPS
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Sapphire (F)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPF
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (U)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVE
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (J)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVJ
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (G)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVD
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (I)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVI
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (S)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVS
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon Ruby (F)
game_name = POKEMON RUBY
game_code = AXVF
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# V-Rally 3 (E)
game_name = V-RALLY 3
game_code = AVRP
vender_code = 70
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080aa920

# Mario Vs Donkey Kong (U)
game_name = MARIOVSDK
game_code = BM5E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08033eec

# Pokemon: Sapphire (U)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPE
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Sapphire (G)
game_name = POKEMON SAPP
game_code = AXPD
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (J)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRJ
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b2
# If you have the European version try this instead.
#idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (E/U)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (S)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRS
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (G)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRD
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (I)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRI
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fire Red (F)
game_name = POKEMON FIRE
game_code = BPRE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008c6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Leaf Green (E/U)
# Hey, this one is the same as Fire Red, who'd have thought? :B
game_name = POKEMON LEAF
game_code = BPGE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b2
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Leaf Green (S)
game_name = POKEMON LEAF
game_code = BPGS
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Leaf Green (G)
game_name = POKEMON LEAF
game_code = BPGD
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Leaf Green (I)
game_name = POKEMON LEAF
game_code = BPGI
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Leaf Green (F)
game_name = POKEMON LEAF
game_code = BPGF
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080008b6
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Fushigi no Dungeon Aka no Kyuujotai (J)
game_name = POKE DUNGEON
game_code = B24J
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Pokemon: Red Rescue Team (E/U)
game_name = POKE DUNGEON
game_code = B24E
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# F-Zero: Climax (J)
game_name = F-ZEROCLIMAX
game_code = BFTJ
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (U)
game_name = FFTA_USVER.
game_code = AFXE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800041e

# Gradius Galaxies (U)
# Badly coded game with several idle loops. This one works for level
# one at least.
game_name = GRADIUSGALAX
game_code = AGAE
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08013844

# Rebelstar: Tactical Command (U)
# Badly coded game with several idle loops. I don't think any are
# even close to dominant, and it jumps around too much when things
# matter....
game_name = REBELSTAR
game_code = BRLE
vender_code = AF
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800041a

# Golden Sun
game_name = Golden_Sun_A
game_code = AGSE
vender_code = 01
translation_gate_target = 03000820
translation_gate_target = 030009ac
translation_gate_target = 03007dac

# Golden Sun: The Lost Age (U)
# Probably the most horrifically coded GBA game in existence.
game_name = GOLDEN_SUN_B
game_code = AGFE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08013542
translation_gate_target = 030009ac
#translation_gate_target = 03007d70

# Nothing to see here :/
# Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (U)
game_name = MARIO&LUIGIU
game_code = A88E
vender_code = 01

# Mario Party Advance (U)
game_name = MARIOPARTYUS
game_code = B8ME
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Mario Party Advance (J)
game_name = MARIOPARTYJA
game_code = B8MJ
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Mario Party Advance (E)
game_name = MARIOPARTYEU
game_code = B8MP
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (U)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGE
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: GBA Tour (J)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGJ
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (E)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGP
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (S)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGS
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (F)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGF
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (I)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGI
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (G)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGD
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Mario Golf: Advance Tour (A)
game_name = MARIOGOLFGBA
game_code = BMGU
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08014e0a
translation_gate_target = 03000d00
translation_gate_target = 03000a30

# Tales of Phantasia (U)
game_name = PHANTASIA
game_code = AN8E
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Tales of Phantasia (J)
game_name = PHANTASIA
game_code = AN8J
vender_code = AF
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Tales of Phantasia (E)
game_name = PHANTASIA
game_code = AN8P
vender_code = 01
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (U)
game_name = ADVANCEWARS2
game_code = AW2E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08036e2a

# Bomberman Tournament (U)
game_name = BOMSTORYUSA
game_code = ABSE
vender_code = 52
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000526

# Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars (U)
game_name = BROKENSWORD
game_code = ABJE
vender_code = 6L
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000a26

# Defender of The Crown (U)
game_name = DOTC
game_code = ADHE
vender_code = 5N
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080007ec

# Drill Dozer (U)
game_name = DRILL DOZER
game_code = V49E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080006c2

# F-Zero - Maximum Velocity (U)
game_name = F-ZERO ADVAN
game_code = AFZE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000c2e

# Megaman Zero 2 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO2
game_code = A62E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000664

# Megaman Zero 3 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO3
game_code = BZ3E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08001a08

# Megaman Zero 4 (U)
game_name = MEGAMANZERO4
game_code = B4ZE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800090c

# Metal Slug Advance (U)
game_name = METAL SLUG
game_code = BSME
vender_code = B7
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000298

# Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & Minnie (U)
game_name = M&M MAGICAL2
game_code = AQME
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0801d340

# Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald (U)
game_name = M&D MAGICAL3
game_code = BMQE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08016064

# Pinball Challenge Deluxe (E)
game_name = PINBALL CHAL
game_code = APLP
vender_code = 41
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080075a6

# Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (U)
game_name = PRINCEPERSIA
game_code = BPYE
vender_code = 41
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0808ff3a

# Rhythm Tengoku (J)
game_name = RHYTHMTENGOK
game_code = BRIJ
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080013d4

# River City Ransom EX (U)
game_name = RIVERCRANSOM
game_code = BDTE
vender_code = EB
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800065a

# Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (U)
game_name = PUZZLEFIGHT2
game_code = AZ8E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08002b5e

# Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dungeon Dice Monsters (U)
game_name = YU-GI-OH DDM
game_code = AYDE
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0802cc6a

# Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Eternal Duelist Soul (U)
game_name = YU-GI-OH!EDS
game_code = AY5E
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08075d96

# Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Sacred Cards (U)
game_name = YUGIOH DM7
game_code = AY7E
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08003bd6

# Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship Tournament 2004 (U)
game_name = YWCT2004USA
game_code = BYWE
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080831da

# Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel (U)
game_name = YUGIOHWWE
game_code = AYWE
vender_code = A4
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08089792

# Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Microgames (U)
game_name = WARIOWAREINC
game_code = AZWE
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000f66

# Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (U)
game_name = SPLINTERCELL
game_code = AO4E
vender_code = 41
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0807a0c4

# Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (U)
game_name = TOM CLANCY'S
game_code = BSLE
vender_code = 41
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0807785e

# Final Fantasy IV Advance (U)
game_name = FF4ADVANCE
game_code = BZ4E
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800fabe
# or try 00000430

# Digimon Battle Spirit (U)
game_name = DIGIMON BTSP
game_code = A8SE
vender_code = B2
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08011208

# Digimon Battle Spirit 2 (U)
game_name = DIGIMON BS2
game_code = BDSE
vender_code = B2
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08010eb0

# Donald Duck Advance (U)
game_name = DISNEY'S DON
game_code = ADKE
vender_code = 41
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08002f30

# Final Fight One (U)
game_name = FINAL FIGHT
game_code = AFFE
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800b428

# Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (U)
game_name = BATTLECHIPGP
game_code = A89E
vender_code = 08
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000544

# Monster Force (U)
game_name = MONSTERFORCE
game_code = AM8E
vender_code = 7D
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000b00

# Monster Rancher Advance (U)
game_name = MONSRANCHERA
game_code = AMFE
vender_code = 9B
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0809f394

# Monster Rancher Advance 2 (U)
game_name = MONSTERRANC2
game_code = A2QE
vender_code = 9B
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 081c7290

# The Pinball of The Dead
game_name = PINBALL DEAD
game_code = APDE
vender_code = 78
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 08000300

# Tringo (U)
game_name = TRINGO
game_code = BTJE
vender_code = 4Z
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080009a4

# Virtual Kasparov (U)
game_name = VIRTKASPAROV
game_code = AVKE
vender_code = 60
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800093a

# Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising (E)
game_name = ADVANCEWARS2
game_code = AW2P
vender_code = 01
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080371be

# Bookworm (U)
game_name = BOOKWORM
game_code = BKWE
vender_code = 5G
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0800397c

# 007 - Nightfire (U)
game_name = NIGHTFIRE
game_code = A7OE
vender_code = 69
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 080031d6

# Asterix & Obelix XXL (E)
game_name = ASTERIX
game_code = BLXP
vender_code = 70
idle_loop_eliminate_target = 0846d060

# Was this game released in Japan? What as?
# Ninja Five-0 (U)
game_name = NINJA FIVE 0
game_code = ANXE
vender_code = A4
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Ninja Cop (E)
game_name = NINJA COP
game_code = ANXP
vender_code = A4
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Sennen Kazoku (J)
game_name = SENNENKAZOKU
game_code = BKAJ
vender_code = 01
flash_rom_type = 128KB

# Doom 2 (U)
game_name = DOOM II
game_code = A9DE
vender_code = 52
translation_gate_target = 030041c8
translation_gate_target = 03004fa0

# Bleach Advance (J)
game_name = BLEACH ADV1
game_code = BLEJ
vender_code = 8P
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul (J)
game_name = SHINING SOUL
game_code = AHUJ
vender_code = 8P
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul (U)
game_name = SHINING SOUL
game_code = AHUE
vender_code = EB
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul (E)
game_name = SHINING SOUL
game_code = AHUP
vender_code = 8P
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul 2 (J)
game_name = SHININGSOUL2
game_code = AU2J
vender_code = 8P
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul 2 (U)
game_name = SHININGSOUL2
game_code = AU2E
vender_code = EB
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# Shining Soul 2 (E)
game_name = SHININGSOUL2
game_code = AU2P
vender_code = 8P
iwram_stack_optimize = no

# This is needed to make the game work.
# Another World (Homebrew)
game_name = FoxAnWorld
game_code = Home
vender_code = 00
translation_gate_target = 03000f1c

P.S.: Do you simply like red or do you come straight from the hell (Inferno, he)? Welcome, anyway.

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 12:27:29 pm »
I don't think this will help, SpiroH. What DJ said is more relevant. ;)

Offline Inferno1055

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 03:58:56 pm »
ok, so new question, how do you put cheats into the ndless system?

Offline Hayleia

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2013, 04:59:22 pm »
Well, Ndless doesn't support cheats. gpSP does, and uses Ndless, but it is not Ndless which handles them.
Anyway, everything I could say here is written in the readme. Just read gpSP's readme, you also have an example to see what a cheat file lust look like, it is really well explained.
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

click here to know where you got your last +1s

Offline Inferno1055

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 05:01:01 pm »
wow ok thanks, Hayleia, this helps. ;D

now to find some cheats
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 07:56:31 pm by Inferno1055 »

Offline Inferno1055

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2013, 01:20:26 am »
does anyone know a reliable site to get gameshark codes?

Offline TIfanx1999

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2013, 02:22:44 am » probably does. They may or maynot have a separate list, but i defenitley remember some of the faqs having gameshark codes.

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2013, 11:16:37 pm »
Although you want to run Pokémon on your calculator, since those Pokémon games were console/handheld games and you are searching for cheats that works in any emulator as well as the original game, I moved this to the gaming discussion forum with a redirect left behind. This should avoid cluttering the Ndless section as well. :)

Offline CleanUser2020

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2015, 03:39:04 pm »
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 08:46:35 am by Jaroslav Nassedkin »

Offline James Take

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Re: Pokemon Cheats
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2016, 01:26:55 am »
ok i found it  ;D... but i still don't know how to do it perfectly :banghead:;readme_nspire.txt
if my game is called and i want a cheat does it need to be called

What I did was just take the name of the game file, not including extensions (.tns; .gba; etc) and just slapping these extensions ".cht.tns" after it. So if you downloaded Pokemon_-_Fire-Red.gba.tns; the cheat file would be Pokemon_-_Fire-Red.cht.tns
Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 01:30:11 am by James Take »