Btw, when adding someone's screenname with his char code, it won't show his online status, such as if he's playing a game and for how long he did. It makes it not convenient because if you plan to play with him you don't know when he's gonna be done. X.x. I recommend adding people with their e-mail address instead, even if they won't instantly get added. (I think you need to add him then the person adds you).
Also I am not super great at the game. I've been stuck in silver cup for quite a while now (I was placed in Bronze 20th-ish, then after like 40 games I am about 12th position in Silver). In 2v2 and 3v3 I am terrible but in 4v4 I am doing quite well as I played vs slightly favored teams and they rushed. We defended well then launched a big attack shortly afterward. Those big wins caused me to jump straight from silver to gold league then platinum league in like 4 games. However, in 1v1, I always land vs lower league players who only do void ray rushes, which I still have an hard time countering as zerg.