Author Topic: What are Pokemon to you?  (Read 24086 times)

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2011, 08:25:32 am »
Pokemon are my partners and my friends. We have endured many long journeys together, difficult battles, and experienced many great things. Hopefully the future only holds more wonderful experiences for my pokemon and I. :)

samebull (metagross111)

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2011, 08:26:25 am »
Enu_N, I am not trying to troll or be mean, but it seems like you're taking Pokemon too far. They don't have feelings, because they are just pictures printed on a card, a molded and painted chunk of plastic, or data allocations on a card/disk/cartridge, not an animal with feelings. Yes, the games are very fun (I still play Pokemon Colosseum), but it's just a game.

Samebull, I agree with you,
pokemon can't be your friends they're just chunks of data in a widely marketed childrens game.

I can understand having fun but i don't think you should take it so seriously

Enu_N, I think I can answer your question:
but what are they TO YOU? What do you treat them as?
I treat them as nonexistent creatures in a video game. 

oh man Pokemon Colosseum. I loved playing the third gen games, Colosseum, Emerald, FireRed, and XD. That was the last time I really had fun playing Pokemon. Now I've outgrown it and it's just eh, but damn those were fond memories.

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2011, 08:38:35 am »
oh man Pokemon Colosseum. I loved playing the third gen games, Colosseum, Emerald, FireRed, and XD. That was the last time I really had fun playing Pokemon. Now I've outgrown it and it's just eh, but damn those were fond memories.

Pokemon Colosseum is fun :P. I like playing it on our 46" HDTV and my awesomesomeofthebestqualityspeakerseverthatarehigherqualitythantheHDTVbuiltinspeakers (new adjective) speakers.

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2011, 10:36:07 am »
yeah, 3rd Gen is where I stopped.  I still play it, but I just don't like the newer versions, the pokemons don't look like things that'd you'd never see IRL.  A lot of the new ones are just animals that have been "cartoon-ized".  I preferred the old, fantasy type pokemon where most of the pokemon have a significant difference with every real life animal.

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2011, 11:27:52 am »
If Pokemon are food, aet this one:

Or the Insect-Pokemons.
Or the slimy ones...  ;D

Please make a video, if you try to eat them.
I would have something to laugh, too...
 :evillaugh:  :devil:
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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2011, 11:35:18 am »
Enu_N, I am not trying to troll or be mean, but it seems like you're taking Pokemon too far. They don't have feelings, because they are just pictures printed on a card, a molded and painted chunk of plastic, or data allocations on a card/disk/cartridge, not an animal with feelings. Yes, the games are very fun (I still play Pokemon Colosseum), but it's just a game.

Samebull, I agree with you,
pokemon can't be your friends they're just chunks of data in a widely marketed childrens game.

I can understand having fun but i don't think you should take it so seriously

Enu_N, I think I can answer your question:
but what are they TO YOU? What do you treat them as?
I treat them as nonexistent creatures in a video game.  

I think you're being a little unfair to him. I can understand where he's coming from, personally, if Singularity was more popular, I'd be all over making Singularity references. Also, a lot of people like to make emotional ties with their games, I know of a time in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion where I truly regretted having to carry out a mission for the Dark Brotherhood. If you see characters and entities in game as only data on a disc or cartridge then you've sort've missed the point of that character or entity imho.

Also, I don't think he's taking it too far. He's more of, "playing the part". Role-playing as he mentioned earlier. (Taking it too far was if he really tried to seriously capture an animal or something with a small red and white ball) :P

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2011, 11:50:58 am »
Quote from: samebull on Sun  3 Jul, 2011, 03:21:25
pokemon can't be your friends they're just chunks of data in a widely marketed childrens game.

I can understand having fun but i don't think you should take it so seriously

You're an adult, and you've Never watched Pokemon. You've one or two little children, who love Pokemon.

EDIT of the EDIT:
I know this from my parents (just chunks of data in a widely marketed childrens game)  :P
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 08:43:48 am by p2 »
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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2011, 03:00:12 pm »
"What's a Pokemon?"
I have only played pokemon for 10 minutes of my life.  That's pretty much all I have to say...
ld a, 0
ld a, a

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #53 on: July 05, 2011, 07:15:05 pm »
I have played it in the past, and I still use my poke-walker from time to time, but other than that I really have no attachment to them. I really only have an attachment to my YGO cards.. mainly because I have played YGO since I was 6 (I think it was 4 actually).... I played  pokemon when I was 10. Either way, pokemon is just a fun game to me, nothing other than that.

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2011, 07:34:34 pm »
I find the Generations I-III, as well as Generation V, to be fun, but I didn't enjoy Generation IV that much.

What really makes me love Pokemon is the manga. Pokemon Adventures is the best part of Pokemon in my opinion.

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #55 on: July 05, 2011, 08:24:59 pm »
If Pokemon are food, aet this one:

Or the Insect-Pokemons.
Or the slimy ones...  ;D

Please make a video, if you try to eat them.
I would have something to laugh, too...
 :evillaugh:  :devil:
Muk-shakes, anyone?
The newest Pokemon game I played that I actually enjoyed was Emerald, I stuck with it enough to get a full party of lvl100 Pokemon, and complete the Hoenn Pokedex. However, I think the newer games have lost the original vision of Pokemon, and now there are way too many kinds of them. That, along with the TV shows and "junior novels" making it a "little kid" thing, and the fact that they have been licensed and are in things like happy meals is an insult to the original spirit of Pokemon. Pokemon used to be fun, and the older games still are, but I think this is a tired franchise now. I still go back and play the older games (hurrah for gbc4nspire and visual boy advance!), but apart from playing Pearl, or Platinum, (I don't remember which), for a little bit, and getting bored, I have never touched a game past the third generation. Red and Blue was an original idea that caught on, Gold, Silver, and Crystal improved on it, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald was a fresh new spin on it without the past baggage of previous regions, and Fire Red and Leaf Green paid respect to what started it all, but after that, it only goes downhill. :(

That's because Pokemon's target audience is children, and you simply like the older games because of nostalgia. I feel the same way, but Pokemon will never be marketed to us again, ever. :(
Yeah, it's become too much of a little kid thing now.


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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2011, 09:27:34 pm »
I'm a poke hacker :P.  'M, .45, pkmnF2/?, you name it I have >60 glitch pokemon in Blue version.  Oh and a level 100 clefable that kicks ass :3.  Man, they are just data chunks, but they're fun data chunks, especially when you expose them to the radiation of the Gamboyz80's radiation and form them into mutants.  Or, just mess with the game and some horribly coded seams and unveil some glitchemon..
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 09:29:27 pm by Ashbad »

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2011, 09:32:08 pm »
Oh Missingno and the >9000ofwhateveryourseventhitemwas glitch ;D

Ahh memories :P

Apparently the number increased if you went inside the Pokemon center before viewing the item, and what do ya know, it worked. (I think, the symbol certainly was different)

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

Offline TIfanx1999

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #58 on: July 05, 2011, 10:18:33 pm »
If Pokemon are food, aet this one:

Or the Insect-Pokemons.
Or the slimy ones...  ;D

Please make a video, if you try to eat them.
I would have something to laugh, too...
 :evillaugh:  :devil:
Muk-shakes, anyone?
The newest Pokemon game I played that I actually enjoyed was Emerald, I stuck with it enough to get a full party of lvl100 Pokemon, and complete the Hoenn Pokedex. However, I think the newer games have lost the original vision of Pokemon, and now there are way too many kinds of them. That, along with the TV shows and "junior novels" making it a "little kid" thing, and the fact that they have been licensed and are in things like happy meals is an insult to the original spirit of Pokemon. Pokemon used to be fun, and the older games still are, but I think this is a tired franchise now. I still go back and play the older games (hurrah for gbc4nspire and visual boy advance!), but apart from playing Pearl, or Platinum, (I don't remember which), for a little bit, and getting bored, I have never touched a game past the third generation. Red and Blue was an original idea that caught on, Gold, Silver, and Crystal improved on it, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald was a fresh new spin on it without the past baggage of previous regions, and Fire Red and Leaf Green paid respect to what started it all, but after that, it only goes downhill. :(

That's because Pokemon's target audience is children, and you simply like the older games because of nostalgia. I feel the same way, but Pokemon will never be marketed to us again, ever. :(
Yeah, it's become too much of a little kid thing now.
My Muk-shakes bring all the boys to the yard. :P Sorry, I had to ... ;D

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Re: What are Pokemon to you?
« Reply #59 on: July 06, 2011, 04:52:02 am »
Oh Missingno and the >9000ofwhateveryourseventhitemwas glitch ;D

Ahh memories :P

Apparently the number increased if you went inside the Pokemon center before viewing the item, and what do ya know, it worked. (I think, the symbol certainly was different)
From what I remember, you get 127 items if you encounter Missingno and 255 items if you catch it when you encounter it.