Calculator Community => TI Calculators => General Calculator Help => Topic started by: Spellshaper on October 10, 2005, 10:21:00 am
I now how to dump a 83+r0m with a serial link cable, but what about the USB silver link cable?
On every calc site you get tons of information about romdumping, but the USB silver link cable almost always seems to get left out... why is that and can anyone help me? :urecrazy:
It would be nice to test my RPG progress on the Pc instead of having to back up my calc every time I want to test something new in case anything goes wrong... <_<
I think there is a program called rom8x at that now allow to make ROms for TiLem, which emulate the TI-83+SE/84+ calc models and others
If you are using VTI, you will have to locate ROM version 1.12...
ok I
k... hmm but you should put your Firefox pic in your sig to the left or the right of your sig or resize it so signature isn t bigger than posts :-P :police:
done :D
aah better now
*argh* for a complete image with rom8x I need TiLem, which needs the GTK+ library, which needs glib-2.6, atk-1.9 and pango-1.8... and glib-2.6 needs libiconv and gettext.... *dies of internet traffic cause ISDN is so slow...*
//edit: uh and now? I got hose freaky libraries amd TiLem, but those only consist of unknown file types... mabe I
normally you need to run the .exe file which is in the .zip file of GTK libraries and follow th on screen nstructions. Same for TiLEM
no exes there... I got them from
do u know any other websites who have the GTK+ libraries? (preferably as installer) :ihatemycomp:
run gtk+-2.6.9-setup.exe
actually, look in the readme, and go to the link about glade or something like that, it will install all pacages you will need, all in one exe file
*thx* I
wOOt it works! :woot:
nice :)

now could anyone help me, i went to the website that kevin specified and installed Gtk, and i have the rom from rom8x, but when i open Tilem, all i get in a calculator image and black screen that i can't do anything about.
btw did you tried the actual rom in VTI and PindurTI? If it doesnt work here either this means the rom is borked. Sometimes this happens when you rom dump while listenign to music on your computer or do any other things that require lot of CPU usage and make rom dumping slow down
and: after romdumping with rom8x, u still need a calculator OS upgrade file... u can get it from TI, and then just drag and drop it onto the TILem-screen while it
um...yeah, i tried with PTI, but all i get is a blank screen, is the ti upgrade file an application? cause i have that
is it in 8xu format?
yeah, thx all, i finally got it to work:)