Btw, do you know if it's possible to change the garbage collect message or show none at all?
Yes and no. This is a consequence of the stuff I explained above. I'll elaborate:
When the OS wants you to do a GC, you get the message prompt, and you select yes or no. Then, the OS calls _PutS (the equivalent of BASIC Output() ), to display 'Garbage Collecting...', and subsequently calls the routine I mentioned in my previous post. So, again, I could write a prog that does this for you on OS 2.43, but it won't work on any other version.
Theoretically you could change the message using some clever flash wizardry (using the extra RAM to backup entire sectors of flash, modifying them, erasing the original, and then copying them back), but all my experiments have failed so far, mainly due to emulators not letting me see ALL physical memory at once, which isn't great for debugging... (asm 1337 and hardware gurus, please correct me if the theory is flawed)
Or, you might just be able to hook the bcall, but I doubt it. Lemme check that if I've got the time. Maybe Brandon or Ben knows.
I hope this is clear enough. Like you, I'm not an English native, so, well...