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TI-83+SE OS 1.13 and 1.14 (no clue about OS 1.15 through 1.17)Grouping archived filesTrigger: Have the archive memory be saturated, which means close to GarbageCollection time (when archiving starts taking a long while)Effect: The closer to a garbage collection you are, the more archived files will show up in the GROUP menu when selecting files to group. At first, very few files will show up, but eventually, every archived program shows up. DO NOT TRY THE FOLLOWING IF YOUR WARRANTY IS VOID. I WON'T HOLD RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES CAUSED TO YOUR CALC! THIS IS EXTREMLY DANGEROUS!!!!!!!Grouping such file causes bad effects ranging from RAM Clears to bricked calc (the first time I intentionally did this, I had to return my calc to Staples with the receipt to get a new one in exchange. The second time I accidentally selected one of these files when doing a backup of one of my game I was working on and the calc simply locked up, but it could have been worse, altough I think the calc was still under warranty at this time)Fix: Garbage Collect. If you grouped such bad files, do the battery pull trick then press ON, else, do it again while holding DEL then follow instructions on screen. Else, try reinstalling the OS. If that fails too, take your calc back to the store with your receipt.Workaround: Update to another OS.
CrashesNot fun. An unavoidable part of assembly is the crashing. Some minor glitch in the program, a logic error, whatever...the end result is the same: ka-boom!Panic Level1 Press [ON]. 2 Open the battery case, take a battery, and swivel it on the springy terminal. 3 Take out all four batteries and re-insert them. 4 Take out all four batteries and the lithium backupyou'll need a small phillips-head screwdriver (the screw is pretty dang long). 5 Take out everything and let the calculator sit on its face for a couple hours to let the power drain out. 6 Get the reciept and take the calculator back to the store. If they refuse to exchange, make the best of a bad situation and get a TI-86 or 89 this time. Oh, and instead of just throwing the thing away, position it on the sidewalk, and have it and a baseball bat repeatedly attempt to occupy the same co-ordinates in space-time. The spritzing LCD oil does wonders for that ancient bloodlust. This is part of Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 DaysCopyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Sean McLaughlin
Won't pulling that clear all memory?
No. 6 sounds satisfying...Anyways, I managed to get the battery pull + DEL trick to work. I'm still not sure if I'll keep my archive/group, but that's all that matters right now.Thanks so much - will let you know how it goes! (My parents were no help at all - they thought I dropped it. -_-)