Hello All!!
A couple of months ago I tried to "convert" my basic Nspire into CAS, but because I was (and still am a bit

) a NOOB, the first thing I did when I got my calc was to update the OS to the infamous 3.1.0392...

Only after a
"long conversation" with Lionel, who was very patient with me (

), I understood I couldn't have the CAS function anymore...
But since now we have the wonderfull news about Ndless 3.1 release (YAY!!), I tried to do it again following these
instructions, using the OS 3.1.0392 basic and CAS, but I still can't seem to make it work... I can go through every step, except I'm having troubles in sending the ndless_installer-3.1.0.tno file to the folder ndless in the calc... Everytime I try to do it, the calc reboots and the file isn't there and I can't do any "CAS" operations in the calc...
Am I doing something wrong or is it still not possible to do the "conversion"?...

Any ideas?... Lionel?...