Author Topic: How to obtain TI-81 rom?  (Read 23748 times)

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Re: How to obtain TI-81 rom?
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2010, 04:41:21 pm »
shhh, dont ruin the moment ;P some teachers might not know especially because we get french teacher proctors

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Re: How to obtain TI-81 rom?
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2010, 05:30:54 pm »
The TI-81 roms were dumped by one (or group) of this fellows: Randy Compton, critor (I think he collects TI roms), Brandon Wilson or Benjamin Moody.

You're right.

The TI-81 ROM versions which have been dumped are 1.1K, 1.6V, 1.8V, and V2.0V.

Does anyone here still have a TI-81 with one of the unsupported ROM versions?

Missing ROM versions are to my knowledge:
* 1.0 (2 records: 04/1990 - 10/1990)
* 1.1 (1 record: 01/1991)
* 1.5K (1 record: 03/1991)
* 1.6V (1 record: 05/1991)
They are very rare, as they were only available for a few months, and only on the 1st TI-81 hardware (11 records: 04/1990 - 09/1991)
If you still have a TI-81 with one of those ROMs, it is very important to dump the ROM (as it may be the last one in the world), or to contact someone who can dump the ROM.
Else, those systems will be lost forever...
Thank you for helping us.

Now, about emulating the TI-81:
* The next release of TilEm should include a TI-81 emulator.
* TI-81 1.X ROMs can be patched to be runnable on a TI-85 or TI-86 emulator. Thoses patches are only available for ROMs 1.6K and 1.8K to my knowledge. On most emulators, you will need to contatenated the patched file severall times with itself, in order to get the right ROM size: 128Kb for a TI-85 ROM, 256Kb for a TI-86 ROM (else, the emulator won't accept it).
* TI-81 V2.0V ROM is special, because it comes with a TI-82 motherboard. So it will be runnable on a TI-82 emulator. On most emulators, you're going to need the previous concatenating-trick too (128Kb for a TI-82  ROM).

Have fun!
TI-Planet co-admin.

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Re: How to obtain TI-81 rom?
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2010, 05:41:29 pm »
IIRC the 8KB of RAM the TI-81 has is mirrored a total of four times across $8000-$FFFF.
I think Unity takes advantage of this, which means those patches are worthless for that. (But if you like math, then fine :P)
I have no TI-81's, so no helping there, sorry.
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